The Diet Advice That Will Change Your Life

in #food7 years ago

imageDo u want to lose weight fast, sleep better, live longer, look better and be more attractive to the opposite sex? Well Who Doesn’t?
Well, I’m about to tell you about an amazing diet breakthrough that will transform your life, that’s if you are willing to make the commitment and ready to change. Are you ready?

Use your head, and stop eating crap!

There you go. Have this two tips to the back of your mind and thank me later. They are the 1st two fundamental steps in loosing weight. I might hear you saying, “That’s dumb and too simple, give me something tangible I can use”, ...... to which imma reply, “Oh really a••hole and then I will then apologize for calling u an a••hole, i didn’t mean it at all. But seriously you will be shocked how guilty you are of the things I will be listing below, which you’d probably avoid once u used common sense:

  • When you order some fast food, placing it on a napkin, and then you can see through the napkin bcos of the grease, it’s probably bad for you.
  • If you cannot pronounce about 95% of the ingredients from which it’s made, it’s probably bad for you.
  • If it seems bad for you, it’s probably bad for you.
  • If it was deeply fried, having some special sauce covering it, and served with other things deeply fried, it’s probably bad for you.
  • If it has plenty of sugar and gas in it, it’s probably bad for you.
  • If you ordered it at a fast food joint, it’s probably bad for you.
  • If you’re eating it at 2AM, it’s probably bad for you.

How many times in a week do you eat an expensive meal from a fast food joint, filled with fries and a large Coke?
How many times a day to go to the lady selling puff puff and meat-pies?
Do you skip breakfast?

These are all simple changes you can make in your life if you’re actually dedicated.

“Oh, I do not want to give up coke, I need the caffeine,” or “I don’t have time to prepare a real meal, which is the reason I eat fast food.”
All I hear is just excuses from people with weak minds who don’t want to change. You don’t fill your gas tank with sawdust because it will jack your car insides. Don’t fuel your body with crap either!!! If u are determined to get in shape, these are few changes that will make or break you.

Are you strong mentally to give up sugary and gaseous drinks, binge eating late night and disastrous fast foods? The whole health thingy is 85% mental and 45% physical. Think hard about it.

If you aren’t sure something is good or bad for you? Trust your common sense and it’s guaranteed you made the right decision.

This is the challenge: Give up fast foods and soda for 3 weeks.

Depending on the levels of soda and fast food you consume normally, you will see a drastic and ridiculous change in your weight and health. Earlier this year, a friend of mine was drinking about 3-4 bottles of coke per day. She gave up coke, started some basic exercises and guess what happened? She lost some serious weight and looked good (That’s over a few months, not 3 weeks, but still!)

**Why 3 weeks? **

Many psychologists have said that it takes about 3 weeks of doing a daily activity for it to become a habit. Everyday in the office, instead of drinking a can of Coke, get a glass of water or a bottle ofEva water.
If you go out o go dinner, just save some bucks and get lots of water. No more late night binge eating fast foods. No more fast foods during the day either. “But it tastes so good!” Of Course it does! It was created to have a good taste and produced cheaply. Have the mind to say NO, and in a few weeks you won’t be craving it anymore and eventually you won’t be missing it at all. Bring your own personal lunch to work, bring a bunch of fruits to snack on at your desk, eg an apple,etc.
it’s okay to treat yourself to terrible foods or drinks every once in a while(I’m talking like once in 2 weeks), but once u get to a certain point, you wouldn’t even want that ‘once in two weeks,’ and you will just be wondering how you ever survived on the stuff.


This post was resteemed by @resteembot!
Good Luck!

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I don't know. Fast Food can be soooo fun;-)

But seriously, cooking you own meal once per week helps as well. You only cook what you like including lots of fat, sugar, cheese etc. doesn't matter. Important is that it is self-cooked. And when after 20times cooking the habit kicks in, the ingredients get better on their own, because the food intake becomes much more visible and conscious.

Cooking your own meal is the best, once in a while, u can have fast foods

This is not for me
I want to add weight

Nice one tho

HAHAhahahah, but do it carefully oo!!

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