Finish The Story Contest - WEEK #25

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)


A contest with a pot of 6 @steembasicincome shares + 2 STEEM? You're in the right place!

105 @steembasicincome shares awarded till now through the contest in 24 weeks!

Here are our brand new fluorine-potassium empowered prize categories:

1st place by popular vote: n. 4 steembasicincome shares (this time is serious business.. vote your favourite and be voted!)

2nd place : n. 2 solid STEEMs (..and you can use them as you like!)

3rd place: n. 2 steembasicincome share.

@f3nix here, your prêt-à-porter bananafish prophet. I missed you, brave storytellers, and through my arcaic Vedic mantras I invoked the bananafish hallucinogenic blessings over your heads..did you sense them? ..hope not. This contest is unique, from the brand to the amazing community behind it (Join here our chat]). One of the things I like the most is that we here prefer spontaneity over rules, hence here are the ..

Things that please the Bananafish mighty god!

  • vote, vote, vote your favourite story!

  • use the #finishthestory tag.

  • Try to post your story the earliest possible and not at the last moment.

  • Sustain, comment and upvote each other as a true group of friends and fiction lovers.

  • Respect the 500 words limit.

  • Post in your blog instead than in the comment section.

  • help our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

And now.. let's dive into today's story!



In the eyes of the couple, the slate-paved street of the village revealed a cornucopia of crafts, sweets and jubilant peasants. Along the noisy main street, colourful festoons hung from the balconies of typical mountain houses, made of solid stone and original woodwork. The buildings themselves, due to the abundance of decorations, seemed to curve over the long snake of stalls.
There had been an imperceptible moment of silence when the two had laid their feet on the dark pavement of the village, nothing but a quick counterpoint to underline the next wave of noise of the festival in its full becoming.
It had been enough to turn left on the path between the conifers marked by the navigator and their journey had moulted with grey scales now transformed into coloured harlequin’s diamonds.
"Fasnachat". That bizarre writing on a shaky sign had tickled their imagination.
"If Google had reported this village party we could have left two hours earlier." At her voice’s sound, Ben instinctively thought of two Dolce & Gabbana sneakers on the 100 meters starting blocks.
"A break cannot hurt us, but let's not forget about our timetable," he replied, not without a trail of scepticism in his voice.
Ben's senses captured fragrances, widened eyes and inebriated laughter. That joy was as disruptive as it was contagious.
"We do not need to remind ourselves of what it means being late for Grandma Maude's birthday dinner," he said, turning to his wife, whose hand was already wriggling from his, ready to compulsively stuff the car with the many bits and bobs offered by the fair.
Debated between the growing curiosity and the thought of his father-in-law blaming him for the delay, Ben had not even noticed that he had already lost sight of Joelle.
Like a pebble escaping the river’s current, the flow of the crowd had carried him in the middle of a small square dominated by a soaring wooden stage. An acute, strangely cacophonous, chant of stringed instruments enlivened a typical traditional group dance, where couples slapped each other’s feet and bodies.
Under the ever more pounding rhythm of the dance, among almost hypnotized and swaying villagers, his eyes increasingly focused on the show.
For a moment, he thought he saw Joelle surrounded by villagers who invited her to eat something viscidly black. The substance seemed to smear the white aprons and faces of the women, perhaps even that of Joelle who had joined them in a wild chortle. She seemed so lighthearted and it felt good. There was one thing Ben could not remember and squatted in the back of his head, but maybe it wasn’t that important.
He returned to plunge into the dance: it was simply wonderful. He felt he could not miss a movement, not even a note. He smiled at the villagers as a strange heat flared up inside him. An empty and collective smile painted back on the villagers’ gaunt faces.
In a frayed embryo of thought, Ben recorded the distant verses of Joelle, who, strangely, had fused together in a long animal bleating.


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  1. An unfinished fiction story or a script is posted.

  2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  3. YOU WIN! 6 @steembasicincome shares + 2 STEEM to the writers with the best ending.

    The result will be out on Tuesday 28th August, 14:00 PM - two o' clock in the afternoon GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone) avg. Submission deadline: Monday 27th August, 12:00 PM - noon GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone)


The great and generous @bananafish rewards the faithful!

