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RE: Mt Meru mandalas and Warning, massive rant and ideas for a Ancient Hindu God simulator, sim city but for fallen angels looking to Build Earthly Empires

in #flatearth6 years ago

wat level u woke on bru?
you're walking some kind of fine line dude.
i can't really understand why I read that whole thing but keep em coming.


Yeah man Its really out there stuff that is hyper dimensional in nature

see fractals are literally meaning in between dimensions

so really what i am showing is how the Flat Earth movement is funded and pushed on youtube because people are using a 2 dimensional earth to get people used to a FOUR dimensional earth... by going backwards they supposed t will let people step out of their box and then go UP and out of 2d 3d and then 4d, so its just a way to get people to see their planet in moire than just 3 or 3.5 Dimensional world that we live in... this is a way for us to IMAGINE hyperdimensional world on the cheap.. instead of wasting time trying to go Up in dimensions we just go DOWN and that way we at least grease the skids and get the gears moving, like if you can only go in reverse but you do it to get the vehicle moving and then you can go forward... were gonna red shift first before we blueshift.... ANYWAY we need to really be careful when we talk about this stuff, and we have to retain that Antennae mode, where we just draw stuff in from the aether, and dont go for that black hole of the self that seeks praise. But you have to be service to self, to truley fly like alladdin on the magic carpet of human achievement;. LOL

I guess that's kind of what video games have been doing right along. I think at at its finest is a form of that kind of antennae mode channeling. Gotta be careful with that too though. Never know what's projecting out there. It's a long fall from that magic carpet ride...

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i figured it al out man. it was a flat earth draco orion cube ,,a stanley rubicks cube
the raptrillions wanted to find their alex collier referenced homeworld... and only lyria dna can find it

soi they took a bunch of us from real earth to a broken shard of a destroyed lyrian home world the reptilians blew up millions of years ago and it floats around like a lil flat earth with a dome over it ,like they repoopulated it with people like lasse and rebuilt earth and will use it for CRAZZZZY rituals :D

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