FlaminGirl's recipes! #42 - Vegan fig breadsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food6 years ago

My dear foodies,

Hello my dear Foodies, today I bring you a very rich recipe, a very traditional dish within the Spanish cuisine, although its origin is more linked to the legacy left by the Moors during their innovation to the Iberian Peninsula, but really is not a bread as such, as this does not carry either wheat flour or any other cereal, so do not confuse with the name.

Because it has no gluten or sugar other than the same fruits, it is special for people who are gluten intolerant or who suffer from diabetes or similar diseases.
All the fruits that I have used in the recipe were stored for some time, this is a clear example that dehydrated fruits are special to store for a long time without being damaged and then we can dispose of any food we want and take as a reference this rich recipe. Now if we are going to see the ingredients and how this delicious bread is prepared.

Vegan fig bread



♡ 600 gr. of dried figs

♡ 100 gr. of raw almonds without skin

♡ 2 c.s. of agave syrup

♡ ½ c.c. of anise aroma


Preparation time: 20min
Cooking time: 20min
Total: 40min

We put water in a pot and bring it to the boil. Blanch the figs in boiling water for about 4 minutes.

Strain the figs, and when they are warm cut the tail and cut into large pieces.


Toast the almonds in the oven or in a frying pan. I have chosen to use almonds cut into sticks.

In a bowl, we mix the figs with the toasted almonds, the agave syrup, and the anise aroma.


Line a small detachable mold with paper film and fill it with the previous dough. Press well so that the bread is well compact and we do not dismantle when cutting it.

Close the top of the bread with the film paper that remains on the sides. Press well with the palm of your hand and let it rest in the fridge for a couple of hours before consuming it.


I let you try this recipe and tell me what you think! ;)

Properties of figs

Perhaps because it is such a sweet and juicy fruit, many people think it has a lot of calories. However, it's calorie intake if consumed fresh is only a little higher than that of apples.


Rich in fiber

The supply of fiber (3 g per 100 g ration) is its most outstanding nutritional characteristic, including soluble and insoluble fibers.



In addition to the main nutrients, figs contain substances that are important in small quantities and give them some of their healthy qualities.

Metabolic and digestive health

Soluble fibers help control blood cholesterol and glucose levels and help regulate intestinal transit.


Insoluble fibers also facilitate intestinal transit and have a preventive effect on diseases such as colon cancer.

Strong bones and nerves

Its minerals - especially calcium (35 mg/100 g) and magnesium (17 mg/100 g) - make them a suitable fruit for maintaining the nervous and musculoskeletal systems in good condition.


Good for the skin

A compound called psoralene is successfully used to treat skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

What do you think of this rich traditional recipe from Spain? It is common to eat it in summer and we could consider it as the energy bars of the peasants of antiquity. Nowadays, fig bread is consumed mainly during the Christmas holidays, although I also recommend it as an energy food to take before and during your pieces of training, walkers.


Thank you for reading


. Lentils and Carrots Cream

. Carrot and Zucchini Pancakes

. Vegan Nutella

. Almond & Coconut Cake (gluten&dairy-free)

. Vegan Spring Rolls

. My Healthy Breakfast Smoothie!

. Creamy Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

. Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie


I hope you enjoyed reading this post. If you liked this recipe, don't hesitate to FOLLOW ME, to UPVOTE and RESTEEM.

Thank you for your support, thanks to you I am more and more motivated to write! See you soon for a new recipe!


Nom nom nom, would you be ever so kind as to send me a slice of this please. Looks fabulous and super healthy to boot.

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