Black Dawn: Chapter 11

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Black Dawn

Chapters 1-5
Chapters 6-10

Chapter 11

After making their way through the ventilation shaft, Adam and Maria enter a small opening in between two shafts, and decide to take a small breather and take in everything that's happened. They are deep within the ventilation system, with a giant fan placed right on t op of them, but it's quiet enough for the two to hear each other talk. Unlike Adam, Maria is not used to fighting for her life like this. She attempts a conversation, while still out of breath.

"So. This is what you did for a living, huh?"

Despite the life threatening situation, Adam is happy to hear a familiar sarcastic tone in Maria's voice. He's missed that.

"Yeah. Pretty much."

Maria can't get past the name "Silverman", as she knows for sure that it should mean something to her.

"About what Heenan said.. the name Silverman."

"Is it ringing any bells?"

"No, but I've heard it before. And don't you think it was a bit too coincidental for him to suffer a heart attack like that? Just before letting us in on something. This isn't a movie, things like that don't happen by accident."

"So, you mean someone triggered his heart attack remotely? It was weird, yeah, but you're right: this isn't a movie. This is real."

"Not according to Heenan, though."

"Heenan is - was - a world class liar. If lying was an Olympic sport, he would have been banned due to unfair competition."

"I know. But we can't just discredit everything he said - or tried to say. Don't you think everything that's happened today has been a little off? You're 'dead' for five years, I get kidnapped to lure you out, and of all people it's your brother behind this. I have a strong feeling things aren't quite as they seem."

Adam's never been one for hunches, but he does agree with Maria: the whole day, the entire incident, has been off.

"No, you're right. But I just have to go with what I know: Derek, my brother, is in possession of an EMP bomb big enough to pull the entire DC offline, as well as a nerve agent that can spread and kill thousands, if not millions of people, within hours of use. And he seems to want me dead. These are facts, verified by your father, and they are what I need to go with. Okay?"

The mention of her father prompts the unavoidable question from Maria, now with a somewhat sulkier tone.

"Did daddy know?"


"Did daddy know you're alive?"

This is not what Adam wanted at this point. They're being hunted down by an elite PMC army, with an imminent terrorist attack looming on the horizon. Relationship drama is not something that's needed right now, in Adam's mind.

"We're not doing this right now."

"Hey, excuse me, Mr. Calloway!"

And right then and there, the five years they had missed disappeared and they were right back in an argument as an engaged couple, with Maria refusing to let go of the subject.

"I think I deserve something from you."

"You're being childish. This is not the time to do this, Maria!"

"Jesus Christ, Adam, I thought you were dead! I spent two years trying to look for you, and I want to know if my father and you conspired together to keep me in the dark!"

"Yes! Okay? Yes! Your father helped me pull it off. And he didn't tell you, because I told him not to! I told him not to because of stuff like this! Why do you think you were dragged into all of this, huh? To lure me out. Your life is in danger because of me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. So, if you want to blame someone, blame me. Your father is the reason I'm still alive."

Maria calms herself for a moment. She let her emotions get the best of her, and she regrets arguing with Adam at a moment like this, after finally founding out that he's even alive.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But you could have told me, even if you had to go away, you really should have told me."

"The reason all this happened in the first place is because Derek apparently knew I was alive. The less people knew, the better. I'm sorry, but I did it to protect you, not to hurt you."

Adam grabs Maria to a hug, strongly holding the back of her head with his hand.

"I'm going to get you out of here. And then I'm going to get to my brother, and find out what's going on. We can talk later, but right now I'm going to make sure you get out of here alive."

"But what about you?"

"I can handle Derek."

Maria quickly pulls out of the hug.

"You're expecting me to just leave you? Now?"

"These guys are trained killers, Maria! I can't let you tag along, don't even think that."

"I repeat myself: you expect me to just leave you?"


The old couple style of arguing ensues again.

"So, I should just walk away while you get yourself killed? No way."

"Goddamnit, Maria, we both almost died just a few minutes ago in that elevator shaft! One wrong move and you'd be dead, you really think I could live with myself if something happened to you?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Adam doesn't come up with a comeback, and Maria decides to keep going with her points.

"All I know is Heenan looked like he knew he was about to die, and he died to give us the name Simon Silverman. Heenan knew the name would mean something to me, and it does. You need me here, Adam. Heenan was dying, he had no reason to lie."

"Heenan always had a reason to lie."

"He was telling the truth. Call it a woman's instinct."

"Right, a biological weapon is about to kill the entire state of DC, and I'll put my trust on a woman's instinct."

Maria stays defiant.

"You're stuck with me, Calloway. Whether you like it or not. I just need to figure out who Simon Silverman is. Or was. Or whatever. I was captured once, and you weren't there to protect me. I'm safe with you. I want to be with you."

Adam is in a losing argument, and he knows it. Whenever Maria gets like this, there's no changing her mind.

"Maybe Heenan was telling the truth, and something's going on. And maybe it has something to do with this Silverman. But before we know more, we're going by the assumption that the terrorists will launch the bombs, and I need to stop Derek. We need to find Kev, he knows his way through the base."

"How did Kev get involved?"

"Some undercover operation."

Maria notices Adam being somewhat nonchalant with his reply.

"But there's something more to it, isn't there?"

Adam was never good at lying to Maria.

"Look. Kev's my best friend. He's never betrayed me or let me down in the past. I have no reason to doubt him. But him showing up here did seem - convenient."

Maria is shocked at the mere prospect of Kevin hiding something from Adam - the two were always like brothers, closer even. Anyone in the world could lie to Adam, but not Kevin.

"You don't think Kev has anything to do with this?"

"Kev? No. Never. Look, I don't know what's going on. Let's just find him. We need his help navigating this maze. I'll climb first to the ventilation shaft, you just follow me. And don't get hurt."


I really do like your novel @schattenjaeger it is well done. Keep up the good work

Thank you! Means a lot that you've enjoyed it.

Novel represent our social and living life styles i like it.

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