in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello girls and boys!!

So as you all know I love food! I make so many delicious cakes, meals and desserts and its hard to get into shape. I have been struggling with my weight for a long time, but I know most people cant see that from the outside. 

I dont have the best relationship with food and diet, I always either over eat or under eat and its been like this for a while. ANYONE who ever tried to lose weight, knows HOW HARD it is. 

I have started my weight loss journey 12 weeks ago, the first 10 weeks went quite well and I even lost around 6-7 kg by just eating healthy food and around 1800 calories. 

Then last two weeks I messed up again and gained 3 kg back. It was so upsetting but its my fault. I know a lot of people battle with weight loss and I know how hard it is! 

I know some of you might think I look fine and I know I do, but I want to get back to how I used to be and how I used to look few years ago. More importantly I want to be healthy, strong and fit. Sometimes you might look skinny but your fat % can be high. 

I have tried all diets in the world just to give you an example of what i have tried in the last 10 years! 

Lemon Water Detox Diet ( super hard and weight comes back)

Fruit Diet ( eating just fruit)

Vegetable Diet ( eating just veggies) 

Atkins Diet ( worked but gained it back)

Dukan Diet ( worked but then gained all back)

Calorie Counting Diet ( drives you mad) 

Vegan Diet ( worked for a bit, but hard to maintain) 

Intermittent Fasting ( worked and is great so far, still doing it) 

Slim Fast Diet ( works but gain back) 

Slimming World Diet ( works but not effective)

Juice Diet ( great for cleaning but weight comes back)

Sugar free diet ( works great but as soon as you eat sugar its back on)

I have probably forgot the others that I have tried. As a woman, i think on average we try at least 5-10 diets in a life time! The best diet I have found was when I just ate healthy meals and mainly green vegetables and loads of fresh fruit with some protein. 

The key is really to just eat less and move more. It doesn’t matter what diet you are on really, it is all about eating less calories and burning more, so your body is in deficit and starts to go to your fat reserves. 

We all know this, so why is it so hard to lose weight? It takes SOOO LONG, you have to be soon patient - which I am not btw! But I have given myself a goal of 1 year, and I know I will go up and down, but as long as I am getting results thats all that matters. 

As you know I met @ivargereiko and he is a professional athlete and has done several diets to reduce body fat and to compete in competitions and has transformed several people. So I asked him to help me and give me a food plan. Not going to lie, the plan is rough! lol eating 6 meals a day in a very small amounts. 

Thing is I TRUST him. He has done it before, now I'm going to do this diet for 3 weeks. I call this a diet, because we are going to be shredding the fat, and he explained once the fat is gone, we build more muscles and then can increase the calorie amount to 1800-2000 a day and not gain weight. Doesn't this like a dream come true? 

Well I am about to experiment on myself… so wish me luck! I am going away in 3 weeks to see my family in Spain, so I do want to look better! I am also doing interment fasting, which means once a week so lets say every Monday - I don’t eat at all and just drink lemon water - around 3 litres! 

You can see the full progress on my Instagram , I will be updating daily what i eat for those who want to follow! I will weight myself today and see the progress in few weeks! 

Wish me luck guys!!! If any of you want to get healthy and need food or exercise routine - he is the best person to go to! 

Let me know your experiences about the weight loss… what has or hasn't worked for you? 

You can add me on Instagram here and see my stories! Images were taken from a free image source.

Lots of love,

Alla xox 


Wish me luck guys!!!

I wish you luck Alla, but luck will come only when you remove refined (industrial) sugar from your diet. It is that easy.

Thank you for your advice! It is very great!

Wow, the story of your weight Los, you don't look like someone that has much weight, I wish you the best of luck, you know much about diet, with diet and exercise you will loose enough weight and return to your initial slim fit. Nice article as usual.

Good luck Alla!
It sounds like you have a good coach.
Building muscle mass is VERY important for increasing the metabolism and burning more calories so I was glad to see he has that on your agenda.
I personally had great success when I switched to a paleo diet, very low in carbs, no gluten, no sugar, no fried food and no processed foods. I lost 35 lbs in 5 weeks with no exercise. I also cut down the alcohol which has great effects all around.
Looking forward to seeing your success.

I totally agree..."LOOSING" weight is pretty much impossible.

However, "LOSING" weight can be achieved through diet, exercise, determination and patience. :D


Hi .. happy to know you. I think why we hurt ourselves to hold the appetite just because of diet ..? Food is a god gift to us to be enjoyed,In my opinion, we just do not know how to eat right, tip from me, "SUCH AS YOU EAT BEFORE HUNGRY AND STOP BEFORE REPLETE" and "EAT LITTLE BUT OFTEN".you can try the tips that I give, so you do not have to hold the taste. Thanks.

Hi Alla, I don't know if you know this but since you cook a lot, maybe that makes a difference for you. Basically every time you eat something (even tasting food while you cook) your body releases insulin.

While your body is flooded with insulin it can't possibly burn any fat. You're basically only in fat burning mode in between meals. And if you go too long without protein, you start burning muscles. So that's why you should have some protein every 2,5-3 hours. This is a good read with loads of info https://www.t-nation.com/diet-fat-loss/insulin-advantage - good luck with reaching your eight loss goals. Xx

carrots and only carrots

Min carbs, zero sugar and weight training, that's how I lost more than 15 pounds!!

Please follow and support me @patricksanlin

Bonne chance as we say in French!

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