Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #40!

in #finishthestory6 years ago


A contest with a pot of 5 STEEM + 5 @steembasicincome shares? You're in the right place!

189 @steembasicincome shares awarded till now, plus 22.558 SBD and 58 STEEM, through the contest in 39 weeks!

What do we have here? But, of course, today's yellow finned prize categories caught fresh for your discerning palates!

1st place: n. 5 STEEM

2nd place: n. 2 steembasicincome shares

popular vote: n. 2 steembasicincome share (remember to vote your favorite!)

Best comment to the stories: n. 1 steembasicincome share

Heyo and welcome to the Bananafish Holidays special! Here with yer host @theironfelix, and oure gracious patrons @f3nix and @bananafish, delivering a prompt this very special week. CHAOS! CHAOS! Let the passions stir, for I... Kak, where's th’ @bananafish? Oh well, oure Potassiumness will arrive soon... Soon... Anyways, it’s yer fellow person that likes to not throw characters that stand outside the "norm" under the bus and, withal, treat them more than "fictional" (id est fake) things. For I be a person that likes to treat them as things that reflects much of the author’s and society’s biases... By th' Rum o' Cap'n Morgan, where's th' @bananafish today? Dr. @f3nix, take over! Bye! Bye! Enjoy the prompt.

Muffled screams and thrashing are heard from a figure hidden beneath a console. Bound tightly with golden tinsel and gagged by a dense holiday cake studded with jeweled fruits, @f3nix struggles for freedom. His blazing eyes meet those of his pirate squirrel captor, promising retribution.

It seems that the good @F3nix be a bit tied up at the moment me hearties! So I say to ye all, strap on yer cutlasses and let's have ourselves an adventure!

Good luck to ye, brave storytellers!

Map of the Bananafish Realms from a piratey perspective!

  • Tell a friend about the contest!

  • Join the Bananafish Realms discord chat for fresh updates and other amenities.

  • Vote, vote, vote your favorite story!

  • Use the #finishthestory tag.

  • Try to post your story the earliest possible and not at the last moment (or after the results! argh!)

  • Respect the dreadful 500 words limit! o_0

  • Help our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

    And now.. let's dive into the story!


Hunt Down the Bananafish
by @theironfelix

Boots clamor with the machinery humming. Iron walkways, under stomping feet, ache despite losing the senses a while ago. Grunts echo and bounce off the marble-walls and iron-ceiling. The grunting marchers ache for purpose, as they can stand no more of their shoulders’ acidity caused by hauling a crate so long.

"Hush, we near the Colonel-"

"Bob, we’ve been on the USSS Milky Way for how long? It’s pronounced ker-nel - not co-lo-nol."

"Keep your peace, Jerry. Anyways."

Raised arms, Bob’s hands knocked three knocks, every knock so polite yet firm. His legs, being precautious, retreated; doors squeaking due to leaving their closed state, the Colonel with a pipe and cocked hat steps out. Steadying the shades, the pipe soon found itself hugging the floor.

"Master-Sergeant Bob, how’d you... oh He would be very proud, yet let’s not yammer on about that."

"Indeed, and we tracked the coordinates-"

"Coordinates! I’ll patch you in sonny. Please yank that box in now. Tell me, how’d you got this potassium-skin?"

"I’ll take this one Bob, go input the coordinates. Colonel, the details matter not, but our white gloves are still white. Anyways, coordinates should be in now. Say, when does that bounty expire?"

"I still cannot believe it, we’ll be rich! We’ll have the Bananafish finally in our hands and the bounty just renewed and quadrupled its payout!"

Frothing came racing out and spreading about the Colonel’s mouth, Master-Sergeant Bob’s and Jerry’s eyes picked up on the bubble-infection. Bob’s hands signaled to Jerry if now was the time to act, but that time to act was inappropriate as Jerry’s hands signed. Bob’s ears, hearing the awkwardness, compelled the voice-box to utter.

"Would you like to do the honours of telling the other ships?"

"Ah, sorry. Anyways, the coordinates are already sent - now just an announcement... Ahem... Attention crew, this is the Colonel speaking. Right now coordinates have been uploaded and you may have a question. My answer: we found the Bananafish and we’re going to hunt! I repeat, we’re hunting down the Bananafish... I muted my mic, but do you hear that Master-Sergeant?"


"And a hero, for that’s what you and your platoon are. When we’re back, I’ll make sure you get your due honours."

Bob’s and Jerry’s eyes deadlock together on the other, lips arching high and their minds ridding of any misdeeds. Turning their heads to the ship’s front view, the image of starry seas became interrupted as the view warps to a tunnel of passing light spires that raced with the ship. However, the moment was fleeting and the armada of spacecraft found themselves floating above the Bananafish’s home.

"Master-Sergeant’s Platoon, come ‘ere. You’ll be my personal convoy ‘til the mission is over. So sit in your own Orbital Drop Pods and await blastoff."

Sat they were, their armour covered with more weapons than plating and a soldiery hoorah echoing. The clock ticked, yet they were ejected soon and all saw the Nature below.

The hunt has begun.


Let’s grow together!

The wise potassium kami Bananafish wants all of its beloved people can benefit from rich upvotes. For this reason, knowing that unity is strength, it asks for SP delegations and for numerous commitments to the voting trail.

