😋 Family day,uncle Chan's private kitchens ! | 家庭聚餐日,陳叔叔的主廚私房菜!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Last night is my boyfriend's family dinner night, my boyfriend's uncle was a chef in a Chinese restaurant, and he cook his own private kitchens! Let's see what are we have last night!
(昨天是男友的家庭聚餐日,男友的叔叔是已經退休的昔日中國餐館的主廚,煮了一手好菜,讓我來和你們介紹介紹吧! )



Vietnam Papaya Salad | 越南青木瓜絲沙拉 :

Hard and crispy papaya shreds with hot and sour sauce , basil and peanuts, made it to be salad, very refreshing!


Stew beef | 嫩煎牛肉 :

Add some spices to fry, taste very soft and delicious ~ no blood smells and very juice! eat with basil. Chinese flavor.


Tomato egg stew tofu | 番茄蛋燉豆腐 :

Stew with toast tofu, tomatoes and eggs , pouring together on the rice , make the rice more flavor!😋
(用炸板豆腐及番茄、蛋一起燉的料理,淋在白飯上一起吃,更下飯啦! 😋)


Fried Longevity Noodles with Scallops | 干貝炒意麵 :

This is the most amazing dish for me! It looks so clean and white, not attracted at all , but after i ate it, i'm so surprise! This became my favorite needles now haha!
Fried noodles with spices , then add the scallops which is bigger than coins , full of sea food flavor and very fresh and sweet !😋
(這道是讓我覺得最驚訝的一道了!! 看起來白白素素的炒麵,一點都不吸引人阿! 但是吃了之後驚為天人阿哈哈,變成我心中第一名的麵了。使用炸意麵下去調味,再加入比硬幣大的干貝炒,濃濃鮮味非常香甜呀~😋)



Whitefish Tempura | 白魚天婦羅 :

White fish wrapped flour then let them fried, so crispy and soft ,delicious mmh~ Uncle Chen also teaches us a little secret point to make it .Wrap the fish flour then wrap it with eggs, and the end wrap it with tempura powder, so the fish and flour skin will not separate when you are fried them!


And i've never seen these fruits before, so i have no idea what is their name haha, is there anyone knows it?
this one down here taste a little like plum , but more softer.


I thought this is sea urchin at the first time haha! Put it apart from middle, taste a little like lychee and longan, not sour and not too sweet , but i like lychee more ...
Thanks @ace108 ! It's name is RAMBUTAN ! I love this one of can from Thailand,but ive never known the original one looks like this! Very interesting!
感謝 @ace108 !原來是紅毛丹呀!我之前在泰國時非常愛吃他們的罐頭紅毛丹,但罐頭都是處理好的,第一次看到原樣呀!太有趣了!哈哈



Do you like these dishes? :) (不知道你們是否喜歡這些私房菜呢?)

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FOLLOW ME @ihatebanana




喜歡!!! 這些都是我愛的菜色!! 都要流口水了!!! XD

Those fruits in the last picture is called rambutan.



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