Mt Meru mandalas and Warning, massive rant and ideas for a Ancient Hindu God simulator, sim city but for fallen angels looking to Build Earthly Empires

in #flatearth6 years ago

This Mt Meru Shit creeps me out... i dont like Santos Bonacci, he and other flat Earthers are literally talking about leading humanity down into a giant vortex at the North Pole, basically a black hole, a wormhole, and they think they will just pop out onto the "land of perpetual twilight" on the other side,

This whole idea of Earth being the center of the Universe is a really empowering idea that makes us Humans feel SO much more important

(WARNING Crazy conspiracy rant below so if you are sick of that stuff dont read but if you want a very practical way to salvage all the Flat Earth nonesense into a Solid Game theory Cannon to be used in virtual reality and movies and even flat earth comics, follow me to glory!)

Who am I to take away the fantasy of some people who may be very depressed otherwise, let the flat earthers teleport themselves to their 2d isometric flat lander infinite plane of existence

But in a flat lander simulation would it really be infinite or is it just procedurally generated? So as infinite as we go like minecraft or star citizen or No mans Sky?

Oh and the idea of a PHYSICAL throne of "God" makes me wonder... how many levels can you keep going up? Is Heaven like Minecraft? Why the commandment about no graven images of Heaven(Higher dimensions) I can actually explain WHY this is important, because of how important optical pinneal induction is and DISTORTIONS of our fallen metatronic fibonacci golden mean nature, we are at risk of learning the entire system wrong, imagine you learn all this WRONG sacred geometry and then try to use it when you die, and it just hurts your chances of biological ascension... the holy grail is to be able to take your body with you into ascension, literally coding your DNA strands one at a time into light, but the Jehovian Anunaki Seals on your DNA, they prevent this...

This movie "The Signal" shows humanity as existing in this domed spacecraft and THAt is something that REALLY just excites me, the whole idea of finding the turtle in Discworld, proving by scientific observation that the world is in fact resting on a giant turtle's shell, because they lowered a crane over the edge to see the turtle... just so funny imagining a flat world where a flat world is accepted... or one where we are all just some mega city trapped underground or underwater, lol like what if we are just an atlantean super city under the ocean of a MUCH larger planet filled with giants...

Dunno where this image came from but THIS one freaks me out... I have seen references to this, and many years ago, before Flat Earth became popular I remember watching a now deleted youtube video of some guy who had cardboard models of a floating rock in space a flat earth dome created by the Alpha Draconians, and its similar to the movie The Signal... but in this diagram I wanna go check out that Subteranian master control center... you GOTTA wonder about motherships with holography as mentioned by Billyt Meirs and Alex Collier.... could Earth actually be a real spaceship that can be driven around the solar system or even driven around the galaxy, maybe Earth is a big party bus that is supposed to be on tour around the galaxy...showing off all the best dance and food and art and culture from around the multiverse...

This whole subject just seems like a HUGE pandoras Box and I believe Keylontic Science will keep you grounded if you just remember that using higher dimensions you can do all sorts of things, and that some ET have ships that are bigger on the inside, so imagine ALL of Earth REPLICATED and then 3d printed by nanobots, on a smaller scale, on a much larger planet, hahaha maybe we are just atlantis..

THAT image TRIPS me out! I am NOT going to try and argue that THIS world is just THAT, but WHAT if we had the ability to Replicate the entire 3d round planet on a flat plane under the ocean shrunken down and cloaked, maybe hidden like that underground city with Bill Murrey, ah yes City of Ember

Now here is another movie that shows how much we are in love with that idea of Platos Cave analogy... a whole city living on rations, underground, people never knowing real sunlight....

BUT in our current world I get a feeling that its is a blessing in disguise to be anchored to this lower vibrational plane, because without your gravity boots, you could just fly off into space. Ok ok this is sounding crazy because Im just telling you all about a crazy vision I had, where I was actually afraid that searl effect generators had been produced on a nanoscale level, and then sprayed over my house, and then a great experiment was carried out to see if I would be able to actually fly or levitate, or simply produce electricity for my home, using existing AC and DC adapters as wireless power base stations... I assumed that I was going to become an electrical generator, like in the matrix, i would become a human battery... and i even stared at my water heater realizing it kind of looked like a person, and maybe humans can be used as giant water heaters, am I just a human water heater?

