
I eat from my yard most of the time. When I travel for work, I eat at restaurants, or I can forage from the back of the hotel, like this Free Hotel Salad - Wild Style or Another Free Wild Hotel Salad. But I like my food better than most any restaurant food! Fresh is best, as you well know! :D

OMG that was the kind of answer I was hoping to get! I SUPER love the free hotel salad, one of my favorite posts I have ever seen.
With that being said I do have some criticism. u should totally be traveling with REUSABLE plates, bowls, cups, silverware, napkins etc. Its just so not cool to use disposables. Or u can harvest from the trash all that stuff that people throw away and then just re use it.
Also even stuff by roadways is going to have less chemicals than anything bought at a store or from a catered meal at work. Plus its WAY more sustainable.
I also have another question if u don't mind. What is your "Job"
Awesome post man, I like u more every day!

Point well taken. Some times I do better than others, including rooting around in the trashcans and along the roadways. There's no shortage of good stuff there, that's for sure. But at least I'm clear about being 'haphazard' homestead and not the 'I have got it all together, all the time' homestead, lol!

My work is science and math stuff related to weather and water. It's not interesting to most folks, but it's sure interesting to me. My work is where I get to connect with people about that stuff, in depth. And it ultimately has a good impact on folks, at scale, even though they don't know about it.

Great reply on the "haphazard" thing hahahahaha no hard feelings!
Yea I am a master of using trash, built an empire with it actually.

So if you got paid as much doing steemit as u did your "work" would u quit and just do steemit?

Gosh, no. I like my work. I have taken plenty of time away from it, for different periods of time. One year here, 4 years there, another year somewhere else. Now I do it part-time, on my terms, in my own office. I'll stop sooner or later, but it's a part of who I am. I need that thinking and that level of contribution.

And I like Steemit, too. I don't think it's an 'either/or' choice. I think it's 'this and that'. It makes me more complete.

Sounds Ideal. Congratulations!

I'm fortunate, that's for sure!

Thanks to your intelligent and wise decisions~*~

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