My Fitness Journey (2014-2017/2018) 🏋🏽

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

Do you ever find yourself looking at your own social media profiles? Do you look at pictures you’ve posted on Facebook, Instagram, and/or photos and videos you’ve stored on your phone/computer? I tend to do this occasionally... I promise I'm not a narcissist though😅


I was looking at my photos and noticed the progress I’ve made over the course of 3 years since I started lifting. Now, I started lifting basically on my own; I got help from a weight lifter friend at first but once I realized I work out better when I lift alone, I started going to the gym by myself.

The learning curve was huge! This included looking up workouts online, learning different exercises and what each one focuses on, modifying my workouts to fit my goals the best, and eating right. I didn’t realize how important it was to eat the right types and the right amounts of food until about a year ago. I know this has been over-said but eating more is the key to seeing ANY progress concerning muscle growth. Sure, I looked somewhat “toned” but that wasn’t my goal.

I'm just glad that weight-lifting for women is becoming more of a norm now. YAY!!




So here is me a year or so before I ever stepped foot in the weight room. Notice my skinny baby arms 🙀:

At this point, I was eating quite unhealthy; snacking on oreos and chicken-in-a-biscuit late at night in my dorm room, eating pizza multiple times a week, including very little protein/carbs/fats in my diet, staying up till late and not getting enough sleep causing me to doze off in classes, and occasional drinking.


Here’s me a few months after I started lifting:

At this point, I was learning about the main compound exercises like squats and deadlifts and working on good form. However, instead of form over weights, focusing on upping the weights got me.. Noob!


Here's some progress in 2015:

I finally started seeing changes in my upper body. No more super skinny arms 😄


And here’s me now:

I skipped 2016 because I injured my lower back. I either wasn't squatting or deadlifting correctly. Because of this, I completely stopped doing these exercises for months and only doing low weights later on.

Last year (2017), starting the summer, I finally felt like my back healed so I took every precaution I could to not injure myself again before resuming those exercises. These included stretching for 10-15 minutes before my leg days, stretching after for 5-10 minutes, REALLY focusing on my form instead of the weights (because of this, I've been on a plateau for a year or so now but that's ok since my squatting and deadlifting form has been much much better), and finally, including that mind-to-muscle connection when I'm exercising instead of browsing music/social media during workouts or by sitting on my phone for 10 minutes between sets.

Progress Isn't Only Visual

The physical progress isn’t too big considering how it’s been 3 whole years since I started lifting. Like I mentioned above, this is because I realized I was only putting time at the gym 5 days a week but not fueling up my body enough in the kitchen to allow it to grow. Since last year, I’ve really started noticing what and how much I eat and the results are definitely showing.

Taking on a challenge to change your life in some positive way takes time and patience. Despite the ups and downs in the learning process, there's always lessons you learn every step of the way. In my 3 year fitness journey, I grew physically, emotionally, and intellectually. I can 100% attest that consistently working out has made me confident and raised my self-esteem A LOT!

Changing the type of food I ate, the amount of sleep I got, the amount of water I drank, figuring out the best times for my workouts, the types of exercises that work for me, etc. was quite a challenge and it took me a long long time to deduce and stick to them.

Counting macros and calories may be a good idea for someone like me who can’t really estimate well or keep good mental track of what all I’ve eaten in a day. It’s just a little bit of extra time and effort that I just can’t get myself to put in sadly 😖.

Hitting Plateaus

Before I realized I wasn't eating enough, I found out that I had hit what they call a plateau which basically means I couldn't up the weights for the longest time. Now, I'm not a professional in this area so I don't know if hitting a plateau is a legit thing or not. However, I do know that I, personally, only thought I had hit that evil evil thing.

There were a few things I wasn't doing correctly: not eating enough, not going heavy enough at the gym, and not focusing much on the form at first which lead to minor but painful back injuries (rookie mistake) which kept me from doing some compound exercises for months.


How did I get into weightlifting in the first place? Well, a good friend of mine had asked me multiple times to go lift with him at least once. I kept putting it off saying "Ahh maybe some other time" until I finally pushed myself to do it. Haven't stopped lifting since then!

What kept me interested? The gainz ;) but mainly, the feeling that you get after working out and eating healthy is unbeatable. The endorphins really change your mood, make you motivated, confident, and just determined to get things done.

Share YOUR Stories

So there it is; a quick summary of my 3 year long fitness journey! :)

How has exercising changed YOUR life? What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your fitness journey and what steps did you take to accomplish them? What are your 2018 goals fitness-wise or not? Feel free to share your stories with me and the other Steemians in the comments below! :)


Credits: The first (gray) divider is from @vitkolesnik and the last (blue) divider is from @kristyglas.
Last 3 images are from


How has exercising changed YOUR life? What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your fitness journey and what steps did you take to accomplish them?

I was an insomanic until i started body building. Was too thin during my high school time. Sporting only 45 Kilos on a 6.1 feet tall structure doesnt exactly say "cool physique".

Its been 11 years.. i couldnt continue with my routine due to university studies etc.. so gym became a luxury for me during that time. However for the past 4 years, i have been working out without any long gap..

