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RE: From Heritage Seed to Organic Corn Chips And Tortillas

in #food7 years ago

@reddust that's awesome!
I'm avoiding corn because most of them are GMOs these days.
So that's good to know some heirloom corn seeds have survived!
I love corn and when I lived with my grandparents we used to plant sticky white corn in the back yard. Back then there were no GMO corns.

I miss those old days. These days we don't know which corn is GMO and which is not. I wish I had kept my grandparents corn seeds. Unfortunately, when they both died their children didn't continue their work. Only my aunt does gardening now - but not sure the seeds she grows are organic.

I love wraps and tortillas and I only buy them - from the organic stores here - pretty expensive but at least not GMO . Not many people are aware of those GMOs and how they are actually done. It's sad to read posts that have them - but I can't dare tell since we don't want to spoil the fun in eating. My mother has always said - Live and Let Live - but then am I really letting live if I let them eat stuff that would eventually do them harm? My thoughts on that too.

Well, this is the beauty of Steemit - posts like yours pop out and then I could express those very thought. Thank you for being here!


Thank you @englishtchrivy, I won't mention gmos when posting for competitions. However I started getting very sick back in the early 90s with fibromyalgia symptoms. After years of research and experimenting with my diet I found my health is stable when eating the way my ancestors did. Organic wasn't a fad, it was was called food. With the change over to factory farms and medicine our overall mental and physical health as a society has taken a steep decline. I know this is only correlative data, but for me the data has improved my health and quality of life. I can't stay silent even when people tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist and have an eating disorder...yeah people have said this to me in my own family.

@reddust you may - I'm an anarchist - not the type who's just claiming it
so you may - I won't censor you :)
nor think you're a conspiracy theory
I'm open for many things - I have my own filter when it comes to accepting info so for me you may just express yourself.

I am not an anarchist, I am just me...thank you so much!

@reddust exactly - and you can just be that
even on the competition
but if you choose not to - its also okay

I tell the same to my students - just be ;)

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