Vita vivet

{This ending is part of the Finish the Story Contest, the 24th contest so far. Click here to see the contest… The prompt was crafted by @calluna (coincidentally running her own one here) this week... Ending music pair: "Fight or Flight" by Cheshyre (Madness: Project Nexus OST).}

Banner done by @f3nix.

The Prompt

Change blew in on the air that morning, whispering through a sleeping town. An eerie quiet rested along the main road, early commuters not yet disturbing the grey dawn. A wisp of waning moon, brushed pink with the gentle glow of the coming sun, hung low in the ombre sky.

A subtle shift rocked the heavy foliage of scattered trees, rippling between the houses. The cool silence of night still clung to the shadows. A lone ginger cat stalked between the sentinels of bins guarding the curbs. It paused, hair bristling along it’s back as it sensed a disturbance rushing past.

A lone mournful howl echoed in the streets, erupting into a sorrowful symphony as others took up the canine call.

Not a single harsh bark interrupted the lament that awoke the town that morning.

Back doors opened onto gardens, not quite the same. Concerned residents in an array of dressing gowns, coats and slippers, padded outside to find the same, inexplicable sight.

Theo hadn’t been home in months. He had told his mum he was getting clean. It was a lie. He hadn’t been clean in years.

The dark country road snaked before him, a twisting river of retreating night. She had insisted he came home for the wedding. Theo couldn’t stand her boyfriend, but his mum had half chewed his ear off over it, and he couldn’t deny, he owed her this.

He swore under his breath. The rising itch was dancing across his skin. The hard edge cutting inside him. He needed another hit. He had been driving since 1AM, he loaded up before he set off, but the ragged scraping of the comedown was consuming.

He glanced at the road, he hadn’t passed another car in hours, and he knew these twisting roads.

One hand on the wheel, he fumbled through the bag on the passenger seat. He couldn’t face that c*nt sober, Aunt Hazel would help.

His skin flushed with the intense bliss coursing through his veins as he approached the sleeping streets.

Dawn was pushing towards the horizon, her soft pink glow catching the clipped moon.

Theo was speeding when he got to the town. He heard the hair-raising call of neighbourhood dogs, raising their cry as one.

Then he saw it. The change. He couldn’t look away. He didn’t see the tree.

The Ending by @theironfelix

In fact, the house was gone and the grass torn asunder and a little reminder piece set for his mom.

The neighbors came around, immediately smelling the stench of Theo and knew he arrived - all dreading his arrival... Most returned to their homes scared, but one walked towards him.

It was in a Prussian blue suit with a black suit tie - then It placed a hand on Theo. It whispered to Theo and released Its calming grip once done whispering.

He marched to his car and drove fast off to the edge of the town - the townsfolk stood there in shock, opting to return home and forgetting the scene. Yet he knew one thing: the sonnofab***h had done it. Along the way he saw glimpses of It in varying houses, he wondered how but decided to focus on the road - for vengeance was going to be delivered.

Armed with a pistol and a nail bat, he saw an awfully familiar tree and house... he proceeded anyways. Cocking his head around, he saw It - Its passions were mute, but the surveillance was telegraphed. Yet that was of no bother to him, furthermore he knew It was an accomplice to his justice.

On the doorstep, he readied the bat and started to swing wildly at the door - every swing causing colour to drain and space-time to slow down. The final swing 'sploding the door to many a pieces, the chips dancing about.

A scream rattled throughout the house - no! He had to stop the perp! He darted to the basement, pushing past the pain. Then he saw the perp butchering his mom and Theo reacted by peppering the peckneck. Yet it merely angered the perp and made it march towards Theo slowly. Theo knew he ran out of ammo, but the jouissance persisted.

The nail bat ready, he charged at and swung with all his might to bludgeon the perp's flesh. No one would murder his mom! No one steal his past! No one! Stepping back, the deed was done and he heard It walk down to inspect the mess. It looked... happy and returned the smile towards Theo.

Then he woke up inside his car: all the blood, aches and distortions... gone. Cocking his head, he saw the... tree. Limping towards the house, he stopped to see his reflection in the pond: a worn-out face with an eye-patch on him was his image. Momentarily he saw It smiling and walking away, he tried to thank It but It was gone.

But before he attempted Narcissus's fate, he snapped outta it and rang the house door bell. He waited forever, but it opened and he saw his mom - they both embraced each other. She walked away gleefully as he stood frozen - the memories poured back in. Struggling forwards, he took one last look behind and saw It. Saying before closing the doors on him:

"Vita vivet."

Cited Posts:

@f3nix - "Finish the Story Contest: Week 24"

Cited Images:

@f3nix - "Official Storyteller banner"


Every now and then these contests come up with a gem and I think this might be one. It took a couple of readings to appreciate the nuances (I guess I'm slow), but I think Fruedians would have a picnic with this piece. Or maybe people who like to speculate on alternate universes. Or malignant presences...:)

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments. And oh boy, the Lacanians (Lacanian Psychoanalysts) would kill to have a stake at it as well.

It could be ad @agmoore suggests, it could be not. For sure you have my curiosity and attention. Can I have a brief exegesis? There's quite a good amount of symbolism. And why "Life lives"? Or you wanted to say "Live life" probably.. so it's vive. Lynch would appreciate.

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments. I do admit one thing: that I hadn't the closer the day I wrote the entire thing. So on the following day when I was bat-crazy tipsy, I decided to throw around Latin (romance languages in general) and greek phrases until I found one that was close to "live life." Then "vita vivet" came about and in my tipsy-stupor it sounded funny because it had the word "life" and "live." So I just wrote that down, published it and hadn't changed it because I wanted to see if people would catch on.

Thanks for clarifying ..I needed to be sure about the final message, since a lot depends from that.

Contemplates suddenly changing the story to peck with people.

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