
We don't buy anything. In fact, some of us haven't bought anything at stores in over a decade! While we trade for some things and receive donations, we grow a football fielded sized garden, and there are a lot of wildcrafted plants on our property too.

Si, es una bendición tener el espacio para producir los alimentos. Aquí en Colombia se consume bastante la yuca.

¿Tienes una receta deliciosa para la yuca, @samic?

Justo hoy salí a comprar unas "carimañolas". la receta es típica colombiana. Se cocina la yuca en agua hasta que este blanda, se escurre y se tritura hasta formar un puré, luego se amasa hasta lograr consistencia suave, se forman bolas huecas y se rellenan con el relleno de elección. Aquí usualmente las rellenan con carne molida o queso. Luego las ponen a freír. Esta receta se puede mejorar y adaptar a sus gustos. Por ejemplo el relleno podría ser unos deliciosos vegetales que ustedes prepraran en el eden. Que serian mucho mas saludables.



@gardenofeden looks like a yum!
have you ever tried cooking the cassava in just coconut milk and a bit of salt? just slice em into small pieces then let boil but it shouldn't be soupy - just enough to cook them :)

Never tried it that way, but that sounds delicious! Thanks for the tip, @englishtchrivy!

:) yum guaranteed!
specially that I am aware that like me you also like natural food !

Wow. That's pretty impressive. Not having to buy anything in stores for over a decade. Congratulations on your success! The feasts are amazing.

Thank you, @cecicastor! It's totally possible to have an over abundance of all things without needing to shop at stores to get them! And if we're not shopping at stores, we're not supporting multi-national conglomerates, taxation, packaging/pollution, oil-dependent distribution, or the global military industrial complex. For us it's a more satisfying choice, plus it encourages a higher degree of innovation & ingenuity as well as real consideration for wants vs. needs.

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