We already know the wise and fair @bananafish can be strengthened with offerings of delegation, and curation. Through this, the strength of many, shall become the strength of one. So in time, the strength of one, can in turn, become that of many. As the delegations grow, so does the value of the vote, so as the power grows, so it returns. Indeed, the mighty god will appreciate those who support it, and in doing so, support this entire contest. For many of us, it is already it's own reward. In a steemit full of vanishing contests, your support allows this one to keep going, and allows everyone to polish their writing skills with a challenging weekly work out (not to mention @curies's precious support and voted on the participants!). By coming together and sharing the work, we can empower the potassium rich deity to create an oceanic fruit-salad that never runs out!

So join the core, support the mission! Pledge your allegiance with your delegation, show your continued support through by joining the curation trail, and all will share in the glorious bounty of the @bananafish!

If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!


banner f3nix 3.png



Vote your favorite story here below!

Read a lot of interesting endings, yet my responses tell that @mercuryjav shall steal my vote. That Granny Save strat really stealed the show (and because I can’t self-vote for my story).

@mercuryjav gets my vote as well!

@cyemela gets my vote! His take on actuality and realism got me. We usually unleash the wildest fantasies, but sometimes one should have the the courage to talk about the effects of a real fear and problem of our times!

There were so many great stories this week! My vote goes to @sidequest for the unique and surprisingly emotional ending! (Special mention to Marco for bringing in our favorite band of degenerates!! )

Oh this was such a hard pick, I thought I would see if the votes made it any easier, but these were my top three! So ok, gunna get a bit confusing and hopes thats fine.

If no one else votes, I vote for @sidequest - however if there is a last minute rush, and any more votes come in, @cyemela - I was leaning to @cyemela for the way the second half actually changed the first half, but I did love @sidequest 's - I was tempted to toss a coin but hopefully this is a bit more helpful :)

Oki Cal, I understand the difficulty.. I'll consider this a vote for @sidequest 🙂

I feel like the odd one here but I enjoyed @dirge's piece.

Yeah, that's where I'm casting my $0.0000001 upvote

I agree with you, @dirge has been totally underrated this time I don't know was a great piece.

I'm torn between @marcorricardi and @erh.germany. They gave clear impressions of irrational experiences. I think I'll go with @erh.germany. It was a less contemporary take, more Dionysian and less psychedelic in tone--which was the sense I got from @f3nix's piece. But this was a hard choice, as usual.

@f3nix here, your prêt-à-porter bananafish prophet. I missed you, brave storytellers, and through my arcaic Vedic mantras I invoked the bananafish hallucinogenic blessings over your heads..did you sense them? ..hope not.

LOL! I guess I have sensed them too much!

OhmmMMMMm .. nothing is too much for the Chupacabra 😎

Here be me submission: a missing ingredient for this contest here.

.. lysergic acid?

Well, some witches may appreciate that ingredient.

I started voting and a bar appeared. We reached the 500 sp with your delegation.. thank you man, together we kick-ass! 😎🤙

I am late, I know. Sorry, but I was really liking the idea and the story given.
Wonderful idea that is.

Here is my entry:

Oh don't worry for being late, we like being creative even with our own rules here 😉 Welcome to the contest and our community a.k.a. The Bananafish Realms! Don't forget to vote your favorite story and have fun!

Having fun already, thank you for being flexible :)

Read some of the stories and enjoying them greatly! The story given lets fantasies flying high.

Thanks for appreciating! I always write the first half with the intention of stimulating the participants' inner imaginary. In fact, this is an ongoing writing workshop and a community (we have a discord chat) in the shape of a contest 🙂

here's my entry

I'll vote for my fave entries in the morning

Thanks for remembering to vote, it's very important in this round as the main prize depends on it 👍

Hello fellows, here's my entry to the contest ...

And yes, I'm new at steemit ... also english is not my native language, so please forgive me in advance for any “bug” that may have leaked in the post.

Kind Regards,

Welcome to the contest and to steemit @mercuryjav! Don't worry we are a multicultural community here..cheers ✌️

Finally finished my piece! About to rush out the door, but I managed to get it posted. Later I'll have to read the other entries.
This will be interesting, and fun, to see where imagination took everyone :)

I know that feeling of posting in a rush before leaving! 😁

Hey bud! Glad to see you here with us.. is everything ok with the phone? 🙂

As perfect as is expected. Thanks good sir.

Very grateful fish here.😊

I'm really happy to know that my friend! 👍

Phew, such insanely good entries already, I was almost tempted to bow out this round ;)

here it is though my ending

Hey Cal! Don't even think to bow out.. your insanity is much needed 😜

Funny. Looking for entries to read and didn't see mine. Not sure if I'm posting for the second time, or if this is my first time posting this week's entry:

I think that it's your first time posting it.. maybe we've been tricked by the fasnachat's spell..

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