Filmmaker's Diaries: Beginning of September.

in #filmmakersdiaries6 years ago

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary!

So It’s hard to believe that it is the 5 of September.


Here’s how the month is starting. Been trying to get my entrepreneur company opened for the last five days.

Been going to the place where they can do it and there is always something … today for example I got in just 30 min after opening and there were no more tickets available…

On Monday went to the bank to get a credit card, in order to rent a car for when I’ll film. The guy said that I needed to have an account as an entrepreneur or anything other than unemployed in order to get the card… doesn’t make much sense since I would block the amount of the card in a. Savings account… but whatever…

So the plan is to wake up. Very early tomorrow and be there before it opens. Then just wait and don’t get out of there until the issue is solved. If I’m really, really lucky I’lll be able to go to the bank before it closes with the paper. I know that the official company paper takes a few days to arrive in the mail. I truly hope they can give me a temporary one, so I can present it to the bank. We shall see, could use a little luck and smoothness tomorrow.

Filming Houses.

Like I said last time, my plan now was to go film my friend's house to add to my real estate portfolio. I wanted to call him, once I had the credit card since it’s a bit far by transportation with the gear and all. But since there have been all these issues, I spoke with him today and … I can only film the 9 of October… more than a month from now. Good news is… I should be able to rent a car by then.

Awaiting that event, I asked a friend of mine who works with two real estate agents, to tell them that I would make a video for free. Like that, I can add to the portfolio and if (when) they like it I might get a new client immediately.

So waiting on that one.

The Website

The website for the real estate videos is basically done, the main thing I’m missing is the VSL (Video Sales Letter) that has been quite complicated also. The last issue was when I found out that all my shirts are either black, blue and white… the ones I can not use to do a green screen, Blue screen in this case. The black and blue does not work and the white would normally do, but since I want a white background … it won’t work…

Decided to look for other shirts and nothing… the place I went only, had white, black and blue…

Then I decided to wait until the bank and company situation would be solved to record the VSL… well, I’m still waiting. Well, I’ve put Friday on my agenda in order to complete it. It should be ok… just need to figure it out… this color situation.

The Other Company

Has far as the other video company is a concern.. it’s going. Made the first video with stock footage and I’m finishing the second… not sure this second one will be official but we shall see.

Did some logos… but need to do them again… they weren’t that great. My girlfriend gave me some cool ideas


Really sorry to say that since I came back from holiday I haven’t been working on the script much. Some time ago I spoke on how just missing one day usually leads to missing weeks…. This is the case right now. And it all the bureaucratic mess, haven’t really picked it up again. Must solve that one pronto.


Guess what?…. as crazy as it is… there is still construction work going on, on my building. As I’m writing this there is some sort of machine going on. Nothing compared to what it was… and it’s very exporadic now… but it’s still going on… plus I think I heard the new neighbours yesterday at night… I don’t know, but it’s nuts. Just hope that another one doesn’t start … people are really going crazy with this house renovations. Oh , actually another one had stated across the street once I came back form holidays. Thankfully it’s over.

As always, thank you for reading.

If you like this you can see the previous diaries for more reference:

Wish you a great Day!!

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