TASTY TREAT TUESDAY #16 - 🎂Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake🥜

in #food6 years ago


Oh yes, we will get to this beauty in a moment, but first...

How was everyone's summer?!

I can't believe how quickly it went by. We spent basically all of August doing a big road trip, visiting with all our family and a few close friends, similar to the trip we did last summer. (Which I still haven't finished sharing with you guys! 🙈) We arrived home at the very end of the month, and basically had the long weekend to get ourselves organized: unpack, organize, shop for school supplies, get ready for wee man's birthday, and plan his bday party! It's been a little nutty, to say the least.

Now that we are back, and getting into a bit of a routine, I've got loads of things I want to share with you guys! In the next little while I'm hoping to not only finish sharing the trip from last year, but also share some of the things from our trip this year. Plus the little dude's birthday cake, and some upcoming shenanigans (including my own birthday) that I want to share with you all as well!

But first, it's Tuesday, so let's get back into the swing of things, and get your mouths watering, as I show you how to make this Tasty Treat!

For anyone who doesn't remember, my food blog posts are image heavy!

Pls be patient and let the images and gifs load. 😘

As with any cheesecake, the first thing you're going to need to do is prepare the pan. You can see how I do that back in the last TTT post. Once your pan is prepped, it's time to get the crust in there. This time I went with a simple Oreo crumb crust. I even bought the box of crumbs, so just mix it with some butter, and press it into the pan - no food processor required! (Sometimes it's just worth taking the easy way out.) I neglected to bake the crust, but I wish I had, and suggest you do, to get a little extra crunch factor. (350 F for about 8-10 min, then allow it to cool completely before filling.)


Set that in the fridge while you mix your filling. Start by beating the cream cheese and brown sugar until creamy.



Then mix in some smooth peanut butter.


Slowly drizzle in some heavy cream. I know it may be tempting, since it's whipping cream, to whip it and make it all fluffy, but when it comes to cheesecake, extra air is actually not your friend. So take your time!


And then, very gently stir in the eggs. Again, we don't want any extra air incorporated, so do not beat them! The batter may look a bit separated at first, but just keep mixing gently, until it comes back together.

See how beautifully creamy it looks? No air bubbles to make any crazy cracks in the finished cake.


Now, put half of that batter into a separate bowl, and stir in some cooled melted chocolate. I used milk chocolate, because I wanted the peanut butter to sing through, but you could use whatever chocolate sounds good to you!


Next, I chopped a bunch of mini pb cups in half, and folded those into the peanut butter batter, for a little surprise .


And then the fun part - I used a scoop to pour alternating globs of batter into the crust.


I used 2 scoopfuls of pb, then 2 scoopfuls of chocolate, then pb, and so on, piling them on top of one another and letting them spread on their own.



Once you've used up all of the batter, smooth out the top as best you can, without smearing the colors together too much.


Set the cake onto a pan and pour boiling water around it, to form a "bain-marie" or water bath, to allow the cheesecake to cook gently. (Ideally the water should come about halfway up the sides of the pan, but I don't have a roaster that will fit a 9" pan, so I use a sheet pan.)


Bake it in a 325 F oven, for about 90 min. If it starts getting too much color, you can loosely cover the top with some tin foil. You'll know it's done when the edges are set, and the center has a slight "jiggle" to it.


The trick now is to be patient. Turn off the oven, and leave it open a crack (I use the handle of a wooden spoon, or a silicone oven mitt to prop it open), and allow the cheesecake to cool in there for an hour. After the hour, pull it out of the water bath and set it in the fridge, for a minimum of 4 hours, or preferably overnight.


Now we get to have some fun and be creative! I love a bit of whipped cream with my cheesecake, so I whipped some up, and piped it on in little rosettes, plus a pile in the center, to give the candies something to stick to... it makes for great glue! 😉I placed a half of a mini peanut butter cup on each rosette, and piled on a bunch more mini peanut butter cups as well as mini Reese's pieces in the center, to make the whole thing extra tempting and indulgent. (And because I have a Reese's addiciton. lol)


And when you slice into it, you get to see what all that scooping was about...



Of course, you could save yourself the time of scooping, and go for a regular marble effect, but I think the stripes are so much more fun. Plus, it ensures an even amount of both flavors in every piece.


It's creamy, rich, tangy, sweet, peanut-buttery, and very decadent. If you're going to bake one, make sure you're having company, because a small slice will satisfy all your cravings, but it may take more than a small amount of will power to resist having more. 😅

Are you a cheesecake fan? Are you a chocolate & peanut butter fan? If so, this is sure to tick all the boxes.

What's your favorite flavor combination?

I love cheesecakes @offbeatbroad! And I love peanut butter! Your recipe looks very do-able! Oh gosh, the photos look so delish! What is the reason that you wrap the baking pan with the kitchen foil? And which cream cheese do you use?

Hi @marblely! Sorry for the delay in responding to your questions! I wrap the pan with foil to make sure that it is water-tight. Using a spring-form pan, the edges around the bottom are not sealed, and when you place it into a water bath, you run the risk of some of the water leaching into the pan, and making a soggy crust. Yuck!
Oh, and I always use Philadelphia cream cheese. 😊

Hi @offbeatbroad! No problem. Thank you for taking the time to explain. You are right, I did that once and all came oozing out into the water bath. Eewww. Nice tip :) Aaahh.. Philadelphia cream cheese is da best! Am going to try! :) A happy week to you!

