“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” Bob Marley

in #flag7 years ago (edited)

“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” Bob Marley


It's quite common. You can report these any other abuse to steemit.chat in #steemitabuse or #steemcleaners-public


Thanks, patrice. I really didn't know what to do other than just out him to the community. I'll do that next time.

Resteemed! Will check out his photos tomorrow. I will flag anything plagiarized and hope other photographers will too.

Thanks dek. I really didn't flag anything , never done that before. Thanks for helping as I never encountered something like this before.

Woah, good research on him. Taking other people's credit is never okay.

Agreed. The more I looked at his posts and comments the more upset I got.

Way to GO! @runrudy, I am about to release a major post about this. I will probably make a reference to your post. I just resteemed. This is exactly what I am talking about with the way Steem is getting to be full of poor quality and "Borrowed" content.

Thanks! And here's my preliminary post

...To be continued...

Personally don't like being in this position. Nor enjoy the attention or aggravation. Let's not use it as I want this guy to learn from his mistake. Maybe if he actually admits to what he did wrong and learn from it. I am totally into giving him a second chance to redeem himself. If so, I would actually delete this post, so we all can just move forward.

Oh wow? @runrudy thanks for destroying my profile.For your kind information , have you asked the original owner of these posts that do i have taken permission from them to post these images.Open up your steem chat and i have provided the proof their.

Most of these pictures are original and if i have taken some pictures some someone else i have taken his or her permission.

Hmm.. Your response is that I am mistaken. If you did ask for permission to use these photographer's content. Most people that understand plagiarism will always credit or reference the original photographer. Which you did not. What you did is post the picture (not yours) and try to claim it as your own. You even went as far as to title your posts "Looking Through My Eyes" or "My Photography Sunset". Even in the comment sections, you accept all the ownership for these images. Never referencing or thanking the original photographer.

So, please tell me who is mistaken here. Dude, either you don't understand plagiarism or you are just straight up lying now.

All I see now on your profile are about 10 posts hidden/removed. Looks like steemcleaners came in and finally caught up with you or you removed these out of fear of being caught. Lesson one dude, the blockchain never forgets.

Listen, I ask you and anyone in this community to please prove me wrong and I will humbly and publicly apologize in another post. Till then everyone should read this http://www.diyphotography.net/a-guide-to-plagiarism-and-theft-in-photography/

How can you prove that all of the images in my profile are copied??

I don't have to prove anything. @steemcleaners and the community will decide. That is how it works around here.

Just to let you know, this has happened before to a user that was on the site since from the beginning of Steemit. This person was exposed for plagiarism but this person then apologized and learned from his/her mistake. The community let this pass as a mistake and life moved on.

Dude, you just keep denying any wrong doing when I have clearly seen that you were misrepresenting yourself in your posts with these images. You were even hit by @steemcleaners on this post for directly lifting text/passages from the internet word for word: https://steemit.com/flag/@hammadakhtar/had-a-bad-experience-today

So, just listen to your own advice/words man. I am quoting you directly from your own post!

"Copies aren't accepted everywhere... ORIGINALS are eventually required"

Oops... I just realized you lifted that text too from author, Sanjo Jendayi. Is Sanjo Jendayi also your good friend on SteemitChat? Did she allow you to use her words as your own. I had no idea she was on Steemit. http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7676455-we-can-all-take-pictures-but-not-everyone-can-capture

Again, you either don't understand plagiarism or your just trying to get one over to score a quick buck on this site.

If you made a mistake or if you are just trying to make money, the community will understand and most likely forgive you. We all make mistakes and we are all here to make some money. I will even give you a second chance!

But you continue to just deny everything, which is unforgivable in my opinion. But again it doesn't matter what my opinion is. I don't have to prove anything. The community will decide.