According to Keylontic Science, which I will manifest via @dlux-io as a sort of God World Video game, we are in a 15 dimensional time matrix with Outter primal sound fields

See this diagram allegedly given to us by Extra Terrestrials, to fix the broken metatronic kabbalah, with its less than 12 unsymetrical unhealthy geometry, look at this , so much better, so much more symmetrical... and people worship the "flower of life" and "seed of life" when they are really a stolen distorted version of the original 12 D divine blueprint

My goal is to get this stuff into a 3d video game that can be an ascension simulator, hah an Enlightenment simulator, train yourself to maneuver through heaven's maze... like Rez... we can prepare people to become geometry machines... rendering the correct graphics with their brain GPUs.

Id like to start by appealing to religious organizations and get the religions competing with each other, start with Hinduism for example and get the Hindu's and Bollywood to develop a massive Hindu God World MMORPG where you can play as an Ancient Hindu God or Godess and come down to India and start civilization, create empires, basically Earth was a fallen angel ascension simulator for fallen angels who were SENTENCED to come down to Earth to Learn but THEY acted like they were just on vacation or on business

I mean we have had a LOT of Ancient Egypt SImulators complete with working magic and after life physics, like this one Pharonic

I believe a game that used Soul energy to power cities, or where you needed to have at least 100 people die before you can build foundation of a new building using blood to pour into the cement, that would be interesting... or maybe you have to manage the after life ..

It reminds me of this sketch from the simpsons where Lisa builds her own Universe out of a tooth, and they even have a scene where Bart destroys a bunch of buildings and they simply label him as the Devil, and Lisa, who her tiny civilization sees as their creator God, tells them in passing how thats not the devil thats just her brother, "The devil is your Brother?" and in Mormonism Jesus and Satan are brothers lol so yeah man its some Battlestar gaalctica shit right there

This idea of Lisa being huge and then becoming tiny and "stuck" in her world is like, imagine being an anunaki and you shrink down, well now youre just another normal schmuck and you cant engage in resource size disparity chicanery like the Downsized movie, where you can get a LOT more out of your savings by shrinking down, and even control a very large population of tiny people as long as you never let them know how small they really are

I will never apologize for my typos or run on sentences, Rick and Morty is another segway here, RIck made his own universe AND he was trapped in an alien zoo by a giant alien in Morty's Mind Blowers

or this scene where they explain Rick's microverse battery, a whole civilization of people powering "his tail light" and you get the sense that Rick just does these things because hes so used to doing it this particular way, and it would mess up his "flow" or "groove" if he started having to power his car battery a less morally dubious technology... but really if YOU could shrink down a whole planet , and wear it like a necklace like Men in black... would you? You KNOW that Rappers would be wanting that

Honestly this entire episode, and the Men in Black "galaxy" that was the size of a necklace and could be worn like a piece of jeweler that was also a near limitless source of energy, oh so similar to Rick and Morty and the simpsons../. I love these associations and I am NOT conducting run of the mill " synchro-mysticism " because @mughat taught me mysticism is bad, but I am only trying to inspire others who may be needing ideas for the near limitless potential of 3d game design, or even 2d and 2.5 D videogames...

ok fine yes I am just having fun using my imagination trying to get through to all the other people who like reading about pop culture media conspiracies and predictive programming...but dont assume im trying to "troll" you, just because you disagree with one theory or another... I genuinely believe that if we dont make a flat earth vs round earth fictional movie, then someone else will, and I believe the BEST way to educate people and prevent them from getting lost in ancient cosmologies that we have since disproved obviously, we should create movies and TV shows that allow the flat earthers to imagine that YES maybe there IS a conspiracy ... on TV... we keep them in a box, and sum up ALL the interesting but wrong flat earth "consensus" haha yeah they almost have their OWN fork of reality!

But THATS why i love it and think its a great way to catalyze interesting movie scripts, and is a great tool to make people give great movie ideas on youtube for free, but is it wrong to use humans like that to make them excrete digital fear based ideas? Well these people watch those youtube videos and make their own all on their own, AND it has made ordinary people feel rebellious and need a reason to study and actually USE some simple geometry and math, and it forces them to learn some earth sciences, when otherwise they probably would never have even been interested.
I mean heck, this guy built his own rocket! TWICE! AND made it to popular TV show Tosh.0

I mean come on, without this crazy flat earth trajectory, this old man would have never gotten this far in life, and now hes out there building rockets, i mean just admit it... some people have nothing productive in their life to do other than fall into the flat earth black hole and act as entertainment for some, but more importantly creative catalyst for others,BECAUSE after TECHNOLOGICAL UNEMPLOYMENT all these worker bees that are used to being given cushy jobs will finally have to actually use their own brains for a change, and to cope with this, we will just feed religious weirdos into flat earth machine which lets them come up with all these amazing VIDEOGAME ideas which can then be monetized!

