Dream Runner by Anonymummy_Fifty Word Challenge

in #fiftywords6 years ago (edited)

Dream Runner,

pic Collage (2).PNG
(photo by me)[made from multiple sources]

the dream runner runs to leave the dream.
to leave the dream she must solve the scene.
She'll be gay, strait, faithful, untrue,
mother, sister or cheerleader too.
play video games, host dinners,
drink poison, flee crime.
dodge cataclisms, climb trees, scale mountains and swim orca infested seas.
cast spells, seek solace .hidden doors ,toilert porters.
mine gold, save lives,
give birth, watch her baby die.
the more she runs the more she will cry!
reface the enemy another nigh.
until she braves her foes, she'll run the dream athousand times through.
shel wake in sweaty puddles, go back to sleep and restart in rubbles.
the more she runs, the more she knows, shes making monsters of tiny foes.
unless she screams, unless she watches, unless she dies, unless she touches,
shell be burried by her nightmares every night ,and one night her heart will lose its fight...
Stop running.
by @anonymummy



Flagged for claiming the photos are yours, when in fact 2 are from the Twilight movies

@anonymummy didn't reply to you but she has an explanation on a separate comment.

Not sure if copyrights work like that, but I'll discuss this with her on steem chat too. :)

She specifically said 'photo by me'. As they are screen grabs from movies with a 'filter' applied, they are still copyrighted images. If people worked so hard on their own work as they do trying to justify their mistakes, they would fare better.

Yes, that's an issue but even though I see her logic in this - this is not her photo and image is not really OK according to how I see copyrights.

I'm in the hopes of turning this into a learning experience.

You are right of course as @apsu has explained to me “we make earnings off our post” and that one reminder was enough for me to see the flaw in my logic I’m sorry and I have remedied this I won’t do it again ever I hope to be friends.

On this original post I claimed the photo is by me and was flagged for it and the flagged was in the right. A friend has reminded me we earn off our posts unlike fb and Twitter and that was enough to remind me that this was a piracy issue not a Creative Commons issue and I have remedied this! I will not delete or remove or hide any of the comments made against me in the hopes that it serves as a reminder to my fellow steemians we are making money from our posts and images and sources and perchance they will also remember my mistake and the wisdoms of @apsu and @gmuxx and the lesson they have taught me I would also apologise to @jayna as though she has offended me she also likely did not mean too but as an artist I can’t seperate my poem it’s an ocd thing. I write with heart I write in full I post in full. I can’t watch my favourite Harry Potter movie or read my favourite Harry Potter book without first reading in order ever word that came before and after reading or watching my favourite then reading or watching every word that came after and so it is with the twilight saga and hunger games and star wars maze runner avengers game of thrones walkin. Dead you name it. So I must respectfully decline the offer to split my post next time I will come up with something much shorter

Jayna isn't able to access her account at the moment and is working toward getting back. She asked me to relay her response that she appreciates you've listened to what was said and corrected the mistake. She'll be back on Steemit as soon as possible.

I completely understand that a story is as long as it wants to be. It makes it difficult when there's a word limit or challenge, though that's the fun and learning curve of micro flash fiction.

as a person who suffers regular night terrors due to post traumatic stress syndrome the subject run hit home hard and drew the writing strait out of me. I am on medications to control my reactions to things that usually upset me because my nightmares cause pseudo seizures and cardiac arrest. not that I needed the added life threat on top of my chronic epilepsy eh. I've flat lined 3 times I am aware of one of them in the hospital.

Wow! This is brilliantly written. I also suffer from night terrors and have PTSD and an anxiety disorder so I feel your pain. Your picture in the #self-promotions grabbed my attention so I had to take a look! Very well written and I could relate to it so well!

Hi @anonymummy. Thanks for joining the 50-word challenge. There are a few things I'd like to mention:

  1. This is a 50-word challenge. I don't generally count the words because I'm not a big stickler on that detail. But your post is over 150 words so it's really not in the spirit of the challenge. (I have a recommendation below.)