A lot of work was done in this community before you and I even came here. That is why Steemit is so popular and appealing. I trust that again the community will decide on what is right in your case.

well.I have posted one post today and trying to start again from start. Got your point of views.Well, i will try my best to be original in future.And hope you will like my work too.Thanks for pointing out where i was wrong.And that would be my message to all of ther other members that your have to be original to surive in this community and this world too.well it's true that i'm a photographer and many of the posts are my original work.But one mistake can take you from sky to ground.This is a public message for every one.I appologize for what i did.The one who did wrong should be punished and now it's in the hand of the communtiy to decide what is my punishment or they let me to continue my work.Hope you all will like my work in future.Thanks @runrudy for pointing out when i was wrong.I was in fear that when i posted those pics maybe someday i will be caught and all of the community will be so angry on me and only because of some posts my original work will also be deleted.Now i realized my mistake.
"One stupid mistake can change everything"

Hey @hammadakhtar. Takes a lot for someone to admit when they were wrong. I appreciate your honesty and for doing that. I am happy to move forward, and I am sure you are as well. I will remove this post as I stated earlier. I hate the negativity. I am looking forward to seeing 'your' photography on the site. I can see that you have a good attitude. i also know how the money and excitement of this place can get the better of anyone. best way to success is just be honest and post original content (your own photos and your own words). If you are not sure about something, just ask someone. There are lots of helpful people here. ok man, lets just leave it at that. - virtual handshake - see you online.

Thank you soo much bro once again.You know yesterday when i slept i was soo happy that my post were getting good money but when i woke up in the morning, I was like WTF??Most of my posts were flagged and my money was gone.I was soo angry and sad at that time but that made me realize that i am doing this in wrong way.Hope so everyone will follow my advice to always be original even if you are getting something or not.One day you will be rewarded for your patience and originality.Hope so everyone will forgive me and i'm looking forward to be a better person in future.Thanks @runrudy😇😇😇

This happens and we all have to help weed it out, for sure. I'm glad for the #steemcleaners effort. Disconnected content, inconsistent styles, and lack of personal experience about the photo are all clues for me. I have fallen for some in the past, though. It does seem like they eventually fade away.

Yes, I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I agree with everything you mentioned. All of it just made my spidey senses go off. I hated to do this post but it just pushed the wrong button in me. I am willing to give him a second chance and erase this post. Yet, all he has been doing is sending me lots of personal messages, resteeming like twenty times to hide the deleted posts on his feed and continue to deny any wrong doing. Actions speak a lot louder than words. If that is the case, hopefully he will just fade away like you said since @steemcleaners now has him under their radar.

It's an interesting account. I was using a tool today, https://steem.makerwannabe.com, that show your whole history of followers and unfollowers, etc. That account has followed and unfollowed me a few times over the past months. I think they do that to other folks, too. It may be a strategy of some folks to get a follow-back. There's a lot to keep track off, that's for sure!

I didn't know about that tool. I just came back from being offline for a few months. I did some housecleaning and I used some tool. http://steemit.deadfollowers.info/ then i cleaned up my follows and followers list. My feed was just going insane. Its just get hard to keep track of everyone, and have meaningful interactions. I will check out that link. Have a nice evening.

I am doing the same thing.When i joined steemit i followed too many users because at that time i was immature and trying to gain followers.Now i'm removing those who are inactive or don't share original content.

It's a cool tool. I hope you find it helpful. I hope you enjoyed your time away from Steemit! It's getting harder and harder to keep up with people here on Steemit, that's for sure. It should get a lot more manageable once communities are implemented.

Oh, I didn't know there were going to make communities. That would make it way more manageable. Interesting.

I think it's supposed to happen in the 3rd or 4th quarter, based on posts from the start of the year. I haven't kept up on github or anything. But other folks keep mentioning it tangentially, too. I sure would like to see it happen!

Thanks. Things do continue to change. Hopefully all for the better. Hey, I just saw another post about photography plagiarism. so, I'm the only one. Sooner or later there will be more thieves than content creators.

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