For The Mint... Of Peppermint (Featuring Author @thegoldencookie).

in #food8 years ago

I want to tantalize your taste buds with this delectable sin, once tasted, hooked for life!

Hey Foodies

Last week I shared the recipe of my delectable cheesecake. Sticking to the dessert topic, today I'm sharing my all time favorite Peppermint Crisp Tart recipe.

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Since a child the mixture of caramel, peppermint and chocolate cream brought me great happiness and as soon as I was able I learned how to make it. Unfortunately I was only able to make it on special occasions :(

Knowing that I can't wait to make it again. I won't let you wait either.

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You will need:
250 ml cream / Orley whip (I prefer cream)
1 can caramel treat
4 peppermint crisp chocolate bars (Cadbury is my preferred choice)
1 packet of Tennis Biscuits

enter image description here
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  • Whip cream until it is stiff
  • Add caramel treat to the cream and mix until smooth
  • Grate or crush the peppermint crisp bars and add to cream mixture, mix in well.
  • Place the tennis biscuits in a pie dish and pour over a layer of cream, add more biscuits on top of the cream the idea is to layer it like a lasagna.
  • Place the pie dish in the fridge for about 30 min and serve.

Additional options
Put fresh mint leaves or crushed chocolate on top for garnish.

enter image description here
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Don't forget to follow @thegoldencookie

@crazymymzysa features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author


Fantastic, looks tasty :)
Thanks you

Writing this post made me wish I had the ingredients to make it. I plan on doing it this weekend. Definitely try it out.

Thank you. It really is. Wish there was a virtual way for people to taste it... I will be sharing another tasty treat this time next week.

Calories, calories and calories.

By the way @crazymumzysa, I have a msg for you in steemitchat.

I do agree that it's not very healthy hence the not making it often part but for cheat day it's great to share a slice with your loved one...

Do you know of a vegan or raw-vegan variety of this nice recipe?
Perhaps I try to create one by myself!

I know using orley whip instead of cream is an option for veterinarians as it contains no animal fat. Its an alternative to cream. I'm not sure if you will be able to use the caramel or chocolate, perhaps dark mint chocolate. I would love to know If you are able to make a vegan version of this. hope that I was of some help at least.

thanks for the link! That's a nice raw-vegan recipe!

Glad I could help :)

It will definitely be for you if you are a caramel or mint fan.

very appetizing ... immediately I wanted to try;)@lyubovbar

If you do decide to make it remember that if your lactose intolerant or have someone in your house who is using Orley Whip would be the best choice. It's really easy to make. let me know how it turns out.

Not enough pictures.

Sorry about that. I felt that because this is a very short post that not as many pictures were necessary. Thank you for your advice. I shall put more pictures in my posts in the future. Please do not let this stop you from trying this amazing dessert though.

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