in #food6 years ago (edited)

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Happy Humpday Steemians! Today I wanted to share with you a delicious and super simple recipe I tried out last night. It hits all the right notes, sweet, sticky, spicy and so delicious!

Usually an Asian style dish like this would be served with rice, but for some reason I was in the mood for cous cous, so I made some. The combination was actually really good, with the lovely, light cous cous and the tender chicken


It was surprisingly easy, and tasted REAL good.

Here's how:


  • 4 chicken breasts, cubed
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 1 T sesame seeds
  • 1 T brown sugar
  • 2 T honey
  • 1/4 cup of soy sauce
  • 2 t grated ginger
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
  • salt and pepper


Add the sliced onion to a pan with a spoonful of butter and fry lightly til coloured. Add chicken and brown for a few minutes.

While the chicken is browning, mix the brown sugar, honey, soy sauce, ginger and garlic in a small bowl. Once mixed properly, pour into pan and cook the chicken a further ten mniutes

In a separate small pan, bring some water to the boil. Once boiling, add the beans and turn off the heat. Cook for two minutes, until crunchy and tender.

Add the beans to the chicken dish and once cooked, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve.

Super easy!




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Wow it looks deliciously delicious and very easy for the chicken lovers, they should try to check it out and enjoy the aromatic fragrance of taste, although I am a vegan but this dish looks yummy.

You're VEGAN? I did not know! Wow! Is this for religious reasons, or? Why do you choose to be vegan? You should do some vegan food posts!! 🌸

Hi dear Mam I am vegan by choice and I think some reason is our religion. I will try to share some veg recipes in near future but not so much sure as I am not so keen on food making.
Thank you Princess.

Yummy!! This looks really good. :) Great post! : ) I love almost any chicken and rice dishes! haha

me too! I am a total Asian food nut!

Awesome!! mmmm Asian food....mmm haha I don't even mind this fast food Chinese food place here called Panda Express...lol

That looks just stunning. And easy. I can do that!

I'm thinking maybe asparagus with the beans or in place of....

Visually beautiful and really simple. What a nice combination.

thanks Big Tom! 😍I felt like beans were the correct texture as the the cous cous and chicken were both very soft, and the beans were a lovely crunchy contrast.

You wouldn't believe how expensive asparagus is here!

Hi dear @princessmewmew! how delicious! that looks I'm anxious to eat it, I'll go to buy ingredients and share a photo. It looks delicious. Your family must be very happy with an international cook. As our friend @morkrock says "For the best posts on food and all things beautiful follow my @princessmewmew

Oh, please do! Let me know if you make it.

Where are you from Sara?

haha, @morkrock is my husband 🤓

From Venezuela dear @princessmewmew. Do you know where it is? What a good friend, it is good to meet other people and families in this community. Greetings to your family, and do not have children? I have a 3 month old baby.

mmmm, I love anything with sesame seeds! They are so good and just add that crunch and warm flavour.

Oh, me too! Luckily my husband likes them too, cuz there are some things I love a lot, and he does not! like coriander, I put it everywhere and he half dies!

I love the look and sound of this, my Wife couldnt eat it these days and she is very limited what spices she can have but when the family visits Ina couple of weeks i think I am going to try this for us :)

oh wow! you must, i would love that! It really is super simple x

Oh wow! you must, i
Would love that! It really is
Super simple x

                 - princessmewmew

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

This looks so yummy!!!! I made something kinda similar the other night. It was a teriyaki beef stir-fry with veggies out of our garden. Sooooo good. I love the sesame seeds on the top. Gives a great presentation and they are tasty. Do you ever use sesame oil? It is so good to cook with. I will even cook spinach in it with mushrooms and have it as a side dish.

@PRINCESSMEWMEW love asian food, you always bring easy recipes that we can copy

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