With delegations, @bananafish VP will grow and consequently the upvotes given to every contest entry will be higher. @f3nix, @gwilberiol, @dirge, @tristancarax, @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl are the names of the proud Bananafish Knights who already delegated a fraction of their SP to this project.

Following the voting trail is a way to make sure you always support the other participants to the Bananafish contests, automatically upvoting the posts (but not the comments) @bananafish upvotes. @foffelius, @steelochlaver, @f3nix, @marcoriccardi, @anixio, @gwilberiol, @brisby, @calluna, @ntowl, @dirge, @iamthegray, @seesladen, @theironfelix, @letalis-laetitia, @vdux are already in the trail.

If you’re interested, here you can find all the information needed.


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  • An unfinished fiction story or a script is posted.

  • You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  • WIN 5 STEEM + 5 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best endings and comments.

The result will be out on Wednesday - December 19th, 14:00 PM GMT+7 avg. (U.S. West Coast time zone). Submission deadline: Tuesday - December 18th, 14:00 PM GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone). You may vote your favorite story till the first deadline!

A special thank to @gwilberiol, @dirge, @tristancarax, @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl for their precious delegations, making this project a reality!
If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!



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Vote your favorite story here!

My vote goes to @agmoore.

My heart's with @agmoore on this one. That image of the workers all pointing in unison at the palace was just gold! I ROFL-coptered in exquisite glee right the hell out of my chair.

Potassium Liberation Front? For that alone, @dirge takes it. There were so many inventive twists in these stories, I was astonished. But this one detail stood out. Some riotous interpretations this week.

gunna have to second this vote, there were some very entertaining entries, but dirge just nailed it with the details

@dirge's disturbing yet coherent description of the bananafish conquered me. Between one laugh and the other, I'll vote the Dirgelius Maximus.

First to post and bragging rights go to you this round, Cy!

We totally need to find something for the first blood.. a banana flavoured pint of grog?

Golden Banana Grog

1 oz Giffard Banane du Bresil
1 3/4 oz Denizen Aged White Rum (Sub any Trinidadian Aged White Rum)
1/2 oz Smith & Cross Navy Strength Jamaica Rum (Sub any funky Jamaican Rum)
1 1/4 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Orgeat
Club Soda
Garnish: 3 Banana slices

Son of a biscuit! This goes straight to the #official-banananews and will the drink of our wild nights!

Ask and you shall recieve. LOL.

Muffled screams and thrashing are heard from a figure hidden beneath a console. Bound tightly with golden tinsel and gagged by a dense holiday cake studded with jeweled fruits, @f3nix struggles for freedom. His blazing eyes meet those of his pirate squirrel captor, promising retribution.

I'll give you five shilling for him to be transferred into my possession.

I can only imagine that the squirrel ain't forking over for that lil'.
Tick'd off.gif

You distract. I'll grab. ;-)

Sorry, Tristan. I appreciate the offer but the bidding starts at 10 shillings. 😎

One bloody pound!

😂 "Aaaannd we have one bloody pound from the one who took first blood! Do I hear two pounds? Two pounds?!"

Your price is steep. Who else has come forward?

Nobody as of yet. I'm just finally indulging in the chance to be an auctioneer.

I've a moment to type now that she's not looking..
I'm worried that I'm not worth a dime after the special attentions that I received by the obnoxious BDSM purple squirrel

You're worth something to two of us. The grill sizzles from the water sprinkles I throw on it.

Eekk why do not you go and let off steam with the Bananafish? 😂

Would now be a good time to tell them that you tied yourself up with the tinsel?

.. I could also tell them, as long as it distracts the attention from where you placed the mistletoe..

Thanks Dirge!

Against my better judgment, I did it. Who can turn down @theironfelix?

Here's my effort, this week: Bananafish Denouement

Nobobody can stop Felix and his cootie-patootie attacks! I'm so happy to see you back that I got inspired and tried to participate for my first time 😉 - F3nix

Writing is wonderful. If you love to do it, you have to do it. Glad to see your entry among us. I think Felix has a very big heart. No better selling point than that.

And to you, my dear, for persevering:

A fine bottle of rum with something interesting to read along with it.
Thanks for playing with us again!!

It'll be a warm evening here :)

Hunt Down the Bananafish -Just reading this made me smile.

Great work @theironfelix and @bananafish

Thanks, Sarez! This is going to be a fun round thanks to Felix!

Swing dance.gif

OK so this is bananafish in skirts?? Thanks for the tip.

I mean I didn’t knew the @bananafish could transform into a goat, but thanks for somehow figurint that out. (That’s Ralsei from Deltarune; however, the gif is actually one of the animations of the Ralsei companion in a Mod for DooM 2 in E1M2.)

Alright, the ship has anchored and the pods dropped. So, have some cover fire while we all drop in with a cootie-patootie attack!
{Game: A Hat in Time.}

The power of the cootie-patootie barrage rocked the ship. Some of the younger sailors, fresh from their mama's sides, collapsed to the deck, done in by the onslaught of cuteness. Knowing that it was time for all or nothing, the seasoned captain gave the order for a return salvo. It was time to rain down some adorbs of their own.


Well I wrote one might not be my best as I was rushed but still fun to write it.

Woo-Hoo!!! Happy to have you join in the hunt, Stever!

Am I too late? Here's my entry.

Meh, Squirrels don't fully understand the concept of time. Bonus, there's still rum cake left.

Thanks, Michaias!

Woo hoo!

(brb, must go run to pay penance).

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