  2. Are you quite certain these are your images?

  3. And just one more thing. I do highly encourage that people edit their work before posting. An occasional typo isn't a terrible thing, but for example, you have at least three spellings of the word "she'll" which is problematic, and suggests that you wrote it somewhat carelessly. The 50-word challenge is about writing a very tight, well-written story in 50 words. There are quite a few other grammatical and punctuation problems as well.

Writing fast is a great way to draft a story, but it's the editing that makes it readable, and a worthwhile experience for your readers.

I like the ideas behind this post. Nightmares are terrible, and many people can relate.

Please consider writing a series of three 50-word posts by breaking this one out into three 50-word segments. It's actually fine if you post them all this week for the "run" prompt. There's no hurry to write these posts. You have a whole week.


I definitely think the photo montage is using pirated images. Top right looks a bit like Kristen Stewart.

You are right @rhondak I was stupid! I was too busy being creative myself that I forgot we make money of f of our posts! I have altered my post and clarified that this picture uses multiple sources please forgive me I have unflagged you I hope you will do the same you are also wiser than me. I shall follow you and I hope we can be friends.

Top right is Bella Cullen's transformation during Twilight: Breaking Dawn pt 1. Bottom right is a screengrab from Breaking Dawn pt. 2. The woman running away can be found as far back as 2015, such as in this post. Again, it looks like a screen grab from a movie, I just can't find which one. In fact, if you do and image search on Google for 'woman running away', it's the top result.

You are right. And I am wrong! As @apsu has pointed out to me we make money off our posts! And I know that that means even if the pic is a remix or whatever I still have to state all the sources used. And so I have altered my posts to state this. I have also unflagged you I muted you and followed you! We should always look up to those wiser than ourselves @gmuxx and you are wiser than I

My flag was just to draw your attention to the issue. I am glad you have seen your error and I will now remove that flag. Best of luck to you.

@jayna @rondak @jmuxx as per creative copy right laws this “image” is a collage I created from looking for specific images on the web and in specific movies two were screen captures during the running of the movies one from the search mentioned all three were altered in paint and collages together cropped into a box and had the filter changed as a single image to give the required effect that best fits my poem which makes this image my own! Check it for yourselves that makes this picture mine! I know because I studied this law during my study of it and digital gaming! It is a single created image that makes it mine and your lucky I don’t flag you @jmuxx for false flagging. As per the grammar and spelling some I fixed others I left so they were said that way as it helps express the climate in the poem and the running dramatic effect! As to splitting it into 3 50’s I could never then it wouldn’t be a complete poem the temperature of the poem wouldn’t be portrayed and fifty words is said to be the minimum making it exactly fifty would have turned it into one of the emotionless pieces I saw and was forced to like as the qualifying post specifies to like other contestants posts to qualify! I would rather unfollow all and never enter a stupid challenge like this again for the lack of upvotes I received and the negative destructive criticism accusations and flag trolling I have received here for being the first and only person with a meaning ful post in this stupid challenge it’s seems the only person who understands the point of poetry or creative writing is @jennifer78 and she will be the one I’ll be following from now on! Rediculous to be flagged and hidden as an unpopular post by a close not group of jealous untalented trolls

The poem is good, but it seems there are two separate things regarding this:
The poem can be good but not quality in the 50-word challenge, but it can work as a post of it's own without the specific challenge or contest :)

The image thing is separate and on Steemit quite many users are strict with copyrights and it's usually safest to use own photos/drawings etc. or CC0 "free for commercial use" images, as we are earning money with the posts.

You can find such images on Pixabay.com and similar services :)

Can’t find my painting I’m going to have to alter the source claim

Now that you put it that way that we are making money off of posts it does seem wrong I was only looking at it in the Creative Commons liscence not as a marketing issue , Fuck

I’m going to have to editi both posts! Don’t worry I have a painting I did years ago I’m still trying to find that says it all

Firstly, my username is @gmuxx - thanks.

Secondly, you specifically said 'photo by me'. No. Collage by you from copyrighted scenes from movies. If you had studied copyright law, then you would surely know this.

I run a writers community of some 850 members, and we take a hard stand towards copyright material, and we act responsibly not just for our own members but all intellectual property. I would suggest that you stop complaining and comply by actual copyright laws and change your ways. An altered image of somebody else's work does not make it your own.

Go here https://steemit.com/@a-a-a to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

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