Space | Personal Log 947

in #fiftywords6 years ago (edited)


Space-- Separating me from its anguish is titanium platted walls and immaculate paint. Thankfully only the engines and lasers are offline. Pirates are raiding mining operation 3 asteroid belts over.

KICK. KICK. You cost me 1.8 billion you better Sta… Warp drive engaged. Wait no sea……bel….. designation reached -- WJ-9YO.


Screenshot taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshot from the game Eve Online

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Nice one @enjar You painted quite the picture there, and it was cool to see your comments to fill in the gaps, as 50 words is tricky to conjure up, them words run out quickly :o)

They always do I'm known for writing way to much. Granted that is also what makes this rather fun taking a 75-150 word story and trying get it down to just 50.

Defo, having to sacrifice words on the alter of fifty words can be hard! :o)

I like space things. You ever watched star trek? My fav out of all of them was stargate...

I did enjoy Stargate far more than star trek. I always hope they make a great mmo out of it. Sadly every thing seem to have failed time again and again. That seems to apply to quite a number of scifi movies and tv shows. They try and make a video game out of it and ugg.....

There was called dark matter that I watched over and over but they suddenly stopped it; was discouraged then..

I have not heard of that one. I stopped having my own tv a number of years ago. So I’m sure I’ve missed out on some great shows!

I want to know how many light years per second a warp speed might be. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, outer space, and Answers In Genesis.

The Paladin has a base warp speed of 2.2 AU/S (astronomical units). I’m not quite sure what that would be in light years. It is consider a slow ship. Even its base movement is only 100 m/sec. It is a rather large ship having a mass of 92,245,000 Kg base before fittings. It would take a player 115days just to train for the minimum skills to fly this ship. Which is never recommending. I don’t think I really flew this thing for a couple of years.

If you are interested the lore and other stats can be found here .

As a fanfiction my story not quite up to the lore of the game. Engines don’t just break down like that and we can’t move in our ships either. So there is no way to kick it lol. WJ-9YO is however a system within the game. I don’t currently have it installed to take a better screenshot of it on in game map. But the system itself can be least seen on this online map. which is not best looking map ever . It is a rather quite system with only being 4 ship kills in the last 24 hours. It is controlled by a player alliance called The Watchmen which has over 800 pilots. I’ve been a bit out of the game for too long to stay up to date on the politics down in the Catch region.

I've watch many of the Star Trek's but nothing current. I grew up watching Stargate SG-1 I use to stay up late to watch it once a week and hoped my parents did not catch me lol.

Thanks. Love Star Gate which might be a better way to travel than in a spaceship.

Much better if you don't think to much about what would really be happening to yourself hehe.

This is so cool, but I am a ditz! I am not sure what all is happening here. Can you explain it to me? Thanks!

Traveling along in his expensive mission running ship and the engines give out. On the scanner he picks up a mining fleet that currently being raided by pirates. So he starts kicking the engine drives hoping it fixes itself before the pirates realize there is a very expensive toy for them to go gank and loot. Needless to say after a few kicks it works but not before he able to get back to cockpit of the ship and buckled up. He ends up escaping to the system named WJ-9YO before the pirates pick him up on their scans and got away.

If they would have noticed and got him before his warp drive was working again all that would have slowed his death was the hull of the ship and its new paint job. So only a couple of minutes. Needless to say this story started out much longer. I hope this helps.

In case your mind is wondering further I left in another comment more information on the spaceship used in the screenshot and the system in question.

Thank you for all the great explanation. This is awesome! You clearly need to bust out and write much longer stories! Let your imagination run free... free!! :-)

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