Black Dawn Chapter 24

in #fiction7 years ago

Black Dawn

Chapters 1-5
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Derek has his gun aimed at Adam's head, slowly pulling the trigger back with his finger, but is interrupted by Adam at the last second.

"Go ahead, Derek. Show the kind of man you are, shoot me while I'm unarmed, I dare you."

Derek hesitates slightly.

"Don't try that game with me, Adam. Shut up!"

Adam picks up on Derek's hesitation and agitation, and knows he's onto something.

"Shoot me! Live with the fact that you pulled the trigger while I was defenseless. Live with the fact that dad was right: I was always better than you."

The slight agitation turns into full aggression, as Derek quickly takes steps towards Adam to get close enough to press the gun right on Adam's forehead, but is much less focused.

"Leave him out of this, Adam! That won't work, brother, that won't work. I pulled all of this off, I proved I was better than you, I.."

In a quick move, Adam takes a risk and knocks the gun away from Derek, and then takes another punch at Derek's face. Derek stumbles and reaches for his gun on the floor, but Adam manages to kick it away. Adam pulls Derek up for another swift punch, but Derek is far from defenseless, and blocks the punch and comes back with one of his own, and the brothers go at it.

The two brothers went at it a lot as kids, and they were always close to equals as fighters. They developed a very specific version of close quarters combat when they were around 15, and both instinctively start using it, since it's second nature to both of them.

Derek manages to get the upperhand and gets on top of Adam while having him in a chokehold.

"There are other ways to kill you, brother! Say hi to Maria for me on the other side!"

Adam is losing his breath, but the mention of Maria, and the fact that if Maria is dead, it was Derek's doing to get her involved in the mess, shoots adrenaline right into Adam's system, and he's able to kick Derek away from him.

The brothers get up simultaneously while licking their wounds, and get ready for a second round.

"No one else dies today, but you, Derek. I'll make sure of that."

Kevin is at the courtyard of the facility, as a limo, accompanied by a number of vans arrives in front of him.

Armed men come out of the vans, and out of the limo steps out a well dressed older man with long white hair. Kevin recognizes him as Simon Silverman.

The armed men point their guns at Kevin, and Kevin understands to place his gun on the ground, and put his hands behind his head. This is a precaution, and Kevin knows it without being told to.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, sir."

Simon takes a long look at Kevin. He doesn't let people meet him and get close to him easily. Kevin has had to work hard for years to get him to meet face to face. He takes a few steps to get closer, but still remains at a safe distance.

"The feeling is mutual, Mr. Reese. You've been a great asset."

"I appreciate that, sir."

"Place the data drive and the serum on the ground, slowly, and kick them here."

Kevin very slowly reaches to his pocket to grab the data drive, as well as the serum, and does as he is told. He avoids making any sudden movements, because one false move would earn him a bullet to his head.

"Good. Let's take care of business, then. Is Adam with Derek?"

"Yes, sir. As planned."

"And the girl?"

Kevin hesitates ever so slightly, since he is about to tell a lie.

"She's dead. She's no longer a problem."

"I hope you're right, for your sake. She knows who I am."

"She didn't seem to remember, sir."

"Well, despite that. She was a risk. I know you two were close."

"I'm close with Adam, too, sir. But I'm willing to do what's necessary for our cause."

Silverman is convinced.

"Good. Now we just need Adam to stop the launch, and we'll take him, and finish this operation."

Maria is desperately trying to break free herself from the handcuffs attached to the pipe, but to obvious no avail.

She's trying to piece together the puzzle of today's events. She at least wants to understand what is going on, if nothing else. She, in her mind, deserves that at the very least.

She knows that Simon Silverman is the key. And she knows the name is supposed to mean something. Maria calms her mind for a moment and really thinks hard on it.

Maria has heard that name before, she knows it. Lloyd Heenan gave up his life giving her that name, knowing it would mean something, but what?

Why would Kevin betray everything he believes, as well as his closest friends, to work for this man? Maria knows that Kevin was distraught at losing his wife, Jessica, but it doesn't explain this, not even close.

Then it finally hits her. Maria connects the dots.

She remembers the name. She thinks to herself "That's got to be it!" but her celebration is of little value, as she hears a loud beep go off at the corner of the room.

The beep came from a nerve gas canister that has a timer device on the side. It's been set to blow, and the clock is ticking. If Maria can't get out, she'll be dead as soon as she breathes the nerve gas.

Maria panics, and prays for Adam to miraculously make it there to save her in time - though she realizes it's a slim chance, but it's the only one she's got.

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