Black Dawn: Chapter 10 + Story So Far

in #fiction7 years ago

Black Dawn

Story So Far

Adam Black, a former US black ops operative, was betrayed by the government five years ago and presumed dead. Struggling with a lack of purpose, Adam was set to shoot one last bullet, this time aimed at himself.

He was surprisingly interrupted by Bruce Miller, his former military commander and close friend. Bruce helped Adam fake his death five years prior and was thought to be the only person aware of him being alive. Bruce did not show up for idle chit chat, though - a terrorist threat in Washington had emerged, with Adam being required by the terrorists to sacrifice himself in order to stop a biochemical attack, as well as an EMP strike big enough to pull the entire District Columbia offline. Among the hostages was Adam's former fiancée, Maria, Bruce's daughter.

Adam agrees to sacrifice himself to save Maria, but things are not quite as they seem.

After being knocked unconscious and escorted to the terrorists' underground base of operations, Adam learns that the terrorists have no intentions of meeting their end of the bargain by letting Maria go, it was all a play to lure Adam in to get himself killed. Upon arrival, one of the terrorists grunts reveals himself to be Kevin Reese, Adam's best friend who helps Adam escape as the two team up to bring down the terrorists.

Kevin fills Adam in on what he knows, and Adam is shocked to learn that the leader of the terrorist group is his twin brother, Derek. The reunion between the two friends is short lived, however, as a sniper ambush forces them to separate, and Kevin is captured by the terrorists.

Derek knows more then Adam, and tells Kevin he knows Kevin has ulterior motives behind being involved. Derek attempts to make Kevin speak through torture, but Kevin refuses to break. It is clear, however, that more is at play here.

Adam manages to find his way to the base's detention area to get to Maria, and as they are about to make their escape, Adam finds Lloyd Heenan also held prisoner in the cell next door. The sitting president's chief of staff Lloyd Heenan was responsible for turning the government against Adam five years ago, as Adam refused to execute a young boy, who was the son of an islamic terrorist cell leader that he was ordered to take out. This quickly turned the entire government against him and he was branded an enemy. Adam does not know how or why, but knows there is more to the story. But as he attempts to get answers from Heenan, he suffers a fatal heart attack, with his last words being "Simon Silverman".

The name Simon Silverman means something to Maria, but she can't quite figure out what. It is clear, however, that the terrorist incident is no regular terrorist incident at all. Adam wasn't the only one in search of answers from Heenan, and was eavesdropping on the conversation through a mic planted on Heenan, bur as soon as Heenan dies without giving the answers, the alarm is sounded and the guards are in pursuit of Adam and Maria.

Everything that has happened since the moment Adam arrived at the base has been monitored by the mysterious Simon Silverman, who seems to have a vested interest in what is going on. He was also responsible for Heenan's death by remotely shutting down his pacemaker.

It appears as if both brothers, Adam and Derek, are pawns in a bigger game.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

As the guards search the prison cells for Adam and Maria, only to come out short, they are scoulded by Derek through their communicators.

"How incompetent can you be? How on earth could you let them get away?"

"Sorry, boss, there's nowhere here for them to go, they must have slipped away at the very last moment, but we'll find them!"

"Find them, for your sake!"

Derek angrily slams his communicator on the table.

"I'll be damned if I let my brother beat me at my own game! Not this time! And damn you, Heenan, for dying before spilling the beans! Damn it all to hell!"

Derek's self pity is interrupted by Logan, his near 7 foot right hand man.

"I'll take care of it, boss. You just take care of the launch preparations. We've come too far."

Derek manages to calm himself a bit. Logan has not let him down yet.

"You're right. You're right. We have come too far. I'll take care of everything. Bring Adam to me, alive."

"What about the girl?"

Derek ponders for a moment.

"Hmph. She's of no use to us anymore. But I want you to hurt my brother. By taking her out."

"Consider it done."

The guards enter the elevator to exit the detention area.

On top of the elevator, Adam and Maria are trying to make as little sound as possible. They managed to use a hatch on the roof of the elevator just in the nick of time. A second too late would have cost them. Adam has his weapon ready, and Maria is seemingly uncomfortable with the situation.

The elevator starts moving up, and no one seems to think of checking the roof, until the weight limit alarm starts blinking, and one of the guards figures it out.

"They're on the roof!"

Adam starts firing through the roof with his rifle, but at the worst possible time, he figures out he's finally out of ammo.


Maria gets nervous.


Adam is about to let out his frustrations, but quickly chooses not to give out the situation to the guards. The hatch is opened, and the guards open fire at Adam and Maria. Adam pulls Maria out of the line of fire and quickly tells her to jump at a ladder at the side of the elevator shaft, and Adam follows.


The elevator is not the fastest ever made, and Adam and Maria attempt to race it up the shaft, as the angle protects them from the bullets. It doesn't take long for the guards to help one of them to climb on top of the roof.

"Keep climbing, Maria, no matter what! No matter what, promise me!"

Adam jumps down to the roof of the elevator, and barely manages to dodge the bullets in mid-air, and as he lands, he manages to out fight the guard for his weapon and shoots him down. Adam fires at the guards through the hatch, as Maria screams at her; the elevator door on the upper floor is being forced open, and Maria is right in the line of sight. Adam quickly shoots down the guards and yells at Maria to keep climbing. Adam jumps back to the ladder, and notices that an air duct big enough to fit a human crawling in it is right at Maria's reach.

"Maria! The air duct!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes! But this has nothing to do with it"

Maria enters the air duct, and Adam follows, as the elevator arrives at its destination, seemingly managing to escape once again by the skin of their teeth.

The search of Adam and Maria offers Kevin an opportunity to escape, as he being watched by a single guard, too trusting of the fact that Kevin is handcuffed to the pipes on the wall. The guard is called on his communicator, and as he answers he turns his back at Kevin.

"Copy that, I'm on my way!"

As the guard finishes the call, Kevin manages to grab him by the throat with his foot, and kick away his weapon with the other.

"I'll give you three seconds to open these cuffs before I choke the life out of you."

The guard complies and opens up the right handcuff, which prompts Kevin to use it to pull the guard's head at the wall, knocking him out. Kevin then grabs the key and unlocks the other cuff.


Kevin is battered and beaten up, but he grabs his hardballer handguns from the table, as well as a mysterious vile of liquid, which he places in his pocket. As he goes through the unconscious guard's pockets, he takes his communicator, and to listen in on what's going on.

"They must have escaped through the air duct! The air duct leads to the main hall, all guards on post at the main hall! We can't let them get away."

"Copy that."

Kevin limps away from the room to rescue with his friends.

"I'm coming, Adam. Hang in there."

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