THE MAGICAL HAND - My Entry Finish The Story Contest - Week #57!

in #finishthestory5 years ago

This is my entry for Finish the Story Contest held by @bananafish

Last episode of finish the story was my maiden attempt and all of you good people gave me much inspiration which forced me to make one more attempt, So here I am.


Would you like to know about this in detail, then please click [here] and thanks to @brisby (



Shiro paid the street vendor for his lemonade, unfazed by her curious glances to the glove on his hand. Any other day, he would have answered the unspoken questions of the smiling woman with a light quip. A bit of banter went miles in getting people to overlook his many...eccentricities.
Today though, he couldn't muster anything witty. Throngs of people were milling about the square, mindless to those who were in a hurry. His quick errand run had become a snail-paced slog behind wandering looky-loos. The brown jacket he wore was sodden thanks to the blistering bake of the summer sun. He'd give anything to shed his sweaty layers but the memories of what had happened the last time...

Compounding his exhaustion were his ever-present traveling companions. Their desperation for his attention had begun fraying his nerves since he left home. Ignoring their antics and way they clung to him had worn his energy to a hair's breadth. Sheer obstinance was all that kept him from screaming at them in the middle of the crowd.

Shuffling aside to savor the crisp drink in the shade of the over-sized umbrella, Shiro felt something crunch beneath his heel. Dammit! Whatever he had broken, it sounded expensive.

Behind him a voice shrilled, "You're paying for that!"

Shoulders slumping as he fingered his wallet, he turned. "Sorry! I didn't know...", his voice choked to a halt. Not because the person was intimidating. The blonde slip of a girl glaring daggers at him wouldn't have been able to frighten a hamster. Nor was it due to her beauty, as she had been graced with an unfortunate nose.

It was the reaction of his companions that stole his breath.

Gone were the shadowy undulations and static flickerings who had doggedly followed Shiro since he was a child. What remained were swirling vortices of crimson and pitch. Amorphous, they writhed. They wailed. The air thickened with the depth of their need.

Without warning, unctuous tendrils sprang. Shiro cried out but it was too late. Oozing with hunger, his companions snaked to envelop the girl. Her wide hazel orbs rolled to the heavens before she collapsed to the ground.


She was screaming with pain from the unexpected attack from Shiro's friends. Though the intimidating person, Ripper- who had himself assigned as the local leader has least expected such an attack by the two unknown guys. He was confused for a while what to do first.

Shiro too caught in a dilemma as his friends were not supposed to interfere here as he was confident of making the situation amicable before it becomes ugly. As he was trying to analyze the situation how to handle the intimidating muscular figure of Ripper and at the same time to save the .blonde girl from his friend's attack he saw it was some medicine that he had broken.

Things were slowly going of control as altercation and the screaming sound were forced few people's attention who were running towards to this place. Shiro saw Ripper moving towards the scene where two of his friends were attacking the blonde girl, he took a long breath and jumped vigorously towards them and kicked on their face one by one. He continued with some harder hitting. They were least expected this attack from Shiro since as friends - back in their village together - they had done much more notorious crimes than this before Shiro left them and their village long time back.

Ripper was shocked too for a while as he was also moving towards the scene in order to save the blonde girl, who in fact was a sister figure to him. He knows the medicine brought for her chronic illness had been lost due to the push by Shiro earlier. Even before he realized he have to act for saving his sister he saw Shiro moved quickly to save the girl.
The resistance of the friend's were fading quickly and they just tried to slip away from there. No one was bothered about that as everyone at that time was worried about the condition of the blonde girl.

To everyone's great relief she was yet breathing contrary to what they expected a lifeless body'. Ripper came running fast to hold the face of the girl in his palms, uttering some words which neither anyone there nor Shiro standing nearby to her were able to understand.

Shiro was so eager to know what was the problem with blonde girl and finally Ripper broke the silence that she has the habit of getting stroke which means her body will shiver with acute pain and high temperature at times unexpectedly and the bottle broken by him was the medicine for it.

That was when situation turned to be in favor of Shiro as he removed the hand that has been protected till now and slowly hold her nose lightly and caress over his forehead. It was only a matter of few minutes before the girl came back to the world again.

As everyone were rejoicing, Shiro slowly left the scene unnoticed saying thanks to the grandfather who gave him the magical powers long time back when he left his friends searching for life's mission.


Warm Regards and Cheers

Signature Name.gif




Reading your story gave me the feeling of an advancing storm.. Luckily the good old superpowers fixed everything. Nice to see you once again, keep it up!

Thanks a lot, If it is good for a casual read then I believe it is possible for me to be little creative in writing some stories provided there is a spark/inspiration like this from you people..


An interesting take on it, having Shiro end up saving the day for the girl!

Thank you for the comment. Happy to hear that you liked it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to have you along for the fun again, Angelro!

I do have one request. When copying the prompt, would you please include the name of the author who wrote the beginning portion of the story. This way they are properly credited for their pieces and it will help to avoid any accusations of plagiarism. Thank you!

There's a lot of action to your tale as Shiro dives in to fight against his companions. You give us a taste of surprise with the broken item being the blonde girl's medicine. Ripper gripping her face and the miracle of her salvation thanks to Shiro's magic powers make this one of the few stories with a happier ending.

Hai, For the first portion of your reply, It is not a request, you have every right to instruct the contestants to include the name of the author as a must do thing. You can even make it as one of the rule of this.. Think about it. And apologies from my side too. Mainly because the stuff of writing story itself is a new thing to me. So somehow the task is to write the stuff and post it. So I will make sure to follow what you said from the next episodes, provided I will join the Contest.

Thanks for the lovely comment about my story, considering my entry with the real storytellers itself is thing that can be boast of, and getting such a comment is a big thing for me too.

Thanks again. Have a nice day!

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