And TRUST me, as soon as space tourism gets poppinoff, no one will continue the flat earth thing except for in my video games where we simply use it as a way to exersize the mind in hyperdimensional thinking, because we may not be able to easily imagine higher dimensions but we can still get an idea for the mechanics of dimensional locks and stairstep creation when we go DOWN a step, or half a step into the 2.5 D isometric sim city style possible world... and ya know, maybe theres a need for worlds like that in a simulation. It just boggles my mind the whole idea of a vast infinite plane of existence, THAT could be like a miniature universe larger beings wear like jewlery like Men in Black...

But one example of why I believe there is some sort of either intentional subconscious Flat Earth related Space Race predictive programming, are all the glass domed city refrences in movies and TV and then the flat earth people come out of the wood work and start latching onto Ancient Hebrew and Hindu and Greek and basically all ancient cosmologies LOL which basically all are SOME sort of flat earth plane of existence story.... and sure I could just go with frederikaa and mughat and just explain those things away with ration and logic, but its SO much more fun to inspire crazy people to keep their imaginations open because I CAN FEEL the collective brain waves and its POWERFUL! We can get SO many free ideas this way! I feel like SOMEONE is up there in the real hierarchy of the world, ensuring that a technocratic boring state can somehow still have the simulation of private property and somehow spur on creativity, (whenever someone says "they" just imagine a money pyramid, THE money pyramid, and look up, yeah those guys lol the ones who own everything)
so I imagine that since outter space is a drag on the imagination, getting a small portion of the population to just believe in flat earth can allow you to get Grade A level sci fi and fantasy ideas from grade D people... lol just look at all the non winners ill call them, in the flat earth field... Oh and since we cant just "drive" to the moon, we just have to build some sort of spiral staircase and then we CAN have a chance of driving into the sky.


Oh and from what I have experienced, ration and logic themselves seem to be programs that one can run in their minds or in a community to keep demons and supernatural entities away because KNOWING that theres no scientific explanation for something you may have thought you saw out of the corner of your eye will keep that anxiety low because if you keep hallucinating something you should be able to Know that ALL perception is a hallucination generated in your mind, so you can begin to take control or ignore whatever it is you think youre seeing. AND, theres also the fact that you can always livestream and Profit off of alleged Ghost sightings, and no Ghost wants to just become your Youtube actor slave, so that should keep the spirits at bay :)

GUYS GUYS OMG what if Ghost Hunters are really like Ghost Busters, and Ghosts are all camera shy and maybe its the cameras that keep them away!

the "demons" and ghosts etc are kept from our world, like Ghost Busters movies showed, but instead of people wearing power packs and carrying miniature particle accelerators, maybe Cameras are what keep Inter dimensional entities from soiling over into our world! MAYBE what we think of as "demonic entities" are just a shadow of a person in another dimension, sitting on their very 3d computers and VR headsets just like ours and they all try to work together like a giant videogame to capture human souls, and they are all told its fake, but the game masters are like in their Matrix chairs, Avatar pods, interfacing with us in surrogate human bodies

(Secret Space program or Breakaway Civilization actually, was kinda portrayed in this Guardians of the Galaxy 2 movie, as "the Sovereign" a bunch of gold plated assholes with an enders game fetish who use children to control a fleet of space drones...

(you can imagine in this case that its like a corporate tech version of Satan but then we will show other Bosses above him, oh man this movie will be similar to the Divergent series... with the "camowall" being like the antarctic ice wall in an amazing flat earth movie or videogame LOL, see honestly that show Divergent series is SO confusing, they are ON an infinite plane with multiple "levels" and it SCARES me, it GENUINELY scares me because I have NO IDEA what is going on when i watch that divergent series

What the fuck is going on with that show, also whats game of thrones doing on a halo? Is game of thrones really just a simulation created like westworld but then the players end up getting trapped inside? Is that what Earth is?

Are we really just on a dyson sphere around a sun made of minecraft legos?

Here is a detail from a special game of thrones episode which I guess shows that the whole astrolabe is inside the workshop of a character in another series, and that makes me wonder, because a GOOD crossover of game of thrones to the marvel universe would allow them to continue GOT forever, are they going to claim that the entire Game of thrones Universe is just a Dyson Ring around the sun or some star, used as a sort of cosmic jail for bad souls that need to be Rebooted from Medieval times...


Anyway in this massive flat earth vs round earth vs hollow earth movie video game, I will make it seem like ALl of those theories are correct, with the round earth being the Rational consensus model but then Flat Earth will exist as an ancient simulation used by all the deities on Earth and we will go through Sumerian Anunaki to Gods of EGypt to ancient greece rome, norse Gods, we will just show them all using this flat earth realm as a piece of technology, just like in the Marvel Thor movies. This movie will REIGN in all the crazy people by taming all of these ancient geocentric ideas and explain how there are these ancient flat lander isometric simulations and hahahaha maybe we can show CERN as a gateway for internet signals and how videos from the flat earth start leaking into round earth world, and hahahah just imagine a Movie all about interdimensional Cable and interdimensional internet!

