Dreamscapes & Heartbreaks

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

For Anne

Surrealistic fictional emotions

“My love was indistinguishable from a madman’s flight of fancy.”

End (but before the beginning) statement.

I’m someone who resides inside the Chronos Café. You’ll find me sipping coffee, staring out the window watching the infinite, but never quite seeing it. And I’ll never quite be able to understand that you are here with me. I want to. I honestly really do. But I just can’t comprehend how someone can be with someone who isn’t real.
It all began during a research expedition. I ate so much cottage cheese! I was trying to dream good… dream real good. I was trying to access myself on a subconscious level. I wanted to control the dreams, and try to use them for direct access to my subconscious. I’d have access to everything! Direct conscious control over the powerful subconscious! I wouldn’t be able to stop myself! But I was not prepared for that kind of power. The dreams became realer than real, often parodying real life. I’d wake up in bed as I went to sleep, living alternate lives, feeling and seeing every detail, more often than not believing that THIS world was the dream. I dreamed infinite worlds… I dreamed infinite me…
Oh yeah! And I went mad (or did I?). That’s pretty important to mention because none of this might not make any sense.
But you have to believe me! You are the most important person in this world!

Anyway, before we begin, her name is Maya, and she is a dream. She is the realest dream I have ever had. She made me believe that I was real. And it was Death who showed me that I was just a dream. Both Maya and Death are beautiful women. Maya is not to be confused with Death. Or is she? I love them both. But that’s just madness…
Maya seems to reside inside of me. She visits me when I dream, in this world and the next. Death lives in the periphery of my vision; I’ve only seen her beautiful face once. She wiped me clean and gave me a new life.
“Don’t fall for Maya” Death said.
But I’m not one to learn a lesson. I made a promise not to change, and also I suffer from a stubborn heart.

Maya, I know you are nothing but a beautiful trickster. But then again so am I…

The dream before the first Dream

The weather was warm. I could feel the sand beneath me as I walked barefoot. I was heading down to the beach. As I walked downhill passed my metallic abode a memory hit me. I ran towards my abode to investigate. And there it was… a new book of mine. I couldn’t remember writing this one, but the memories were slowly coming to me. I checked the cover of this book. It kind of looked like my style but the colour scheme was strange. It had a pale green background with the faintest touch of purple blue. I normally used an easy to read font for covers, but this one took a second or two to read. I thought it looked odd and I wasn’t too sure of it. There was some red crying or bleeding from the centre. At least this red is eye catching I reassured myself. Regardless of the cover I felt so happy and content knowing another project of mine had been finished. There was always that high that came with completing long challenges. It was similar to the feel of completing a marathon. What an amazing surprise it was to discover this book!
It had taken me years to finish, but I couldn’t quite remember writing it. I felt like I had written it in a dreamy amnesia and the more I thought about it, the more memories I could recollect. I smiled and I began to skip my way down to the beach, high from the pleasure of satisfaction from being satisfied from the pleasure of writing this book.
But then I woke up. The happiness from writing this book slowly faded as it dawned on me that this book was a dream. And the memories I had of working on this book for all those years had been a dream. There was no satisfaction in that. I felt like I had been robbed. The reality of this book was snatched away from me. This book only existed in the dream world.

To be continued...

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

I'm planning to upload the full book in segments. Let me know if you like it and want more ^_^


Great writing! I will be wainting for the next part, Riskdebonair!
I Upvoted & Followed you as well.

"Wainting" I love that. Maybe its a typo, or maybe its a combination of wanting and waiting. I'm going to steal it and use it as the latter. A good new word ^_^

Mesmerizing... although not similar at all, it reminded me of Saramago's Death with Interruptions... fantastic idea to relate death to a she! Congrats!

I haven't read that, but if I get a chance I will. Thanks ^_^

Death lives in the periphery of my vision; I’ve only seen her beautiful face once. She wiped me clean and gave me a new life.

This reminds me of a moment in my life. I want more!

Thanks! More will follow.

well written!
So the girl is a dream...


There are five more parts from Dream 8. It should come full circle.

I'll wait for them

This is really good! I will read the other posts tomorrow, cuz I'm going to sleep now.

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