Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of EdensteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

It's another wonderful day at the Garden of Eden, and it's time for another wonderful feast!

We have more than enough of practically everything we can think of to eat, and this week we're choosing to indulge in super nutritious, clean foods to support our anti-candida protocol.

The diet temporarily eliminates sugar, meat, dairy, and most carbs, while focusing on fresh, whole, raw fruits, leafy greens, root vegetables, and squash. We realized that we have been enjoying more oil than what is recommended, so today we made a super simple meal for everyone. 

We had steamed yucca, green peas, carrots, cauliflower, and a mixture of brown and black rice. 

Yucca is a starchy root vegetable that is also called cassava. It’s a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin C, and potassium. It contains compounds that boost the immune system, decrease inflammation, support skin health, regulate blood sugar, and inhibit oxidative stress. 

Carrots are high in beta carotene, the pigment that gives them their bright orange color. This too can boost the immune system as well as protect vision and eye health.

Cauliflower is rich in phytonutrients. Often, colorful natural food indicates it is a primo source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but even though cauliflower is white it is still dense in nutritious compounds!

Green peas are a very good source of vitamin  K, manganese, dietary fiber, B vitamins, copper, vitamin C, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc, protein, magnesium, iron, potassium and choline. 

White rice is simply brown rice that has been milled and polished - and stripped of important nutrients in the process. Brown rice contains B vitamins and the trace minerals manganese, selenium, phosphorous, magnesium, and copper. 

Per our high sustainable standards, we prepared everything in our outdoor kitchen. We cook over rocket stoves which we built out of dirt by hand.  We do not use gas or electricity, but instead burn fence panels donated  to us by a friend so he doesn't have to unload them at the landfill -  where he would actually have to pay to pollute the Earth. Instead of  that nonsense, we alchemize them into high vibe cuisine to feed a whole  community of people! 

Food is important and we hope to inspire people to really take  time  to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to  inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to  food. We want  to remind everyone to let food be your medicine too! 

If you would like to know more about our unique and super sustainable  connection to our food cycle, please check out our previous post here.


After getting that friggin molar pulled today all those soft colorful foods look great!

BTW, I tested positive on the candida test. No surprise there since the ultimate diet is no longer available while traveling in the manner I do.

Kudos to you guys for doing this!

Yes, read all the posts on it and consider doing it if you can. Everyone here is feeling much healthier and clean. Worth the investment.

Definitely worth the investment! We're seeing improvements physically, energetically, emotionally, and mentally.

Yes indeed!

Great post. Upvoted!
What do you think about eggs? Are they really harmful because of fat?

All things in moderation. We've had eggs once this week, but they're not the basis of our diet. The fat's not too much of a concern, but it is worth noting that while candida itself doesn't feed off eggs, there are other viruses that do that also contribute to a candida overgrowth.

Thanks for asnwer :)

It looks delicious! Eating healthy is the way to go :)

There are so many delicious ways to enjoy highly nutritious food!

always waiting for your wonderful feast! :D lol healthy food healthy steemit :) haha

Thats right!

Yes! We hope to inspire everyone to make healthy choices so their lives are better than ever!

seems you have everyday healthy nice feast:) seems you grow all by yourself, are you buying some stuff ?

We don't buy anything. In fact, some of us haven't bought anything at stores in over a decade! While we trade for some things and receive donations, we grow a football fielded sized garden, and there are a lot of wildcrafted plants on our property too.

Si, es una bendición tener el espacio para producir los alimentos. Aquí en Colombia se consume bastante la yuca.

¿Tienes una receta deliciosa para la yuca, @samic?

Justo hoy salí a comprar unas "carimañolas". la receta es típica colombiana. Se cocina la yuca en agua hasta que este blanda, se escurre y se tritura hasta formar un puré, luego se amasa hasta lograr consistencia suave, se forman bolas huecas y se rellenan con el relleno de elección. Aquí usualmente las rellenan con carne molida o queso. Luego las ponen a freír. Esta receta se puede mejorar y adaptar a sus gustos. Por ejemplo el relleno podría ser unos deliciosos vegetales que ustedes prepraran en el eden. Que serian mucho mas saludables.



@gardenofeden looks like a yum!
have you ever tried cooking the cassava in just coconut milk and a bit of salt? just slice em into small pieces then let boil but it shouldn't be soupy - just enough to cook them :)

Never tried it that way, but that sounds delicious! Thanks for the tip, @englishtchrivy!

:) yum guaranteed!
specially that I am aware that like me you also like natural food !

Wow. That's pretty impressive. Not having to buy anything in stores for over a decade. Congratulations on your success! The feasts are amazing.

Thank you, @cecicastor! It's totally possible to have an over abundance of all things without needing to shop at stores to get them! And if we're not shopping at stores, we're not supporting multi-national conglomerates, taxation, packaging/pollution, oil-dependent distribution, or the global military industrial complex. For us it's a more satisfying choice, plus it encourages a higher degree of innovation & ingenuity as well as real consideration for wants vs. needs.

Its possible to fast and enjoy at the same time!

What an awesome example!

Absolutely! It makes a big difference to focus on celebrating getting healthier & the delicious, bright, colorful, nutritious foods we can have while sticking to the anti-candida diet vs. feeling frustrated or deprived about the foods that "aren't allowed".


Perspectives of success!

Your posts are always making me hungry and inspiring me to eat real food :) I had fresh tomatoes and kale for supper. Great post!

Yummy! We're really grateful that you are inspired to have whole foods and fresh veggies; it makes a significant difference in how the body runs.

Envious of the fact that you haven't purchased anything at a store in over a decade.

We're here to inspire! Such a reality is not only totally possible, but we actually have an abundance of everything we need...and we're not supporting systems that destroy the Earth and enslave humanity in order to get it.

Wow, the food looks great, look at all of those fresh ingredients! Love the science based nutrition.

Takes some brains to know brains ;-)>

Thanks, @brains! It's great fun to use foods to supply the body with all the vitamins, minerals, and compounds it needs for thriving health.

Nice post, The food looks delicious!!

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