(In my virtual reality game of ultamite decadence we simulate the abode of the Hindu Gods, Mt Meru, as a castle on the north pole which you must access to reach the castles on the moon... and we end up with a multi layered isometric roladex of different sub dimensions, like this

And if we play our cards right we can end up with ultra realistic human surrogates that can walk around on the moon for us, as we control them with VR in buildings on Earth, hidden in real life dungeons scattered throughout amusement parks the size of cities... thats the future yeah yeah massive large scale lasertag battles the size of a city, with drones and golf carts and electric bicycles to keep everything safe but still fun, we will have laser gangs, and in urban areas , real gangs will be replaced by live streaming lasertag players using augmented reality running around turning the streets into a big gaming arena, and THIS WILL replace warfare in the future... we are SO close...

In my amazing conspiracy movie, we can show how the Rothschilds and Hitler are in a TIME war with each other, and how the hollow earth is like holographically linked to the outer surface world, and how Flat Earth is basically the after life, Round Earth was destroyed and we are all souls trapped on a CHUNK of Ancient Lyrian Homeworld of humanity, being used by Reptillian overlords as a way to create PEACE between Humans and Reptillians, and thus find the Reptillian home universe which was lost to Reptillians BUT by working with Lyrians(humans) they can actually learn to use the Lyrian wave form collapsing Brain to go back in time, like an organic looking glass, and Find their ancient homeworld, and we may have to just simulate it in movie form for them... Now THAT is something I KNOW I could get Scientology and Tom Cruise to get behind! I think the oblivion movie tom cruise created (obviously with Scientology) was the right direction, because you canmt go wrong by creating great inspiring sci fi, and something about Oblivion AND the Live Die repeat Edge of Tomorrow are just so captivating and thus we need MORE to encourage humanity to spend money on space...

I think humanity is pretty much ready for a sort of full disclosure of Extra Terrestrials where Trump simply announces it, without giving any info on any details about t he Aliens, just that the government does work with them.... and then for the giant screen in the sky, we do a Rick and Morty "Show us what you got" and we let humanity vote with a stake weighted system, to find out which movies get to be played on the HAARP sky screen, maybe music videos will be

But hey if you ever get scared of being a tiny organism on the belt of a giant anunaki alien being, larger than an entire galaxy, just remember that Earth is all about dancing and music, because the anunaki AND reptillian overlords, the hybrid seraphim known as jehovian Anunaki, THEY REALLY like humanity to be working and happy like clockwork.... like one giant Bollywood movie dance scene... and hey just because its harder to imagine in the west doesnt mean that we couldn't create a version of La la land that was more urban and street, a Black la La Land with a multi racial cast but we do it like Sons of Anarchy diversity, where we show the gangs and organized crimes of each race, how criminals stay segregated, yeah that whole racial discrimination was given to us by Extra terrestrials, and they laugh at us trying to act like 20 or 30 IQ points matter when we are ALL idiots compared to them, with their super high IQs and cybernetic enhancements...


We are like Ants to the very real hyperdimensional creator Gods that reign over us... if they want to put some of us in a scientific consensus world, then most will probably eventually fly to Moon and Mars in our lifetime, and space will be real Earth will be round, people will be able to mock flat earthers from space all will be well.....

But if these type 6 civilization creator Gods want, they can allow a small "faithful" portion of the population to clutch onto some ancient flat cosmology, and take out the old ever expanding infinite plane simulation out of the old creator god file cabinet, dust it off, and probably have fun running an old cosmological operating system, just for the minds of a few "throwbacks" and I would be careful if I were in this group of people knowingly rejecting science and consensus model of reality, what if THAT is what God wants? Huh? What if SATAN is in charge of the flat earth??

OOOOH SPOOOOOKY hahah see how easy it is to just flip the entire flat earth thing around? I mean when I was going crazy over this I saw on Adult Swim, a month back or so, an animated show about some Record and the Good and Evil A and B side of the world, man it was too much... I also saw some show about the aurora boreilis and Alaska and people listening to old radio signals up by the poles, and i was imagining that camera crews were going around capturing reptillians on camera, and that the entire video camera system is a way to get Reptillians to blend in with humans, i feel like Ashley Madison hack was done by TRUMP and maybe its TRUMP secretly blackmailing all of the deep state pedoring pizzagate sickos and really "purging" all the bad eggs, at least thats what I imagine is happening in ANOTHER DIMENSION like Kanye West, he gets it man!

