10,628 Reps From 10 Steemians After 27 Days - The Steem Daily 100 Rep Fitness Challenge - 50 Push-ups & 50 Squats - Day 28 (9/11)

in #fitnesschallenge5 years ago (edited)

Closing eyes. As promised (sigh), here are my "progress pics" from Jan 1, June 12 and Sept 12.

...I don't lift much during my baseball season.

...I also don't know how to pose or care about standing in front of a mirror. Close enough for my 9 month checkpoint.

Now at 193 pounds, a happy medium after ~40 baseball games and trimming up around my waist.

Blue Steel.

I just went to the gym twice this week for the first times since June. A few weeks there should produce some solid results. I've just been doing push-ups and squats for the last month otherwise with a few sets of curls, so I'm primed up for a new toning phase in the gym. I've virtually ignored my shoulders, back and biceps all Summer, but will rebound in 2 weeks.

Middle - Built up for baseball, and it paid off.

RBIs were 4th in the league and tied for 7th overall in hits. My best statistical season since high school.

I have about 14 games of Fall ball left, but my core, legs and throwing arm are plenty strong now to not need to bulk up for it. The bulking up front is so I last the season.

Before - Dry heave. Recovering from shoulder injury and about 208 LBS. Never again.

Day 27 Overview: 420 reps from 4 Steemians that completed the challenge.

This post is re: Wednesday EST, 9/11.

Talk is cheap. Actions matter. Thanks to those who are sticking with this.

To people new, see the kickoff post linked below. We'll be opening up to other exercise types in due time. I'm trying to keep this simple for now to get everyone assembled and on the same page.

What's the challenge? 50 push-ups (modified if needed) and 50 air squats. See my video. If you want to do a different ratio or split, that's fine. Just reach 100 reps from these options and reply below with an affirmation, pic, link, or video. We're on the honor system.

If you can't do all of the push-ups, I know you can do squats for the rest. Get involved!

This is for your health. Why not try to join us just once to see how it goes?

My New Reps & Daily Report:

  • Rest day, with 5.7 miles walked.

  • After 4 workouts in 2 days, my body needed a break, especially since I was planning on having a baseball batting practice on Thursday. I was going to try to tough it out, but my body told me it was better to let it recover a bit. I'm down to 193.5 pounds and feeling great. The decision to skip last the workout and gym (yet still walk 5.7 miles) was best for sustainability.

  • My focus has been on cutting weight. Baseball has kept me busy and doing simple workouts from home. I've only been the gym 2 times since June, and both were this week...

  • Dinner was a pound of ground chicken with onions sautéed in olive oil, orange juice, and two natural 20 gram protein bars before bed.

Today's Highlights:

  • @rmsbodybuilding doing more jump-form reps like an animal to make me feel guilty for my rest day.
  • @joshman's time freefalling do to 3:10 for the 100 reps. Rock solid improvement!

Net Participation: 10 Steemians from 8 countries for 10,628 reps

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 16:

Day 17:

Day 18:

Day 19:

Day 20:

Day 21:

Day 22:

Day 23:

Day 24:

Day 25:

Day 26:

Day 27:

Thank You.

To any interested Steemians who want more info/background: *Please see this link from the kickoff post for details.

Everyone please support and encourage the team here. They're working hard to build a community the hard way. It's about the bigger picture.

Make sure you go 90 degrees with your elbows and legs, with your back straight, on each rep. Don't have your elbows too wide on the floor. Feel free to help others if they look like that can use some advice.

Again, this is just a baseline of activity for the day. This will be far from all I do on most days, and the same can go for you.

Markets and spirits may be down now, but our health should always be on the rise.

We don't always need an app and tokens for everything, or to worry about things we can't control.

Worry about what we can control. Let's put the human back into fitness here, and you will see and feel results.

Rep on,

P.S. - Please use the fitnesschallenge tag if you can.


My workout
5 rounds of
10 Jump Push-ups
10 Clean squats(30kg)
my time 10:23

I skipped out on my reps that were due for this post (yesterday for me in Oz). I had food poisoning so I was a bit distracted purging.

I got my reps in today while I was doing a grip session though.
6x15 squats and 6x18 pushups.
198 reps total.

Working out one day after food poisoning is hard freaking work. Not only did you hammer them out dehydrated and weakened, you did almost double the reps... Can you throw these 198 on my new post for tracking?

I'm still not doing them all in one block, so it's all sub maximal work and it's getting fairly easy now. It actually helps with the grip work, it get the CNS fired up and helps to stay warm between sets with the grippers.

& I just left my tally on your latest post before I came back and saw this.

Cheers Matt!

I did 10 mins of:
10 push ups
10 air squats.

The time reaching the 100 reps: 3:40

*took it easy yesterday :)

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-13 at 11.01.17.jpeg

Looking good bro. Back when I was in the Corps, we did allot of pull ups. Most preferred underhand, but I quickly learned overhand pull ups will really strengthen up those traps and make them start popping. Everyone's anatomy is different, but I can tell by looking at you that you have a body that is good for pull ups. Testing different spans might be necessary, but generally speaking , shoulder width is pretty good.

As a baseball player, incorporating pull ups into your routine will likely have you sending the ball out of the park in a matter of weeks.

I'm not assuming you don't know this, just throwing in my two cents based off of my experience with exercise. I know you also mentioned a shoulder injury, so if it's still healing, pull ups might not be a great idea.

Either way, you're looking great my man, keep it up!

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