Tale of War - Part 3 (Original Fiction)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

This story is fiction, but the story is based on historical sources. As we know, the Aceh War with the Dutch occurred in 1873.

Read the previous story in Part 1 and Part 2

In Tale of War, I found some odd stories. The story is divided into several chapters. Among the chapters, the story of Ainal Mardhiah most popular. She is very dreamed up by the martyrs. The martyrs have left their families, just to get her love. I've find in a piece of history, a young man Aceh (I forget his name) after hearing Tale of War, and then he killed Dutch soldiers. He was not afraid of anything.

The war against unbelievers do not necessarily occur in the open arena. War can also be done by one man. Proven indeed, many Acehnese youths who slipped dagger at his waist, and when he met the Dutch soldiers anywhere, he would kill the infidels. Dutch military officers forbade soldiers to travel. Minimum, they should be five people. They also should avoid crowded places. That's where the term Atjeh Moorden among the Dutch people. Perhaps in our language is called "Aceh Pungo".

People gathered at the mosque. Karim recounted the story of the conquest of Lam Ara.

"Do you know, Dutch soldiers must cry when seeing our fighters. Look this dagger!! With this dagger, I've killed dozens of unbelievers Dutch. You should not underestimate this dagger. God will curse you. Needless to rifle-shotgun advanced because it will lose with this dagger. "

"What is the next target of our fighters, Karim?" Asked a listener.

"Eits, it's a secret. No one should know, except us. I'm afraid there are spies here. Anyway, you just wait for another tale."

"How face the heavenly nymphs? What is more beautiful than Maimunah, daughter of Tengku Saleh?"

"Maimunah is a beautiful girl in our village. But Ainal Mardhiah prettier than Maimunah. You will not be able to imagine it. Your knees will tremble when looking at her face." People amused by these stories. Then they gave some coins to Karim.

Karim was pleased. The stories were able to make people happy. He would continue to tell the story. Although he had to face death.

Jihad is holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community (John O. Brennan)

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