Weight Loss Goals: Hitting my Protein (& My Favorite Protein Waffle Recipe!)

in #fitnesschallenge7 years ago


Well, I am doing the Steemit Fitness Challenge, but I have now also joined Dietbet, where you 'bet' around $35.00 (or so, depending on the game) and if you lose 4% of your weight in 28 days, then you win your money back, plus a percentage of the 'pot'. I figure I'm already betting on myself losing the weight, I might as well go for it!

My goal this month is to really focus on hitting my protein goals for the day and then worrying about the rest of the calories after that. I know I do better with my energy levels, my sleep and my moods when I eat more protein and less sugar... but trying to restrict severely just sends me into binge mode. It works much better for me to focus on what I can or should have than what I Can't have, so that being said:

These are some of my favorite things to eat that are protein rich!


I love eggs in pretty much any variety (cooked over medium w/cottage cheese and hashbrowns is my favorite... or scrambled with meat of some sort and cheese is a close second!), but waffles or pancakes are SUCH a treat for me. When I found this recipe for Protein Waffles, I was a bit skeptical, but I tried it out and it is now my absolute favorite. I use this recipe when making waffles for anyone and everyone loves them. You can also add an extra bit of liquid and make crepes with them that are also fantastic.

Here’s a recipe for you! This is my favorite “Go To” meal when I’m craving something sweet… I guess breakfast foods have just always had some level of “comfort food” to them, because I always go back to them.

High protein waffles.png

My favorite topping is to mix equal amounts cream cheese and triple zero Olkios Greek yogurt. MMMMMmmm. Add some fresh or frozen blueberries and I’m in heaven with this amazing meal that’s a treat… and yet still fits my macros so well.


I also like to premake homemade burgers or meatballs to eat with meals, either wrapped in lettuce, a tortilla or even a bun if I have enough calories left for the day. I will also say that my love of fresh fruit (mostly apples) or frozen grapes keep me from ever being able to do the whole "Keto" diet for very long, but that doing keto/low carb for about a month helps me if I find myself becoming a slave to my sugar cravings!

What are your favorite healthy meals or recipes?

Things you find help you hit your weightloss goals?

For me, I want to keep my calories as high as I can whilst still losing, so let me have your favorite recipes or ideas in the comments!



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That waffle looks great @byn!!! I am going to try the recipe. I feel good eating low carb fruits/veggies and good proteins. My favorite treat is cottage cheese with a bit of stevia and frozen blueberries. Simple and yummy, that's what works for me these days :)

I eat cottage cheese almost every day but I've never tried it as a sweet though. I will have to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

works well as a sweet...

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