🍔Sunny Wednesday in New Jersey , Let's Have Some Famous America Burgers - Five Guys! | 終於出太陽啦,來吃吃有名的漢堡慶祝啦!

in #food7 years ago

HI! We just moving to a new apartment yesterday, and we had a bad luck because it rained all day , we carry all the stuffs ,and we had to wrap all the stuffs because of the rain. Busy all day , feeling my bones is broken !
And today the weather finally be sunny! So we went to a fast food chain but famous American burger restaurant(fast food)-




FIVE GUYS is like McDonald's in Taiwan. You can see their own style when you just get in the store , all white and red, very easy to recognize.


FIVE GUYS's point is fresh and make by day, the oil they use is plant oil, and all the food they make day by day.The kitchen is open type, so you can see how the employees making your food.


And you will not feel bored when you are waiting for your order, you can go take some peanuts yourself in the store, isn't it so sweet?!


After ordering your burgers, you can choose the stuffs or sauce in it yourself.

Our order today is Bacon Cheese BurgerCheese Veggie BurgerCajun french fried


French fries is made of fresh potatoes every day. Even though it's very dirty when i open the paper bag (because the fries touch the outside of the cup), i feel so happy when i saw the there are so many fries in the paper bag(not in clouding the fries in the cup lol )!:P
The french fries is so good, crispy , a little bite hot and smells so good, i must have more next time!haha


👆Bacon Cheese Burger

Bacon Cheese Burger
Flavor is okay, there are a lot of stuffs in it ,and the size is big. But i'm not sure is that my problem to order, i think the flavor is a little for me.


Cheese Veggie Burger
My boyfriend choose a veggie burger, with some lettuce , onion , tomatoes , mushrooms, 1 to 10 he gave it 7. lol

👆Cheese Veggie Burger


You can buy cup then choose the drink you want.
If you come to America , you can come to try the local fast food burger- FIVE GUYS!

HI! 昨天搬到新的公寓,運氣很差的遇到下了一整天的雨,搬了大大小小的所有東西,也因為下雨所以還要特別包塑膠袋在所有家具上。忙了一整天到半夜,搬好東西後還要再拆箱整理,今天起床骨頭都要散啦!
趁著今天出了太陽,我們來到了在美國很普遍也很有名的漢堡速食店 -


FIVE GUYS 在美國的地位有點像麥當勞在台灣的感覺一樣。一走進去的裝潢風格紅白相間,非常簡單也非常他們的特色配色。

FIVE GUYS 講求新鮮現做,不僅油都是植物油,材料也是每天製作的,廚房採開放式,你可以清楚看見員工製作餐點的過程。


今天的餐點是Bacon Cheese BurgerCheese Veggie BurgerCajun french fries

薯條都是新鮮馬鈴薯切的,當天現炸,雖然一打開袋子的時候裡面非常髒哈哈(因為杯子全部都沾滿到薯條了),但是一看見滿杯子的薯條跟紙袋裡還以一堆薯條心情就好好呀 :P

Bacon Cheese Burger

Cheese Veggie Burger

有來美國玩的朋友,不妨來試試看當地的漢堡店FIVE GUYS 吧!

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Looks so yummy!! We don't have five guys in Korea :(

we don't have it in Taiwan ,either.:(
But maybe you can try SHAKE SHACK , i heard they have a store on Korea already!
But the price is so expensive...haha
i still love the SHAKE SHACK most. I recommend it from my heart! haha :P

Oh wow really? :) I've never tried Shake Shake either! I'm excited to try it! Thank you! :)

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