Movement May - 25% through!

in #fitnation6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the next installment of the very succinct Monthly Motivational May Movement Mob, or MonMotMayMovMob for short.

This post is brought to you by the kind bot - @runburgundy. Run Burgundy is the kind of guy who distribute all his earnings to keep you motivated to move. You don't have to wear a tailored three piece suit while you exercise, but we all know that's the smoothest way to stay classy.


So, we've had a ton of people join, some of whom renamed or invented groups. We have :

@ratticusTeam Pink25kmsPost
@phelimintTeam Pink25kmsPost
@choogirlTeam Vegan50kmsPost
@thekitchenfairyTeam Vegan50kmsPost
@TeamSteemTeam Vegan100kmsPost
@AussieNinjaTeam Blue100kmsPost
@SamBillinghamTeam Blue100kmsPost
@o07lifeTeam Blue100kmsPost
@MStaffordTeam Yellow150kmsPost
@LinnyPlantTeam Green200kmsPost
@Run.Vince.RunTeam Green200kmsPost
@AnikekirstenTeam Green200kmsPost
@mazzleTeam Green200kmsPost

If you whip up a post on your progress thus far, drop it in the comments and I'll add it to the above table. If you'd prefer to instead just drop some numbers in the comments, do that and I'll chuck those in the table instead. If you'd rather wait for a big reveal at the end of the month... totes fine.

If anyone wants to join in the fun, you know what to do! (If you don't know what to do, leave a comment... also, the thing you need to do is leave a comment... circular.)

@TeamSteem, I put you in Team Blue since you said you'd probably run more than 50km this month... if that wasn't what you wanted, let me know and I'll readjust.

Don't forget, you're more than welcome to swim, ride, walk, run, hike, dance, soccer or crossfit your way your kilometers, as long as you're movin' movin' everyone's happy.

Also, fair warning, if you put photos in your post, I'm likely to add them into the next post heading, RB is just helping us out this week.



haha crap...I left my workout suit at home

Ahhhhh, nuts! That's a shame!
Well, I look forward to reading your post about how you fashioned workout gear from banana tree leaves and smashed out 50kms like it ain't a thing. I would totally upvote that!

Perfect! Hope you get access to that bike to mix it up a bit!

So do I. So far I've seen every other housemate but not the one who owns the bike!

Hey @aussieninja thanks again for organizing this. I am at 59km for the week and have posted the following on the challenge:

Oh dude, this is nuts! I totally recognize you... we met through Lobo a heap of times (but like 15 years ago now)... this is exciting!

Anywho, huge effort, I'll add this in!

Also, you should apply to be in @teamaustralia - contact @choogirl (although she's just gone on holidays so it might take a bit).

Oh my god, is that you Adam?
I didn't recognize you, thats crazy. And glad you pointed that out. Your doing some pretty awesome stuff mate, that is so cool and that Ninja Warrior stuff looks intense, I could never do that(I am more of an endurance guy)
Keep writing as its awesome to hear what your doing and yeah, I have been meaning to join up with @teamaustralia and will get onto that soon.
Keep in touch mate

run burgundy

hahahaha, I laughed so stupidly long at this!

I'm dead.

I would love to join this as I will be resuming training very soon. How does it work? And what is km to miles again? I could just look it up, ugh, lazy American up in hizzle that doesn't know the metric system. One sec.

Ok, 1.6 km in a mile. I run 1.5 miles every other day usually. Soooo according to my calculations....

heavy mouth breathing as I put on my nerd glasses

I run approx. 36 km a month, which doesn't really fit neatly into a category hahaha.

Do you really run 100? Beast mode man, beast mode!

Anyway, it would be fun to be accountable for my running though! Let me know if I can join! :)

Hahahaha, Run is obviously the genius of @mstafford.
Of course you could join! Everyone was saying that this was looking like it was going to be literally 0% fun with zero BethWheatcrafts... so this is a super exciting development!

So... for the month of May, given there is 21 days left, do you reckon you could do 31 miles this month? Team Red would love to have you, even if some people are calling it Team Vegan.

I'm currently on track to hit 100 kms/62 miles this month... but I'm loving it none of the time just yet.

This is a great idea, I need to get back on track with my running. I have been walking alot recently with the kids and spring being here.
I'm going to commit to running 10km/week for the rest of May so can you put me down for 30kms, I guess that puts me in team pink, but I'm going to have to look around more and get this all figured out.

Wait, no. You can't move @teamsteem into another non vegan group. I'm on holidays from tomorrow, so basically I'll be adding another 2km-ish today (AMRAP with running) and then I'm done for the month. He needs to carry the torch for the rest of May.

Move him back to Team Vegan, Ninja.

Exactly 🤣 don't kidnap the other vegan, Ninja 🤣

I meant to type my progress last night but we did more lap yesterday and I was dead tired and went to bed super early 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I will post next progress sometime today, @aussieninja

We vegans have to stick together. We're still, unfortunately, the minority.

Ah.... you're not the boss of MonMotMayMovMob.
No one is the boss of MonMotMayMovMob, it's a truly decentralized, democratic system where the group is self-governed by the group. That said, as the supreme ruler of MonMotMayMovMob I've decided to do exactly what you told me to do.

It's not a true group activity though, all these distances are individual distances - the teams are just for emotional support and encouragement.

You're not taking your runners to Europe? No running with the bulls?

Oh, I thought it was a group effort, hence the use of the word "team". Well I don't know if I'll get to 50km. Between running and rowing (calculated in my crossfit app), and swimming and walking to the shops (guestimated), I've got 25km covered, easy. Plus I'll be doing a lot of walking around as a tourist in Europe but as we've discussed I don't use stupid tech to measure and monitor everything I'm doing so I don't know how many km that will be.

No. The bulls are in Spain, and it's definitely not a vegan friendly activity. I wish it would stop. I hate it.

Here's a photo for you from the crossfit open a few weeks ago. Use it or don't. Either way.

18.3.2 (Small).jpg

Don't forget, you're more than welcome to swim, ride, walk, run, hike, dance, soccer or crossfit your way your kilometers, as long as you're movin' movin' everyone's happy.

I read this out to Miss Pixie in an exaggerated advertisement-style voice and got a giggle XD


YESSSS! And really isn't that was Steem was invented for... for the giggles?

Since you're probably lacking in projects, if you want to set up a DLive account where you're just reading our posts, I'd totally watch that...

The Dlive account is just the steem account XD And um no XD


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