1,910 Reps From 7 Steemians After 5 Days - Join The Steem Daily 100 Rep Fitness Challenge Of 50 Push-ups & 50 Air Squats! - Day 6

in #fitnesschallenge5 years ago (edited)

This challenge continues to grow with 1,910 reps done by 7 fellow Steemians. If you can't do all of the push-ups, I know you can do squats for the rest. Get involved!

Welcome @celestal from Finland with his first 100 reps linked here.

Hats off yet again to @khufu for doing even more partial reps as he rehabs from some injuries to ramp up for this. His sets are growing and he even did some extra pull-ups. He'll be ready soon after wisely building up to it.

A highlight is @rmsbodybuilding's day 5 video with his infant.

To people new, see the intro link below. We'll be opening up to other exercise types in due time. I'm trying to keep this simple for now to get everyone assembled and on the same page.

What's the challenge? 50 push-ups (modified if needed) and 50 air squats. See my video. If you want to do a different ratio or split, that's fine. Just get to 100 reps from these options and reply below with an affirmation, pic, link or video. We're on the honor system.

My Reps Today:

I wasn't too sore today, but I was generally tired from a lot of other stuff. Push-ups were a little easier. Legs weren't bad at sets of 25/25. I could hammer out the push-ups faster if I had a little more rest, but that's not happening when I need to lead this charge.

I played Oculus Rift VR today for the first time for a while and have been dizzy since. These reps were not fun in that respect, but that sounds like an excuse I didn't allow to beat me to skip my commitment.

My time continues to improve, now done in 4:17. That's encouraging.

Tonight's food was a lot of filet mignon, pork and some chicken at my friend's rooftop with plenty of leftovers for tomorrow. Protein!!!

Net Participation: 7 Steemians from 7 countries for 1,910 reps!

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3

Day 4:

Day 5:

I'm nominating @ninjamike again from the USA. You got this!

-> *Please see this link from the kickoff post for details.

Everyone please support and encourage the team here. It's about the bigger picture.

Make sure you go 90 degrees with your elbows and legs, with your back straight, on each rep. Feel free to help others if they look like that can use some advice.

Again, this is just a baseline of activity for the day. This will be far from all I do on most days, and the same can go for you.

Markets and spirits may be down now, but our health should always be on the rise.

We don't always need an app and tokens for everything, or to worry about things we can't control.

Worry about what we can control. Let's put the human back into fitness here and you will see and feel the results.

Rep on,

P.S. - Please use the fitnesschallenge tag if you can.


I got the 50 pushups in today but I only did two sets of squats x 15 reps. I had to deadlift a loaded box trailer today to move it sideways because people had parked me in on each & disappeared, it was the only way I could get the car out. I sumo deadlifted my toolbox which weighs about 110kg twice too, I figured that was enough leg work for one day. I haven't deadlifted anything for over 20 years, so I was surprised I can do one.

Man you're in the fast lane on getting your numbers up. How'd you feel after a night of rest with the new uptick?

I felt OK this morning. I got the 50 pushups and 50 squats done today. They were good full ROM reps too on both the pushups and the squats. I just try to stop each set a few reps before I reach failure so I don't beat myself up. It's those last few forced reps that take their toll on me, so I just stop the set before they start getting too tough. I haven't trained for that long that I have a low lactate tolerance, so I took about 10 minutes all up and avoided the burn.

Congratulations. I'll be posting the new one in an hour or two, so please add your first complete set of 100 reps there. That was a fast ramp up considering the challenges at hand.

Cheers Matt!
I didn't start completely from baseline, I've been doing the morning stretch routine from Calisthenicmovement and Ido Portal's squat routine several times a day for the last few months to rehab my back. If I hadn't been doing those routines I probably would have eased into the squats and pushups over about 2 weeks
Ido Portal youtube
Calisthenicmovement youtube

Hello from Kenya, we arrived here yesterday afternoon! The days rest helped a lot, but I was still pretty sore in my chest/tri's and went to failure early on my last set. Legs are doing great. I've been packing around a foam roller and a massage ball, and those have been helping quite a bit.

Here's my stats for today:

Time: 5:28
Push-ups: 10 -10 -10 - 10 - 10 (For the last 6 I had to go modified)
Air-squats: 25 - 25

Traveling doesn't make anything easier. I'm starting to push through the soreness and get used to it. It's getting less and less each day, plus I'm drinking more water and eating more protein (if that also helps).

A week or two of this when you can will get your body used to the demand and the soreness will fade out. Then you might need to start looking for new shirts. Good job being honest about the modded ones. Always better to push more out than stop short so you keep moving forward.

I didn't consider the benefits of a foam roller or massage ball, but hopefully won't need them as we continue. If you stick with this, you'll probably look back on chats like these and "remember the time way back when you used to get sore and be over 4 mins."

After my workout( 36 kg swings around 250 swings daily, now day 23 and i have 5700 reps) after this workout i did challenge workout in [1:32](Check out my strength training activity on Garmin Connect. #beatyesterday
https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/3973042096?share_unique_id=88 note, I have a hangover and in 3hours flying to Lithuania(Holiday)

I'm surprised that you didn't tow the airplane out to the runway on a rope first... Enjoy the trip.

nearly- caring 2 subcases and 3 backpacks and refusing any help :)

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