Thursday Popsugar Tabata Workout + Morning Meal :)

in #fitness6 years ago

Happy Thursday dear steemians!
Yes, it's another beautiful sunny morning today, and I'm ready to get another workout started.. Are you ? :)

Popsugar Tabata

Today, skimming through the youtube vids .. as you probably know I do by now .. I found one of Sugar Fitness' Tabata trainings.
I enjoy Tabata due to the push it gives to the buddy ... the 20 second work 10 - second rest intervals. Read more about Tabata here

Is it for you?

The workout was a generally good one, suitable for beginners as well as more active athletes.
20 mins of full workout along with 10 minutes recovery. No dumbbells or weights involved, so it's straight forward and feasible to anyone. I liked it, felt the burn, but I have done much more fun workouts before.

Give it a try!

Here is the vid of the workout.

The Meal

Not as awe-looking as my usual morning meals, yet tasty as always LOL
My breakfast was:

  • a sandwich of yoghurt (which we call Labne here in Arabic) along with almonds and cashews.
  • 3 cereal toasts of Peanut butter...My Favorite Food !
  • 1 Bagel (new type we're just trying out, oh and it's tasty too!)

Enjoy your Thursday guys .. and stay FIT! :)


Prior Workout/Meal Posts
Wednesday Active Rest + Egg-zellent Meal :)
A Sleepless Night + Great Workout By Simone De La Rue
Another Popsugar Boxing Monday Workout + Healthy Breakfast :)


I really liked your post very much thanks so much for sharing a post with us :)

Amazing! Keep up the great work! I've stumbled across a popsugar workout in the past and got a really great workout in. I love bodyweight workouts. So simple, yet kick you right in the butt and the best part is, you don't need any equiptment. Thanks again for sharing.

Thank you ! Glad to meet another fitness enthusiast :)

good work @mcfarhat.
Upvote and resteem.

You got a 100.00% upvote from @arabpromo courtesy of @mcfarhat!

That looked like a fun workout! Nice find. Upvoted :)

Thank you, it was :)

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