The Night Gods III- The Triumph Of Evil XXVI: The Voice Of Truth

in #fiction7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

[Well, it's been awhile and it's taking me a little bit to pick the thread back up- but here goes]

Baraq U'Bamah's final speech before the upcoming election had no sooner begun when another voice came on the air preempting him... It was Father Tony Pavaglio and his Voice of Truth broadcast coming out of the foothills of the Ozark mountains in Arkansas. After a brief introduction by Bret Shoemaker- a voice that many around the world had come to trust and look forward to with great anticipation. The former priest began by explaining the meaning of U'Bamah's name quoting scripture from Isaiah and Luke that depict Satan as a flash of lightning from on high. He went on to explain the rise of the spirit of antichrist in the latter days, how even many of the most devout would be deceived and issued a stern warning against following him.

"This is the Voice of Truth," the polished voice told his listeners, "Baraq U'Bamah is not who he claims to be, nor is he who many of you think he is... He does not represent peace and hope for the world as he says. The Bible warns of an imposter in the end times- a man who will come forward promising peace but delivering death and destruction. He is the spirit of evil... He is antichrist. He promises a new age if you follow and worship him and a new age he will deliver- an age of desolation, famine, pestilence and death. He is a liar- he is the father of all lies. Do not be led astray by empty promises... he despises you and all that is good, as do the people he represents here on earth. If you follow him, you will be enslaved or killed. Look to your Bible for answers not to this charlatan. You are the answer, not U'Bamah. The truth is not in him- he is evil. Do not be taken in by this imposter. I must go now, but will be back soon. This is the Voice of Truth- God's truth. Trust in God and He will deliver you. Let us pray together." Father Tony finished with the 23rd Psalm.

Back in Geneva U'Bamah was beside himself with fury lashing out at anyone within shouting distance... but there was another in Geneva who listened to the broadcast with an air of hope. President Arturo Oliveira hoped against hope that the priest's broadcast would sway the outcome of the election, which by now was little more than a mere formality. It was in this hopeful mood that he was interrupted by his telephone... it was his assistant:

"I have former President Beck on 2 Mr. President."

What would Beck be doing calling him with the election almost surely lost now. "Put him on," Oliveira said reluctantly.

"Good morning, Mr. President," Beck said pleasantly.

Oliveira could almost see him gloating. "Mr. Beck," Oliveira replied, "this is a surprise. What can I do for you?"

"I have some good news, Mr. President," Beck told the surprised man.

"Is it about the election?" Oliveira asked hopefully.

"No, not exactly," Beck replied. "Maybe better. His Lordship wants to invite you to his home this evening."

"Lord Penrose?" Oliveira was beyond surprised. His mind began to race... what would Penrose want with him? He was backing U'Bamah, that was clear enough. "Is it one of his parties?"

"His Lordship would like you to be present at a small gathering of intimate friends this evening." Beck went on, "...and he'd like you to bring your daughter along."

"Alexa?" Oliveira froze... his blood ran cold. So that was it. "Why Alexa, she's only eight?" Oliveira was confused but more than a little bit afraid. In fact he was terrified. He knew about Penrose's parties and he, like everyone in a position of power, had heard the rumors. "I don't think her mother..."

"His Lordship was most insistent," Beck told him. "Be at his estate at 8:00 and bring your daughter. Dress is casual."

"But what does Lord Penrose want of Alexa, she's only a child?" Oliveira asked. He was beginning to sweat and he was shaking almost uncontrollably.

"His Lordship doesn't confide in me, I can assure you," Beck replied flatly. "If you have any expectations whatever of staying in government service at any level at all- this is the sacrifice you'll have to make."

So that was it... The message was implicit but clear enough, even for Oliveira... Penrose wanted his daughter for one of his sick, sadistic rituals. He thought for a moment before answering. "Tell His Lordship I... we'll be there."

"Good choice," Beck told him before hanging up.

Oliveira sank into his chair and covered his face with his hands, thinking about what he'd just agreed to. What if they killed her? What would he tell his wife... what would he tell himself? He'd heard the stories that child sacrifice wasn't uncommon at these gatherings. His Alexa... she was the light of his life. She had come late, after he and his wife had given up on having children and he doted on her... Maybe they were just rumors created to scare people. No- people didn't make up stuff like that about someone like Lord Penrose if it wasn't anything to it. Maybe he only wanted her for sex... Even that was too terrible to contemplate. What had he done? He shook his head sadly. Maybe he should pack up his family and run away- but where? He felt like throwing up.

For links to previous chapters go to Chapter XV)

GIF by @papa-pepper



Glad to see you're back writing. I've almost finished The Night Gods. Had the weather not intruded, I would have finished it today.

Instead, I went through the Day of the Shovel :-)

Thanks... I thought I was going to jump right back in, but after 2 months it was hard to pick up the thread!

That's the great thing about Arkansas- I don't even own a snow shovel!

It's really a pleasure to read another chapter of NG, dear friend!!! As usual is a great chapter, but I have to say that the last paragraph with the Oliveira thoughts is fantastic! Well done as always, dear friend!

Thank you dear Silvia! I have to admit that after 2 months off- it wasn't easy!

I can understand you, sometimes I do the same with my paintings, but creative work like writing and painting need a "different" time from the other works and sometimes happens that you need to stop them for a bit before to work again on them to have a satisfied result ;)

wow very nice fiction post

Excellent your writing ..I always see your post .And follow you..

great horror story.... in your photography you pick off a great art... i impressed about it...

I always see your post. And follow you..

excellent work by @marty-art

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