Dreamscapes & Heartbreaks: Dream 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Gods slumbering beneath the unfathomable depths of the ocean was the theme of last night’s dream. I travelled through a world of great natural beauty searching for treasure or any other type of riches in order to make it in this world. Beneath the great ocean of this world lived colossal gargantuan beasts which filled me with fear. As I travelled above the oceans I saw one of the beasts appear near the surface. The size of this creature made me feel like an ant in comparison to a fully grown adult human. These gods from the unknown had the power to destroy and carve landscapes to their will.

I was on a beach when I encountered the destructive force of one of these creatures. It came up out of the water and instantly reformed the area around me by merely passing through. I thought I was going to die, but instead I merely fell a few metres as the beach beneath me gave way. The sand beneath broke my fall, and I eventually climbed out of there. When I was back on top of the sand I discovered that a rock containing diamonds had been uncovered. That god had favoured me, and we were now linked together. It would be able to feel my presence and bestow any rewards onto me if it chose to do so, but more terrifyingly it could also choose to consume me at any time without warning.

After continuing to find more and more riches without ever truly making it in this world I eventually found myself on a transport ship travelling across the ocean. I was still linked to the leviathan that was so close to crushing me on the beach previously, and strangely I could feel its presence near the transport ship. I feared that the beast would decide to scuttle the ship for some unknown purpose. Instead the creature swam by the boat and somehow affected me. I saw myself engaging in a gun fight with a group of men on the boat. I was without mercy. Eventually the mania that had consumed me died down and I found out that there was no gun fight and that no one had been injured. In my mind an argument had happened, and I had resorted to violence which led to more violence. I believed that I had responded well to the situation as I had been an efficient killing machine.

Once more I was transported mentally to another place with a similar situation. This time I had travelled to before a time of the leviathans where I was arguing with the conjurer who was responsible for unleashing the colossal gargantuan beasts which had caused the destruction and changed modern civilisation. The beast that I was connected to had sent me here. It was on a bus and I had been arguing with the conjurer. I knew that she would cause the gods slumbering beneath the unfathomable depths of the ocean to rise. The bus was travelling fast. I once more resorted to violence and attacked the conjurer as the crowd on the bus cheered. I forcefully grabbed her and I threw her off the bus with great ease as the crowd applauded me. Afterwards I felt the link between me and the beast once more, and it showed me how I had shamed and humiliated the conjurer; how I had caused pain and suffering in her life which would lead to her unlocking the doorway between that world and the world of the colossal gargantuan beasts. I was not truth, I was not justice, and I was not vengeance. I was man who had done something terribly wrong. I immediately jumped off the still moving bus without fear of injury. I landed on the ground and rolled, and then I immediately ran down the road to where the conjurer had been thrown off the bus. I found her and knowing I was wrong, I apologised.

I put my arms around her and knowing it would never be enough I said “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me!” and so the world in which the colossal gargantuan beasts roamed the earth vanished.

The god who was connected to me had undone itself for the greater good. It showed me the alternative to violence, and from it I awoke into a new world; a world in which she appeared to me in the form of a cat.

Narrator: “Please come into my world”

And when the invitation was accepted…

The dream began to take control.

She appeared to me in the form of a black cat in the dream world. As I lay slumbering in this dream world she jumped onto my bed and eventually I found I was holding her with my arms. The form of the cat was no more, and when I opened my eyes to see her she was gone. I closed my eyes once more, and once more I could feel myself holding her with my arms.

Eventually I got up (she was gone) and I looked around. Something wasn’t right. Everything looked off. I wasn’t in my own bedroom. It was a false facsimile. I frantically looked around trying to see through this illusion. I tried to remember what my bedroom actually looked like, but I could not remember. The world in which I type this was forgotten, like a long forgotten dream. I could not remember this world no matter how hard I tried. This wasn’t my bedroom. I knew it was not my bedroom, but I could not prove it. I had no recollection of what it should actually look like. And so I was forced to accept the possibility of this reality. I began testing this world immediately. I couldn’t bear to believe that this was a possibility; as it would mean I had probably gone mad and dreamed the world in which I type this. I walked around the room, grabbing and rubbing different materials. Metal felt like metal. Wood felt like wood. I could even see the fine detail of the grain in the furnishings. Everything seemed legit. The wardrobe was a wardrobe. I didn’t want to leave the room. I did not feel safe exploring a world I knew nothing about. What if there were people out there who I should know but cannot remember due to my confusion over reality? The more I thought about it, the more doubt lingered over whether this was in fact a dream or not. I knew it wasn’t real, but it was indistinguishable from reality which presented a problem.

