Holy Moly 300! Plus 3.00 SBD GIVE AWAY!

in #followers6 years ago (edited)

Untitled design (2).pngPhoto by Me

Last week I notice I was sitting around 290 followers and I started to think about time to prepare a celebration for the big 300! As the week flew by, as they all seem to be doing these days, I noticed it was still at 290ish. THAN just yesterday after posting my winning announcement to the Wally Test No. 2 I all of sudden had 303 followers! EEK! I must celebrate and what better way to celebrate then giving my followers a reward of 3.00 SBD and a BIG THANK YOU!

Some Thoughts

The Wally Test seems to be getting popular and I will continue to offer the test every now and then, so be sure to be on the look out for it, you never know when it will pop up! I am also working on another "easy" contest and will be debuting in the coming weeks! I am still working out the kinks of how it would work, but I think I will give it a go! And if it doesn't work oh well!

The @ifc contest is winding down Season 1 and the playoffs are shaping up and are right around the corner! We are extremely excited to see who will be the inaugural Season 1 Winner with the grand prize 158 STEEM! It has been a long season as we are now approaching round 40! What an accomplishment in itself! We are all grateful and proud of the work @apolymask has been doing! Once the winner is announced, he will have a much deserved rest before Season 2 kicks off! And there is certainly time to jump in now! You never know a win could put you into the top 16 playoffs for the grand prize!

Open Rounds:
Round 36 - Assist @irvinesimages
Round 37 - Fairy Tale Rewrite
Round 38 - Motivation/Inspiration
Round 39 - IFC Memes

Also, the Marketplace is heating up! We are on Volume 3 of the flyer! The weekly flyer showcases one store within the ifc discord chat room that sells products and/or services. This week's showcase store is #stellar-nuclei which is owned by @anarchojeweler. Head over to the flyer to read more!

The Marketplace Weekly Flyer


I hear you! Onto the 3.00 SBD giveaway!! Again I want to thank all my followers, especially the ones that stop by my posts for visits!

I have been seeing all these truths and one lie contests out and about and I thought that would be fun to do too! It's a nice way for you all to get to know me a little more and a great way to show some support to my followers!


  1. Pick the One (1) lie about me out of the 11 statements below.
  2. I would never make you resteem to enter a contest, but I am always appreciative if you do to get the word out!
  3. Winner is obvious! Whoever guesses the one lie!
  4. Winner wins 3.00 SBD - if tied payout will be split!
  5. One entry per person!
  6. Have Fun!

10 True Statements and 1 Lie! Pick out the lie!

  1. Skydiving is checked off my bucket list.
  2. I was a witness on a murder trial.
  3. I qualified and ran in a National Championship Race in Puerto Rico.
  4. I have dreams of being a farmer.
  5. I have 1 child, 1 dog, 2 cats.
  6. I am vegan.
  7. I asked my better half to marry me in a hot air balloon.
  8. I was the captain of my tennis team in high school.
  9. I completed 4 Tough Mudder Competitions in 3 different states.
  10. I was the first child in my family to graduate from a 4 year University.
  11. I won a Comcast Cable Ace Award for Excellence.

Good luck!

Keep Exploring!.jpg

Fresh Fields.png

Communities You May be Interested In:
Information Finding Championship - @ifc Discord

Image created by @yeszuzia & modified by @charisma777
Newbie Resteem Day - #newbieresteemday
Newbiegames - @newbiegames
Asapers - @asapers


congrats on your 303!!! Before you know it it'll be 3000!! I'm going to enter and say number 7 is the lie. Good luck everyone!!! Also if I were to win, I would like my wings to go to ifc

Thank you! It's no 3000! lol But it makes me happy to see 300! That is a good guess you have and a very noble gesture to donate the winnings to the ifc! :)

I'm just going to go out on a limb and pick number 8, the tennis team captain, I don't know why. All the others are just as worthy as a lie, but I really have no clue.

Thanks for the entry and for being a loyal follower! That is a good guess!! And yes after re-reading them they are some pretty worthy lies! Good Luck!

Congratulations! I just passed 100 myself (and am throwing my own contest) and overnight I'm already closer to 200. I feel your excitement because soon I think I'll be where you are! Wish me luck!
My guess is number 2. I hope that one is the lie!

Thank You! Congrats of your accomplishment!! You are well on your way! Keep up the good work my friend! That's a great guess, good luck with this and your contest! I will stop by!

Congratulations on your 343 followers, I think I'm 344.

I'm lost here. I'm going to choose #2

Thanks for stopping by!! And good luck!! :)

Congrats on 300! I hope some day it's many many more. :) And I think it will be. Assuming steem continues to grow, I think we're going to see some good growth! Hopefully anyways. :D I've thoroughly enjoyed your presence on here so far and I hope to continue to get to know you for a while yet! You seem like a really interesting person with good moral values which I think is rare in this day and age unfortunately. We definitely need more people like you in my opinion!

In regards to the lie thingy.. I'm going with number 5 because I saw you mention on the discord channel you have a dog, but no cats.. Maybe you wouldn't travel with the cats and that's why you didn't mention them.. I dunno.. But.. I'm picking that one! Lol. We'll give it a try.

Thank you and I appreciate your kind words! I'm glad we have "met" in this ocean of Steemit!

Thanks for stopping by and being a loyal follower!! And I like the way you were thinking with your guess, it's a good one. Good luck!!

Congrats on the 300+ new followers... Good luck, I'll go with number 7.

Thanks for stopping by!! Good guess and good luck to you!!

Congrats on the big 300! I just made it as well today! Time to look forward to that half K! Also, I think number 9. It sounds to intricate to be a truth lol

Thanks for stopping by! And congrats on your 300!! Yes the half k is just around the corner! Number 9 is a great guess! Good luck!

Congrats on the milestone.
My wild guess would be the vegan part (6)

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of the @newbiegames selection of top contests for minnows of the day

To reach more people, try out the #newbieresteemday Discord Chat channel Contest Promotion Box.

We invite everyone to follow our @newbiegames account and use the #newbiegames tag for their next game or contest to connect with more of our members.

@newbiegames is a part of the #newbieresteemday initiative.



Thanks for playing! That's a great guess!! Good luck! Thanks for the Upvote and Resteem!!

Congrats on the 300 + club homie! You'll soon pass me and my 500 even though 75% of mine are bots or inactive lol! I'm a go ahead and say you have an older sibling that graduated from a University before you!

Ha! We shall see. I'm just happy with 300! Great guess! Thanks for following and stopping by! I remember you told us about a link to check to see inactive/bot accounts as followers, what was that link if you remember. It would be interesting to see how many accounts are active or not.

Damn it's to far back in the chat lol! I will try and find it on google! you may get a random message later lol!

Hey thanks. I couldn't find it in a quick Google search. They were all invalid links. But if u happen to come across it thanks!

Thanks for the shout out and congrats on your 300+ followers! My guess is...#11 🙂

Hey thanks and thanks for stopping by! Good luck with your guess!! :)

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