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RE: Homemade Sea Bug Shabu Shabu with Greens from My Garden

in #food7 years ago

Shabba! I mean Shabu! I aint ever heard of it. I do love a hot and spicy soup with thinly sliced beef though so I bet I would love it. Hehe, I can practically smell it from here so I might come back to this post on a rainy day! :O)


It's not common here but shabu is hahaha
It's also called syabu syabu
it's not the same Chico the original shabu shabu with pork beef is eaten this way - they slice the meat super duper thin and then dip them in the soup - to cook but then the vegies first cause the veggies give the soup the taste which is absorbed by the meat since its thinly slice
It's actually addictive that they offer a shabu shabu all you can in Asia but these days you only are allowed to do for 3 hours max I think not sure cause it differs everywhere.
Then, after cooking the meat they dip it on a certain sauce - pretty complicated hahaha
plus the better if you have a portable stove for shabu shabu
its hard to take videos I tried but my phone's cam keep getting the damp from the soup
something like this


it got its name from the sound the soup makes according to a Japanese friend of mine
you may also use thinly sliced chicken
when we get rich let's travel to Japan and experience a traditional one

edit damn pic didn't load

Aw man can you imagine. Yeah, when we get rich we will do exactly that. I shall go to sleep with that at the front of my mind!! Japan!!!

hahahah sweet dreams then
yes Japan!
the next BTC capital of the world
damn ! btc paradise
July come fast!

Sweet dreams of mega millions to you too!

I shall receive! Pronoia! hahaha
i took a nap so am staying abit

I hope you had fun! LAst night was my early night night and I still stayed up quite late! Ridiculous. Its like I am a teenager again!

The pic loaded now! It looks simply stunning. Its exactly like the kind of food I know I would love! Sirry for the late reply. Had to trot off to bed as I have been burning the candle at bothe ends a bit!

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