Tale of War - Part 2 (Original Fiction)

in #fiction8 years ago

This story is fiction, but the story is based on historical sources. As we know, the Aceh War with the Dutch occurred in 1873.

Read the previous story in Part 1

Karim had never thought he would go to war. One of the most dreaded things other than God is dead. For him, war is the path to death. When students flocked to a military barracks for the Dutch who were in Olehle, Karim seen in the middle the mob. Deliberately he took a middle place, not because he remembered about the Prophet said, "The best of matters is the middle", but Karim felt that the front line will be a shield for him, and the back line as well be a wall if the enemy attacks from behind. The students excitedly holding their weapons as if death is an option. For them, death on the battlefield is another way to heaven coveted by every Muslim.

With full alert, the students began to sink slowly when the Dutch military barracks already visible. Hasan, who served as a lookout trying to advance further. He will give the cue later whether they are ready to attack or to postpone it at the right time. Birds singing in the morning makes the heart Karim tightened. He feared that the Dutch soldiers already knew about the attack. Suddenly Hasan signaled an immediate attack. Without waiting longer, hundreds of students attacked the barracks. Enemies shocked then signaled a danger to the soldiers who have not been fully realized. War broke out. Was fierce. The student’s singletons fighting like a demon possessed. That comes to their minds are just angels of heaven who would marry them. Karim just watched it all from behind a shrub that protected.

"Allahu akbar!" Cries of takbeer blaring deliver a beautiful morning it was disastrous. Sea birds passing freely as if oblivious of the battle of life and death underneath. When the rhythm of war began to subside and there was no sign of enemy gunfire, Karim emerged from the undergrowth and attempting to end the face of fear. He bolster the students injured. And with innocent faces stare he received the wounded with downcast. Karim conscious of stares them was the look of contempt.

The war won by fighters Aceh. They managed to control Olehle and drove away the soldiers who had taken control of the village of Lam Ara. Karim looked celebrating by reading the saga of the war when they returned to the village. Not only snippets Tale of War that reads, but he tells how the students were fighting against the enemy and how the students martyred been making out with an angel in heaven with a dazzling imagination. The students and villagers who heard the tale of victory as if to forget that Karim was not a fighter.

Behind his fear, should he save the pearl in his memory. Yes, Karim an accomplished teller. In Boarding School Keutapang, no one else could match students in terms of memorization. He was able to memorize the various rules of Arabic grammar perfectly. He is also capable of considering the various changes to the Arabic verb and its derivatives. He is also capable says poetry metaphor with a beautiful voice. And do not ever argue with Karim because he was also able to put the rules of logic to it. Karim intelligence is perfect except for one thing, war!

In various wars that followed, Karim remained took a place in the middle. As the war progressed, Karim would hide in a place that nobody can see it. God seemed to give a place for him to hide. On the battlefield, the warriors no longer ignore Karim. They were too busy serving the enemy and find a gap to heaven. Karim's dagger until that time not once touching blood.

Miraculously, in every war that followed Karim always ended with the victory. It will be the story of the inhabitants who welcomed their victory. Then Karim with the spirit of the passionate tells how the war began. The story of how great the students enchanted by the Tale of War and imagination story about angels of heaven. Residents who listened to the story of Karim flattered. After the end of the story, other than getting the coins, there are some residents who submitted themselves to join the war.

Jihad is holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community (John O. Brennan)

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I have been reading your stories and voting personally for many of them, but unfortunately the translations are so hard to grasp that I've been unable to recommend them to Fiction-Trail as I would like to. Is there a way you can work with a translator to improve the understandability of the sentences? I really like some of the stories behind the writing though, so I hope you can.

Thank you @baerdric I will try to improve

Hi, @baerdric. Read Part 3, please. What is your advice? Thank you.

Well, my advice is that you get the help of a translator. I don't know what you are trying to say in some parts, so you need someone who speaks your language and can translate properly. I can't be your translator, but I will give you one example from the first paragraph.

"She is very dreamed up by the martyrs. "

I have no idea what that means. Do the martyrs make her have dreams? Do the martyrs have dreams about her? Are the martyrs lifting her up in the air by having dreams? That's just one sentence. That one paragraph has several such problems. You need an English speaking translator.

But that doesn't make the story bad, I read it and enjoyed it. It just means it doesn't pass our guidelines. You should keep working on them and try to improve the translation.

Good. I can explain this part.

A martyr to get an angel in heaven (this only conviction). This is a deserving reward for martyrs.

Regarding the translation, I have trouble finding the equivalent word in English literature.

Thanks. I am happy to continue learning.

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