(Is this a map of the multiverse or Steem Monsters?)

hhhaahhaa ok ok thats it i promise---- or no i dont i have more ramblings to post because some of this stuff gives our children nightmares so we MUSt make scifi movies for teh church of scientology about EVERY possible outer limits type scenario so humanity will be ready no matter what space enemy comes our way.... But HEy I THINK about this stuff.. I WONDER why theres so many flat earth youtube and instagram users, and why they are obsessed with it and why they are BASICALLY creating their OWN parallel system and so WHY not monetize that arena, salvage it, allow all the flat earthers to save face by claiming that they were all just being paid by a game company, maybe they were all just doing guerilla marketing for some new imaginary world of warcraft game... MUST be some people with money funding all of this because no one was into this flat earth thing just a year or two ago and now all of the sudden theres instagram and youtube pages that keep growing and growing. You could start paying celebrities to start promoting the idea, or convince them it will earn them a Religiously loyal fanbase....

It also is going to appeal to the explorer inside of all of us, so i FEAR that someone is setting up a massive hologram machine to PROJECT a flat map onto the arctic and antartica and allow people to somehow go inside the hollow earth and then make a group believe that its EXTRA LAND outside the ice wall but really it is just new land and oceans inside the hollow earth which is ALL just a VIRTUAL reality simulation, and hahahaha thats how you can allow EVERYONE to have their OWn happy ending hahaha everyone gets their own personal world shaped like whatever they want :D

hahahahaha oh man i can imagine the most AMAZING movie where they show how a snowglobed domed flat earth world WOULD be if it WAS flat or IS flat and we show the whole globe map conspiracy and we show the Navy gaurding the ice wall, maybe have some conspiracy theorist explorer raise money online to go sail a ship to the ice wall and they show him getting stopped, make it like National treasure or The Da Vinci Code! You can show inside the movie a conspiracy to use holograms, HAARP and 5G, and 1 billion Muslims all praying to mecca with Virtual reality Goggles, to make the earth ROUND OOOH SPOOOOOKY oh man THAt idea would really scare some flat earthers, its almost too good of an idea... make it seem like The Devil and Fallen Angels are all working with NASA to FINALLY make the Earth ROUND just like they ALWAYS wanted! And then the twist at the end is that the devil is actually God and the REAL devil was the creator god trying to trap humanity in the snowglobe,

and then the REAL God Shows up and takes the masks off both the dualistic good vs evil actors, and explains how they are both bad, and he is the real creator... lol and then you explain how earth was destroyed and were all just in a simulation and how they are trying to project the simulation back into reality again and the flat earth plne was just CHEAPER to run, less hash power. and then finally we all start to understand how economics defines the layout of our Universe LOL


wat level u woke on bru?
you're walking some kind of fine line dude.
i can't really understand why I read that whole thing but keep em coming.

Yeah man Its really out there stuff that is hyper dimensional in nature

see fractals are literally meaning in between dimensions

so really what i am showing is how the Flat Earth movement is funded and pushed on youtube because people are using a 2 dimensional earth to get people used to a FOUR dimensional earth... by going backwards they supposed t will let people step out of their box and then go UP and out of 2d 3d and then 4d, so its just a way to get people to see their planet in moire than just 3 or 3.5 Dimensional world that we live in... this is a way for us to IMAGINE hyperdimensional world on the cheap.. instead of wasting time trying to go Up in dimensions we just go DOWN and that way we at least grease the skids and get the gears moving, like if you can only go in reverse but you do it to get the vehicle moving and then you can go forward... were gonna red shift first before we blueshift.... ANYWAY we need to really be careful when we talk about this stuff, and we have to retain that Antennae mode, where we just draw stuff in from the aether, and dont go for that black hole of the self that seeks praise. But you have to be service to self, to truley fly like alladdin on the magic carpet of human achievement;. LOL

I guess that's kind of what video games have been doing right along. I think at at its finest is a form of that kind of antennae mode channeling. Gotta be careful with that too though. Never know what's projecting out there. It's a long fall from that magic carpet ride...

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i figured it al out man. it was a flat earth draco orion cube ,,a stanley rubicks cube
the raptrillions wanted to find their alex collier referenced homeworld... and only lyria dna can find it

soi they took a bunch of us from real earth to a broken shard of a destroyed lyrian home world the reptilians blew up millions of years ago and it floats around like a lil flat earth with a dome over it ,like they repoopulated it with people like lasse and rebuilt earth and will use it for CRAZZZZY rituals :D

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