I love cheesecakes, I love chocolates and peanut butter (I mean, who doesn't? well, maybe some) but I have never tried a peanut butter cheesecake but it definitely looks delicious. Now, I am not sure a small slice is gonna satisfy my cravings, it will only make me crave for more because with such deliciousness, I would love to keep going back for more (and pay back with some exercise later. lol). I think the oreos crust took it up a notch even though it looks all simple (I am a huge oreos fan).

I love how you decorated it with mini peanut butter cups, it didn't only make it look good but added to it decadence. The strips looks really good, I think I will prefer that to the marble effect.

The recipe is easy and less complicated, something almost everyone can give a try. Well, those long hour of waiting is something I am not sure I will be able to do.... Lol

Maybe I will make it at night when I am feeling a bit sleepy? Hell no, That aroma is gonna wake me up, no doubt. Hahahaha!

Hahaha Yes, I am a huge fan of chocolate/peanut butter. It was definitely not easy to control myself, but fortunately I made this because we had company coming for dinner, and we had help eating it. lol

I suggest making it after you've eaten a good dinner, then you will be too full to want to eat it, and then it will be ready and waiting for you the next day, when you have room! 😉

Definitely, it wouldn't be easy to resist. Thankfully, you had guests to help out...

Making it after dinner is definitely a great idea, if not, it will end up being eaten as a "larva cake" sort of thing (a not so well made one. lol), instead of a cheese cake.

Your photos are indeed heavy! It took a while for a few to show up. Majority are still loading while I am typing this. Maybe you want to compress your photos next time before uploading. 😊

Anyway, back to your cake... the first last photo makes me drool. It looks so yummy but the presentation is very good that as if I would not want it touched. 😃 Some day, one day, I will push myself to learn to cook and bake like this. 😂

Is this gonna be your little dude's birthday cake? How about yours? Advance happy birthday, by the way, whenever that is. 💐

Hmm, thank you for the feedback, I will definitely look into it.

lol I love to make pretty food, but there's nearly always that moment when you sort of brace yourself, when you're about to dig into it. So worth it though. 😉

This was made as a dessert when we had some company over for dinner. My little guy had a red velvet cake for his birthday this year, which I'll share soon. My birthday is next week, (thank you!) and I'm still deciding whether to make myself a cake or not. 😂

Oh wow! Your company must be special to be prepared with a cake like that. And red velvet cake for a boy. I wonder how he took it. 😊

I see two options for your birthday. One, you make one for yourself and take pride in it. Two, acquire the cake somewhere else or have someone make it and pamper yourself without the hassle of all the preparations. 😊

I am definitely a cheesecake fan. And looking at your divine animation and pictures make me feel that I should go out and buy some for myself :D~~~~.  
Very nice writing about your lovely cake, and congratulations for your curie vote :D.        

hahaha You could try making it, but it would take a while... so maybe a trip to the store is a good plan. I know when I get a craving for something, I want it NOW! haha

Thanks for your support! 😊

I LOVE cheesecake.........mmmmm..........cheesecake.

I've never seen one like this before though. My sister makes a baileys chocolate cheesecake as a specialty. She always makes one for xmas and it's the nicest thing ever. I can just eat the full thing myself if i'm let.

With that said I wouldn't mind trying our yours either. It has such a strange mix of ingredients . So many sweets and peanut butter as well it has to taste sweet and delicious.

Baileys chocolate cheesecake sounds delightful! I've made my husband a Kahlua mocha cheesecake for his birthday a few times, and it definitely disappeared pretty quick. lol

All cheesecakes are delicious but mix in alcohol and chocolate and i'm sold. I've drank kahlua and think it could be a nice one. Might be the next post.

OMG el chesscake pecfecto !!! Me encanta la mantequilla de mani con chocolate es la combinacion pecfecta como el snikers <3. Excelente receta

The look says it all! I am not a big cake lover but soon the image open up ...wowoww 👀 is that cake ??
Then as you predicted i need to hold on for a minute till each page of your recepie book started unwinding 👌 step by step, smooth as smoothy, whip as whipping...it keep on to make a great mix. Like the zebra layer due to the two different layer due to two different mix pouring ond over the another. 👍 perfect combination, perfect cake ....thanks for sharing ....loved it !

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, I'm glad it caught your attention. haha Thanks very much for the kind words!

It did 👌..if it could be real i may have the zebra bite...

Posted using Partiko Android

It looks so delicious! Just with the first image and say that I love chocolate, well. As I always say, the look in the kitchen is great, it's important, the taste too, but the look is what you get the attention with, and looking pretty is also hard work, this one does it.

Thanxx u for sharing this kind of content! Greetings.

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for checking it out! 😊

Are you a cheesecake fan? Are you a chocolate & peanut butter fan? If so, this is sure to tick all the boxes.
What's your favorite flavor combination?

Yes, I'm a cheesecake fan.
Yes, I'm a chocolate & peanut butter fan.
My favorite flavor combination is cheese, chocolate & peanut flavor.

Now, I'm starving Megan!

I'm sorry, and you're welcome, at the same time!

You can't give it to me???

Hi offbeatbroad,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you so much! 😘

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