Black Dawn: Chapter 22

in #fiction7 years ago

Black Dawn

Chapters 1-5
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Joshua leads the way as he and Adam are making their way towards Derek. Joshua makes sure the path is clear, which it is, since most of the guards are either dead, or elsewhere. Nothing seems to stand in the way between Adam getting to his brother, face to face.

"This way."

"So, you know for a fact this is where Derek's at?"

"Yeah, that's where the bomb is, so that's where Derek is. It's he biggest area of the facility, it's a big cavern. One with a remote hatch on the roof. So, that's what he's going to use to launch the bomb."

Adam senses a hint of uncertainty, though, in Joshua's voice.

"Something bothering you?"

"Well... I just can't beat the feeling that we're being fooled, somehow. After what that Pryor guy said. And knowing what I know that Derek really is after this big conspiracy."

Adam realizes this, since he's thinking the same thing.

"Yeah. I know. Something is up here, that's a fact. But we have to operate under the assumption that Derek is threatening the lives of thousands, if not millions of people with that nerve agent. And right now, we - I'm the only one who can stop him. I'm still not sure exactly how I fit into this puzzle, but I do."


Before proceeding any further, Adam stops Josua for a second.

"Look. If you want to turn away now, I understand. There's no telling what awaits us."

"No way. I'm involved in this. I've done wrong things, but this.. this was never supposed to happen. And I'm partially responsible. I'm seeing this through the end."

Adam looks at the young Joshua sort of like a father would look at a son he's proud of. Joshua is young, his grip on his gun is not quite as confident and firm as Adam's, but he has the moral convictions of an experienced man. Adam respects that. He's involved in this, but he is not a bad man. Adam places his hand on Joshua's shoulder briefly.

"I respect that. I want you to know that."

"You're not responsible for your brother, you know."

This catches Adam off guard; he hasn't said it, but it's true: he does feel a sense of responsibility for the fact that the main culprit behind everything is his brother. Derek has acted on his own, but still Adam can't get rid of the feeling that he should have done something in the past to prevent his brother from ending up on a path like this.

"Be that as it may. But right now, it is my responsibility to stop him. And that's what we're going to-"

Adam is suddenly interrupted by a clean headshot directed as Joshua, from a sniper.

Before Adam has a chance to react, he hears a woman's voice.

"Drop your weapon and put year hands behind your head. Now."

Adam slowly complies, as Mona comes out from the shadows with her sniper aimed directly at him.

"Derek will see you now."

"You're not gonna shoot me."

"And why is that?"

"Derek wants me alive. You can't kill me."

"Maybe. But I hold your responsible for my sister's death. So who knows, I may just break the rules a little bit."

"Look at your sister, damnit. This is what you've signed up for. Death. Is this really what you want? Because that's what you're going to be causing if let me brother do what he's about to do!"

Adam's reasoning has no effect on Mona, who remains cold as ice, with her aim not swaying one bit.

"Your words mean nothing to me, hero. Be a good boy now. Move."

Adam does as he's told. It makes sense for him to play along, since he was going for Derek anyway.

Kevin drags Maria to a small room and grabs a pair of handcuffs from the table, which he throws at Maria, while holding her at gunpoint.

"Cuff yourself on the pipe on the wall."

"Kev, just talk to me.."

"Now, Maria."

Maria does not challenge Kevin and handcuffs herself on the pipe, but feels that no matter what is going on she deserves answers from one of her closest friends.

"Jesus Christ, Kevin! I deserve to know what the hell is going on! When Jessica died, who was there for you, huh? Who was there for you, Kev? What do you think she would feel about you right now? She would despise you for this! She would despise you!"

"Shut up about Jessica! Not another word!"

Kevin receives a call on his communicator from Simon Silverman.


"Do you have the woman?"

"She's no longer a threat, boss."

"Good. You know what to do."

"I do, boss."

Kevin contemplates what he's been ordered to do, but even though he doesn't show it, he won't pull the trigger on Maria. He can't. Maria notices the hesitation and uses it as an opportunity to get through to Kevin.

"That was him, wasn't it? Simon Silverman. You're working for him. Who is he, Kev? You owe me an explanation, Kev, you owe me! And you owe Adam! You can't betray him like this, Kev, you can't! That's not the man you are."

Maria's words sends Kevin into an uncontrollable fit of rage.

"I owe Adam? I owe Adam? I'm the reason he's still alive! I'm the reason he has a shot at stopping Derek! I've watched his back all the way through! I'm the one who's saved lives today, Maria, not Adam! I tracked Derek down and came up with a plan to stop him. After I lost Jessica, I've been tracking down people like Derek for years, and what did Adam do, huh? What did Adam do? He ran off to Mexico to feel sorry for himself!"

"I can't believe I'm hearing this. Here you are taking the moral high ground, yet you're the one helping Silverman do God knows what!"

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it?"

Instead of answering, Kevin decides to pick up a piece of duct tape and shuts Maria's mouth with it.

"You've talked enough. I'm sorry. But this is how it has to be."

Maria keeps screaming with her mouth closed, but Kevin ignores him, leaves the room to make a call to Silverman.

"Maria's been taken care of."

"Good. Now you need to make sure Adam stops Derek. You have the serum?"

"And the data drive."

"You're quite an asset, Mr. Reese. Proceed as planned and finish the job."

"I will. I take it you're gonna be here in person? I think it's time we meet."

"I'm on my way there."

"Copy that."

The fact that Silverman confirmed to be on his way to the base makes Kevin satisfied, he clearly wants to see him person. For what reason, only he knows.


Nice story!

Please is this like sequel?

I didn't understand?

Voted and followed 👍

I missed so many chapters. It will take time to recover.
Interesting story :)

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