Black Dawn: Chapter 3

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Black Dawn

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Adam comes to in the back of the van in the hopes of catching the terrorists talking. He remains blindfolded, with his hands cuffed behind his back, but senses two people in the back with him. He's developed a sort of sixth sense of knowing when a gun is pointed at him - and now there definitely are two guns pointed at his direction. He doesn't even attempt at making a move. The two soldiers talk, and they're definitely American. They are in the middle of a discussion.

"Well, we have the girl. She's the daughter of that commander guy -- Miller. Boss said she's the ace in our sleeve, they won't be coming after us. Besides, the stealth van won't show up on the radar."

"Washington won't know what hit 'em. And it won't be just the EMP bomb."

Adam tries to make sense of this.

"EMP bomb? Bruce said nothing about an EMP bomb. What's their endgame."

"So, once we get back to base, we'll release the hostages?"

"Not all of them. Boss said to keep the girl. She's important to his guy here. And the Chief of Staff. Boss wasn't able to get everything he wanted out of him yet."

"Heenan? I'm surprised that such a weasel could withstand the torture. I wonder if Boss tried the almighty green."

The terrorists chuckle at this attempt at humor. Adam is shocked to hear that name. But he is sure that he knows who they are talking about, since the Chief of Staff Lloyd Heenan sure is a weasel. He is of short stature, and lacks any and all characteristics of an honorable man, always trying to lie and scheme his way out of things. Always looking out for himself with no loyalty to anything except his personal bank account.

Adam and him have never gotten along in any of the interactions they've had. In fact, Adam knows for a fact that Heenan was instrumental in issuing Adam's proverbial death sentence five years ago. Heenan always had it out for Adam, and as his power grew in 2017 by becoming the Chief of Staff of the President, he wasted almost no time in attempting to eliminate Adam.

"Lloyd Heenan? What's that weasel's involvement in this?"

As Adam ponders these questions, the van stops. There is a sound of some sort of a hatch opening, followed by the van taking a steep downward turn, and entering a tunnel by the sounds of it. The outside sounds echo more. Adam tries to put together the distance they've traveled since he was knocked out, to try and come up with some sort of an idea of where they are.

This is quickly interrupted, however, by the van stopping and Adam being pulled to his feet and dragged out of the van.

One of the men grabs Adam by the left hand, while the other three march onward. Adam has no intentions of cooperating further after hearing that the terrorists have no intentions of letting Maria go. But there's very little he can do blindfolded with his hands cuffed, and with no weapon.

Then he notices how the terrorist slowly pulls him closer, and a voice whispers in his ear.

"Adam, don't say or do anything, until I say so."

Adam notices how something snaps off his cuffs, but he doesn't immediately react to it.

"The guy at two'o clock is carrying an M16A2 rifle, standard model. Grab the rifle. There are more guys at twelve o'clock, so be quick. After you take out the guy at two o'clock, there's cover behind a pile of boxes at eight o'clock. In five."

Adam doesn't know what's going on, but doesn't exactly see a better alternative.


In lightning quick fashion, Adam removes the blindfold, tackles the terrorist to his right, grabs his rifle, and as if a day had not gone by since the last time he held one, he fires the rifle, taking down the guard. He notices that he's standing in inside the gates of a gigantic courtyard of what seems to be an underground base. He then turns to his left takes notice of the man who released him-

There's only ever been one man to handle two handguns in such a talented fashion as the man who just released him is doing. The style is unique and distinct. The man takes out more heavily armed guards with his two automatic pistols, and there's no doubt in Adam's mind who it is.

"Kev! What the hell?!"

"Long story, Adam! Shut up while I cover for you!"

The man is Kevin Reese, Adam's former protege and spiritual little brother. He was a few years younger than Adam, and Adam took him under his wings back in the military. They both joined the special forces team, and when together, they were unstoppable. They operate like brothers: they know what the other is thinking before he thinks it, they share an unbreakable bond of trust and loyalty. So much so that people have joked about them being each other's war wives.

Even now, after five years of having no interaction with each other, the magic is still there.

Kevin covers for Adam as the two men jump behind the boxes.

What the men also share in common is their sense of humor - especially in the most inappropriate of situations.

"You know, Kev, we have to stop meeting like this."

"Yeah, I know, but you owe me 20 bucks, remember? See that door on northwest side? I know the layout, we can lose 'em if we make a break for it. I'll explain what's going on once we lose these guys. You loaded?"

Adam reloads his weapon.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Okay, let's go."

"Hey, Kev."

Adam knows they have no time to waste, but he grabs Kevin by the hand to do a firm "bro handshake".

"It's damn good to see you."

"You, too. Now let's go."

The two friends get younger by a decade once they find each other on the battlefield, laughing death in the face. Adam won't admit it to himself, but the fear of death, the adrenaline rush, him sharing that experience with his best friend, it's his home.

The two friends have not missed a beat, their teamwork is flawless, and they clear their path to run the door on the northwest.

Unbeknownst to them, they are being watched by a man in a room filled with monitors and all sorts of cutting edge electronical equipment. He is watching the events closely, while talking on a headset.

"They're in. Let the show begin."


Sweet show, excellent cherry pop there fella

I like this story

Thank you! It makes me very happy to hear that.


I wish you a beautiful day


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