It was a mad situation. I didn’t want to seem scared. So I bargained with myself to at least look out the door and into the hall. I was hoping there was a hall through the door. And as I opened the door I saw a hall. It relieved me that there was not an empty vast white plane or some other madness through the door which I had feared and expected. It was just a normal looking hall and so I proceeded confidently through the hall and into a living room. It all started to look vaguely familiar. Memories of this world were coming back to me, but then I heard some voices. Contemptuous posh voices! I panicked and silently flew like a ninja back to my room. How could I know anyone with such voices? What was this horrible dream world?
I returned to my bed in equal parts terror and disgust at this dream world. I KNEW it wasn’t real or so I kept telling myself. But the dream screamed to me that it was real. I wrapped myself under the blanket and decided that despite whatever was going on; sleep might be a good idea. Perhaps my memories of this world would return, or I would wake up into a more familiar world.

After lying down for what felt like fifteen minutes I slept, waking once more in the same real- dream world. I didn’t get up. I couldn’t believe this world was real. So I remained under covers and tried to sleep. This time as I lay under covers with my eyes closed I felt the pitter-patter of a cat jump onto the bed and climb on top of me. It lay against me. I felt its warmth and its softness and before long I fell asleep one more time. Finally I woke up into the world in which I type this. I checked for the cat, but I was alone.

“I knew that world wasn’t real!” I told myself as I lay in my familiar bedroom with my memories returning to me.

But truthfully I really believed that it was real and that I had gone mad and lost my memories or had always been mad. I was just glad to be back. But I had the faintest sensation that I had brought something back with me.

Her appearing to me in the form of a black cat was strange. What is even stranger is the black cat that now haunts me in this world. It appeared one night out of the darkness. I quickly put to good use my ‘cat-whispering abilities’ and became friends with the cat. A few weeks later I saw the cat coming from town as I was heading into town. We said hello to each other and then I watched as it made use of a pedestrian crossing to cross the road. A few days ago I noticed the cat sleeping in my backyard. As I type this, I check, and I see the black cat still in my backyard sleeping.

I’m feeling tired and so I drink a special elixir containing caffeine, extending my duration in this world.

Narrator: And so we see the Dreamer unable to tell the difference between fact and fiction.

But is the waking world as false as the sleeping world?

Perhaps our dreams are projected fragments of the reality we see around us; past, present, and future.

Is yesterday the same as today?

How different is it?

What about a year?

Or longer?

What changes?

How different is it?

The story teller cannot differentiate between the past, present, and future because time does not move in a straight line, or at all.

The Beautiful Butterfly

A glimmer caught my eye
Dancing sparkling light
Reflecting golden rainbow wings
A beautiful butterfly in flight

As I drew closer
The light became so bright
A supernova of beauty
That made my soul ignite

The beautiful butterfly set my soul ablaze
Kindling warmth and love
Something I just can’t phrase
Everything and all of the above

The beautiful butterfly was elusive
A precious jewel I could never hold
But as I lost myself
Bathed in the sublime beauty
The butterfly graced the palm of my hand
And just for a moment…

Oh beautiful butterfly!
How you’ve entranced me so!

Narrator: The Dreamer has been hooked by the dream.

A Soft and Gentle Sensual Squeeze

With a soft and gentle sensual squeeze
You touched your hand on top of mine
I felt static jump from your body
Time moved slowly and my senses were heightened
In that one touch I knew you wanted me
I touched you back and you reciprocated
We touched and we brushed each other
There was that undeniable animal attraction
We weren’t alone
And so we looked into each other’s eyes
Talking about anything and everything
Touching and brushing whenever we could
Expressing our animal nature
Hiding our animal nature
There was so much in that one moment
When you touched your hand on top of mine
The static between us was potent
And it still resonates within me
Are we building tension?
Or are we holding back?

Narrator: The power of a single touch.

We are animals after all.

Is touch all that is needed to create a false reality?

What sense do you trust the most?

All I ever wanted

I never wanted much
Just everything
But for you that was always too much

I’m greed incarnate
I have a rapacious desire
A never ending voracious hunger

To choose is not for me
Choice is an illusion
From which I’ve chosen to be free

I can never get enough
I can never be satiated
I will always want more

I’m greedy for true love
Because true love is all there ever was
And it’s all I ever wanted
And it’s all I ever had

I never wanted much
Just everything
But for me that was always too much

Narrator: And so it is that the dreams begin to consume the Dreamer.

To be continued...

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover


Dream 2
Dream 1
The Dream Before the First Dream


Sending much ❤️ to Pakistan??
and appreciation for your touching words, a dreamworld , taking me on some wacky journey :) I wonder where you keep those treasures you found over the years ? I read yesterday's heartbreaks and will continue the second part after writing this comment I really enjoy this novel so far ...You can never be too greedy for true love.

The story teller cannot differentiate between the past, present, and future because time does not move in a straight line.....

Thank you! 😊

I keep my treasures hidden in a box, at the back of a cupboard, within my soul.

Oh nooo ! You are sharing them right now 😉🥀 don't hide them !

I am sorry for edits but I am replying on my phone ....

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