Filmmaker's Diaries: Always Problems. (09/10/2018)

in #filmmakersdiaries6 years ago

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary!

Many things have happened since I last posted a diary.

Here it is in a nutshell.

Real Estate Videos

The VSL for the real estate video company was unusable in the end. But I came up with a solution… What I ended up doing is a word video. Like a presentation with an animated text.

So I did that and did another one in a very different style and there you go. Finally after all this time and waiting and what not. I could have done this before… but it’s done.

So the website for the real estate is almost done. Just missing one more video for the portfolio.

I was supposed to go and film it today. Remembered when I said that the good news of it being pushed for today, were that I would for sure have a car by then (now).

Well funny enough I’ve only gotten the credit card yesterday… And the prices to rent this week are a bit crazy. (There is only a c couple places I can rent from)

Long story short, the filming has been pushed for next week. Monday.

Commercial Videos

Next week, I'll film a restaurant/ shop. For the second company. So in a couple of weeks, I should. Really have all that I need to have both video companies.

Believe I will get a drone. Have one that is a good price around 300euros. I wonder If I’m going to pay a guy 100, to film some drone shots, I might as well get one and in three jobs I should be getting a profit already. Plus then I don’t need to consider his schedules and professionalism etc…

One thing a bit complicated with this one is that I got this awesome domain. But… I can not use the domain in my hosting platform to create a website… I use a third party email service and I basically can not use it. Between the 3 companies (where I have the domain, where I host and email) I can not get it to work …

Guess I’ll have to just get a hosting service with the company where I got the domain… I really didn’t want that. First I already paid for the other one, and I could use one more website there, plus this one is quite expensive and it’s really an investment I wasn’t counting on…. The domain alone was 60 euros… And I’m really short one cash already… the only investment now is the drone and business cards… and a SIM card.


With all of this happening, I haven’t been writing on a consistent level. I can’t believe it… It’s a priority to write every day until the end of the week.

I also, got an idea for a no-budget film, that I might develop it. Been also wondering if I should develop that and/or other non-budget shorts ideas… I really want to. However, at this time I believe that writing and video maker are the priorities.

Been doing a very cool Course on lighting and cinematography. Also discovered a couple of really cool blogs. And got a new Blue Ray player... mine had been broken for moths... Still no surround sound, but it's a start.

That's it for today. It was mainly a big picture diary to keep it up to speed.

As always, thank you for reading.

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If you like this you can see the previous diaries for more reference:

2 Bamboo Logo.jpg

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Keep it up! Good to hear your business are taking shape.

Yeah finally!!

Thanks man!!

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