Five Guys : Boca Raton

in #food8 years ago (edited)

First of all, noblesse obliges ... This post, is dedicated to Sir Chandler since not only responds every time I contact him by Twitter, but also allowed me to see in the cinema one of the best films of all time and inspired me To have my own blog. Also remember before I travel to California in 2014 he shared a list with the best and worst hamburgers in the USA and among the top five were Guys, which he especially recommended. I of course wrote down the data and after a while I was able to try them out in San Diego.

So this experience I'm going to review was my second time in Boca Raton even though I was staying at Deerfield Beach and on the last day of the trip I discovered I had another Five Guys a few blocks from the hotel, much closer.

I do not know if I mentioned it on time or already or someone tied up and realized but this was already the fourth day of my trip and I (who I sacrifice for the Blog) came eating hamburgers every lunch and dinner without exception, and yet When I waited for the food after ordering I felt the adrenaline in the body (a smart way not to say that my mouth was full of saliva, which is half ugly perhaps).

Well, it was noon then? Of course, I ordered the hamburger with no potatoes but I remember from San Diego that the portion was huge and as that time with my old one we had ordered some potatoes each we ended up leaving a lot of fries without eating. This time I ordered a "Bacon Cheeseburger" and as you will see in the pictures on the menu, it is like there is not much to choose from. The place for me is basic in every way, not just the menu but it is as by the way and they also obviously make all the burgers double because mine came double without asking and at the next table I could see that they were also double the ones that were eating. They also have lots of toppings to add and they are all free, I just put pickles on it.

The sandwich is very large and I think it is a conceptual theme, everything in this franchise revolves around the hamburger, it has a very intense flavor to meat, cheese and bacon, you will feel each of these three things that form the trident and Perfect nucleus of any hamburger, but especially the grilled meat. It's that ... it's simple, but almost unbeatable. They have to try them and see if they feel this same thing as I ... The unbeatable simplicity.

It is cheap, because with 10 dollars I was super satisfied. I did not remember quite well as it had been in San Diego because I have to admit that it was a long trip and many hamburgers too haha ... but I remembered that I had loved what I had eaten and also that I had been a little surprised Primitive of the place, clearly without the recommendation of Chandler I would not have entered but now we go to that subject.

The local (both this and the one I went to in San Diego, which was identical) is like old, almost ugly, with too many posters in which they boast of awards and articles from newspapers and magazines where they put them as the best hamburgers in the city , Country, etc. But they are posters with medium raw typographies, without looking at the design, all repetitively in red and white. The setting does not taste good, but do not let yourself be guided by this prejudice, because what matters is the HAMBURGER! 😀 (sorry Schneider, you guys are wrong). I have no doubt that this ugly look is on purpose, perhaps respecting some tradition of the beginning of the chain, I do not know. To top it all the floor of the premises always has remains of peanut shells because customers are offered free and unpeeled peanuts. Also notice that sweep constantly, the kitchen is in sight and is clean. This place at least did not have WiFi. I looked at wikipedia the reason why they give you peanuts but I could not find it. What it does say is that they were the fastest growing food chain in 2012 the whole country, which was founded by a father and his four children in 1986 and that there are more than 1,000 places in the USA, is a great franchise.

I highly recommend them, they are in my Top Five Staff and I am already waiting for the time to go again (very soon! Luckily I have a trip nearby, but that I leave for another post), definitely one of the best burgers I have ever eaten .

Points: 4 - Excellent -

My Last Post:


Five Guys IMO make the best fast food hamburger.

Thanks for read. I need say Yes. Excellent burger. Cheers

Followed you, I like the restaurant review blog idea. Interested in where you go and what you try next.

Tthanks, I have a blog. And i love the idea of comunitty steemit. I have a lot of reviews. You can enjoy and comment when you want. Cheers

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