London's First Nitrogen Ice Cream Parlour / “液氮“冰淇淋店

in #food8 years ago

If eating great tasting deserts with a unique twist sounds like a great experience to you then I may have found the perfect place for you. A hidden gem If ever there was one, Chin Chin Labs ice cream factory is located in Camden Lock near to the entrance of the actual market itself and features liquid nitrogen ice cream.

I had the pleasure of visiting there a few days ago and it turned out to be very interesting indeed. They are open every day from the hours of twelve in the afternoon to seven in the evening. The equipment needed to create the delicious ice cream behind the counter looked more like a chemistry lab outfit than an ice cream parlour. The great thing is you can see the process they go through in making your dessert while you wait.

The shop is quite small consisting of three medium-sized round tables where a few people can sit. White vapours literally pour out of the machine when the ice cream is being created as the temperature when the nitrogen boils will get down to as low as -195 Celsius. It reminds me of something out of a horror movie or better still, the Michael Jackson Thriller video! I asked one of the staff working there and she told me they spend more time maintaining and cleaning the various complicated equipment than actually producing the delicious dessert!

The apparatus in the shop requires a special license as well as the employees needing to be trained in order to handle such equipment as liquid nitrogen can be very harmful if not used with care. Any extended contact made with human skin can cause permanent damage because of those ridiculously low temperatures of the nitrogen, such as “cold burns”. Gloves and safety glasses need to be worn at all times to prevent any accidents from happening. The icy temperatures, however, are the secret that makes the ice cream taste so great. How it works is that it rapidly freezes the mixture on contact preventing fat and water particles from expanding and thus maintaining its thick, creamy texture.

They have a selection of three classic flavours to choose from which are: Vanilla Pod,Valrhona Chocolate and Burnt Butter Caramel. There are also two special ice cream flavours: Blackcurrant & coconut foam and earl grey tea & marmite toast.

We chose the Vanilla Pod, Brown-wich, Cookie-wich and hot chocolate!! You’re probably wondering how two people can consume so much dessert just after dinner, but believe me, it was that good!! The ice cream did not disappoint, it tastes unlike anything I’ve ever tried before in that it was very rich, creamy and smooth!

Vanilla Pod

The Brown-wich

The Cookie-wich

Hot Chocolate

Liquid nitrogen ice cream (known more commonly as “Nitro”) is a relatively new concept in terms of being sold in retail outlets. Therefore there are not many around for now. But I’m sure as time goes on, more and more people will be drawn into the delights of enjoying these yummy, creamy frozen treats and eventually become more mainstream.

I’m sure “Nitro” is not limited to just the UK so look out for other shops in your local area and enjoy what could possibly be the best tasting ice cream you’ve ever had!

如果你喜欢品尝新品种甜点,那伦敦有一个好去处你一定会喜欢。位于Camden Lock市场入口处的“Chin Chin” 化学实验室/雪糕工厂的一大招牌就是“液氮“冰淇淋,因为这里的冰激凌都是用液氮冷却制成的。


店面其实不大,有三个中等大小的圆桌,只有不到10个人的座位。在冰激凌的制作过程中,白色蒸汽逐渐从机器中倒出,当氮气沸腾时,温度骤降至-195摄氏度。这让我想起了一部恐怖片“Michael Jackson Thriller video”。和那里的一个工作人员聊天,她告诉我,其实他们花比制作冰激凌更多的时间来维护和清洁各种复杂的设备!


冰激凌有五种经典口味供选择:香草味, 巧克力和焦糖奶油味。另外还提供两种特殊口味,包括黑加仑加椰子和茶叶加吐司味,够特别吧,呵呵!

我们选了香草口味雪糕,布朗尼“三文治”,曲奇“三文治”和热巧克力!你可能会问,两个人能吃这么多甜点吗? 确实是这么好吃,呵呵。冰激凌并没有让人失望,和我以前吃过的的确不同, 它口感非常滑顺浓郁,奶油味十足!

液氮冰淇淋是在零售店销售里 是一个相对新的概念,所以并没有太多这样的店。 但我相信越来越多的人会被被这超级美味的“液氮“冰淇淋吸引,并最终成为主流。



Never seen the concept in my town but I supposed it will be extra frozen with liquid N2. Then the ice cream takes a longer time to enjoy.

It's extra rich and creamy. Literally bursting with flavour and really enjoyable. If it's becomes a trend, I'm sure it will catch on fast.


谢谢! 下次来伦敦尝尝,呵呵。

文章介绍写得不错,第一次听说这种类型的冰淇淋, 赞

谢谢。我们平时吃的雪糕的制作过程是慢慢凝固,但使用沸点低的氮气后,可大大缩短雪糕凝固的时间,不仅可以减少奶油的使用量,还能使口感更加滑顺浓郁,因此深受大家喜爱。有机会试试吧, 呵呵。

It looks amazing and incredibly delicious!

Thank you very much, @anca3drandom. Hopefully you can come to the London and try some here too. :)

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Good photos!

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