My metabolism is naturally high so if i dont eat like crazy, i start to lose weight immediately.. that is my biggest challenge..

But against all odds, i came on top of everything.. now i am pretty much stable as far as diet and exercise regimes are concerned

Current stats :- 214 Pounds , BF% : 14%,

Good post.. keep yourself motivated and you can achieve the impossible..

Good for you @jbn! That's so inspiring. Have you been training by yourself the whole time or did you consult a nutritionist and/or personal trainer to get some advice at some point?

My metabolism is naturally high so if i dont eat like crazy, i start to lose weight immediately.. that is my biggest challenge..

This is me 100% too! It gets annoying when you're hungry every 2 hours. I guess snacking more instead of 3 big meals is the way to go. Have yet to try this theory out though haa

Naah.. No trainer or consultant whatsoever. I learned the art myself. There were lots of ups and downs during that time but if you put enough work, you learn things on your own. Though I had some help from youtube learning the correct angles of certain exercises.

This is me 100% too! It gets annoying when you're hungry every 2 hours.

Yes exactly.. and its not about eating anything that you get your hands on.. You have to eat clean diet too. I mean when I am done with my meal 1, I immediately start thinking about what am I gonna have for meal 2.. so on and so forth.. it is a vicious loop. :D

Story of my life, all of what you've said :P YouTube has been the trainer for so many of us haha

Thanks for stopping by! I followed you so I can read your posts now!

Thank you so much.. Its been wonderful talking to you and glad to know that I am not alone as far as taking training lessons from youtube is concerned :D


Ah, young lady, can we be friends? Look at today's guns!!! Well done! I'm not sure if you've seen my posts yet... but basically I was a super nerdy IT guy who developed RSI from way too much computering... to the point that my hands felt like they were on fire as soon as I touched a mouse.

Exercise and fitness brought me out of that, and strengthened all the things... and now I've been on Australian Ninja Warrior and have applied to compete on American Ninja Warrior. It's so crazy hard, but super fun!

I've definitely seen your posts about Ninja Warrior. Looks so tough! So nice to hear that physical activity has changed your life so positively. Funny thing is, I'm also in Tech so I gotta keep this going for a long time 😅

Wish you luck on the American Warrior challenge! Is that the one on Netflix?

Oh you have? Awesome!
You're definitely on the right track... I was computering all day and then playing computer games until bed. Not healthy.

Ah no... American Ninja Warrior is on Hulu and NBC... Ultimate Beast Master is also excellent and is on Netflix.

Thank you!

Great post @cabernet !

You obviously put a lot of effort into writing that. I enjoyed reading about your progress and how you overcame adversity regarding your back injury.

Inspirational stuff for sure!

Re-steemed & followed

Thank you so much @khufu! Appreciate your support!

This is such an inspiring fitness post! I love seeing your transformation :) you must have incredible drive and discipline! For me as you know, pole fitness has become such a big part of my life - it's crazy how much confidence and how much happiness it brings me!

Thank you Jess! :) I couldn't agree more how physical activity brings so much physical and mental growth. Good thing staying active has become more and more cool now :D

Awesome transformation and a perfect example that strength training doesn't make woman look too muscular when not going on Roids or doing it in an extreme manner! Thumbs up!

Thank you so much @theaustrianguy! :) I always try to get anyone who's even slightly interested in working out into weightlifting since it's brought so much postiveness in my life!

Wow this is super motivational for us all but definitely for woman who need this type of guidance. Exercise has changed my life big time. It keeps me onto of my game with good habits and patterns. Success starts in the gym as I say!

Would love to see more of this blogs of yours! Have a great day Reez!

I don't think I've heard anyone who exercises say anything negative about the effects of staying active. Glad to hear you're one of us! :)

Part of the squad! :D

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Omg thank you @guyfawkes4-20! I accept :)

Haha, I love your enthusiasm, I'll nominate you sometime soon. ;)

What about stretching and rest, to last ?

Yep! I definitely stretch before and after. I've talked about this above:

Last year (2017), starting the summer, I finally felt like my back healed so I took every precaution I could to not injure myself again before resuming those exercises. These included stretching for 10-15 minutes before my leg days, stretching after for 5-10 minutes.....

yep it is sad to have to stop because of a preventable injury or illness due to overexercising. Maybe dedicated stretching days incorporated to your weekly routine? I know it "flatten" the muscle but I think it is healthy long term :). Keep pushing, and don't become "bigger" than schwartzy, you would have to rebuy all your clothes :).

Yes I should definitely spend some time stretching when I'm not training as well. Never hurts to be more fluid-y ;)

don't become "bigger" than schwartzy, you would have to rebuy all your clothes :)

Hahaha that would be some next level progress!

personally stretching more than healing the muscles, tendons and co provide too mental strength benefits, like my body needs it to regain the will to progress again. I don't know if it is clear what I am trying to say... Stretching is an integral part of training, which too need rest of the body afterwards. it is a real physical exercises. And it provide mental/spiritual benefits for the "hard" training. there are excellent youtube videos on the subject, super easy to do at home.

don't worry you would need synthetic steroids (like all male actors in hollywood :D).

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