The Night Gods III-The Triumph Of Evil- XXV: Dreams Of My Fathers

in #fiction7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

When U'Bamah arrived for his ceremony he looked around for any sign of Gwendolyn, but there were none- she had gone out for the evening, much to Baraq's disappointment. He had no illusion of her attending, but hoped to connect with her later. One of the servants escorted him to a room near the back of the residence where he found a red satin robe laid out in preparation for him.

"Lord Penrose instructed me to escort you personally to the ceremony after you put on the robe Sir," the servant said solemnly.

U'Bamah began to don the red robe when the valet spoke again: "I't's customary to wear nothing under the robe Sir." he said.

"You expect me to get undressed in front of you?" U"Bamah asked with an incredulous look.

"I'll step outside for a moment Sir," the servant said smiling politely.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, U'Bamah removed his clothes and put on the satin robe, pulling the hood up over his head. When the servant returned a few moments later they proceeded into a long hallway at the end of which was a heavy oaken door. The other man drummed five times on the door with his fist before opening it to reveal a large room lit only by candles. In the dim light, Baraq could make out an altar about three or so feet high at the far end behind which was a gilded throne. The carpet was a dark wine red and the walls draped in black. Inside ten or twelve people in black robes stood chatting amiably amongst themselves. When they saw U'Bamah enter they all turned to him bowing slightly from the waist.

U'Bamah had mixed feelings about all of the pomp and circumstance, on one hand he felt kind of silly and on the other, a sense of elation. He was still somewhat suspicious of Lord Penrose's intentions for him... determined not to take part in any perverse sexual acts, he followed the servant who led him to the throne. He stood in front of it for a minute, unsure of what to do next. It was clear that the throne was for him, but he didn't know if it was the proper time to sit or not and thought it better to do nothing for the moment. As if sensing Baraq's uncertainty, the servant placed his hand gently on his shoulder directing him to be seated.

Lord Penrose, clad in a creme colored robe entered, cowl pulled up over his head... although his face was obscured, his carriage was unmistakable. At his side was a small black boy of six or seven years... it was clear from the look in his eyes he had been drugged into docility. Although he was in a semi-stupor the boy was terrified. Penrose led the boy to the altar where the servant who had escorted U"Bamah to the ceremony assisted him in placing the child atop it.

Turning to address the gathering, His Lordship intoned in a deep solemn voice: "The day we have so long awaited has finally arrived. The Chosen One... The Son of the one selected by the Night Gods to fulfill their destiny by carrying the seed of the Chosen One- Eddie Phillips- has arrived and has now become. The Ancient Ones in the flesh- our Messiah is finally here to rule over this earth... the dreams of his Fathers is now realized."

Penrose and the others turned to face U'Bamah seated on his gilded throne and bowed deeply. Somewhat embarrassed and unsure exactly what to do, he raised his hand. On the altar the boy sat watching, eyes wide with bewilderment. With a nod from Lord Penrose the servant and another man approached the boy and held him down while the others dropped their robes to reveal an even mix of men and women. While the two men held the terrified struggling boy, the men took turns sodomizing him while the women watched eyes glistening with anticipation... his moans and struggles only seemed to intensify their excitement. When they finished sateing their lust, Dr. Van Sloane stepped forward clutching a ceremonial dagger that he plunged into the boy's chest, expertly removing the boy's still beating heart, holding it triumphantly above his head.

Penrose took the heart from Van Sloane and walked with it to the throne where he pressed it against U"Bamah's forehead leaving a bloody spot. The others gathered around the altar and began smearing their bodies with the dead boy's blood. U'Bamah sat immobile watching- his emotions mixed with disgust at what he had just witnessed and elation that this was all for his benefit. When they had finished, the servant removed the boy's corpse. All present turned to the throne and knelt, bowing deeply before rising.

Lord Penrose and the others once again donned their robes, His Lordship addressing the guests: "It is done... The becoming is complete- the Night Gods live and are among us in the person of our Messiah- Baraq U'Bamah."

"Baraq U'Bamah," the gathering intoned reverently. The celebrants bowing once more to their Messiah then began chatting amiably among themselves as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever transpired. Lord Penrose approached U'Bamah saying: "Not quite what you're used to is it my boy... you'll get used to it. It isn't every day that one becomes a living god... and gods require sacrifices. Come with me, son, I have a surprise for you."

Baraq followed Penrose into the room where their clothes were and after showering the dead boy's blood from themselves, once again put on their clothes. Lord Penrose led him to a different part of the house where they found the Russian girl, Natalia, who had performed with Cheryl at the party only one night earlier. "I hope you're pleased with this modest offering," Penrose said smiling.

The girl, Natalia, looked up and smiled shyly at Baraq who smiled back. She accompanied him willingly to his estate, but after what he has seen at Lord Penrose's he wasn't much in the mood for anything but sleep. Natalia cuddled up next to him expectantly, but he kissed her forehead and tried to sleep... as he closed his eyes he could still visualize the terrified face of the boy, eyes wide as he was abused over and over by Penrose and his consorts... the last thing he saw before drifting off into an uneasy sleep was the death mask of the dead boy- eyes wide and staring accusingly at him.

His slumber was punctured by one of his recurrent dreams, but instead of the usual "Eddie," this time it was "Baraq," as if chanted by a chorus of the dead. He tossed and turned hoping subconsciously not to disturb the sleeping Natalia. When he awoke, groggy from a night of unpeaceful sleep, he first felt dampness... when he opened his eyes he was staring into the wide-eyed lifeless gaze of Natalia- his bed soaked with her blood, as was he. He shook himself fully awake getting up from the bed to survey the carnage. Pieces of the dead girl were everywhere, her torso mutilated almost beyond recognition. He staggered to a nearby chair and sank into it, covering his have with his hands, he wept bitterly. The dreams of his fathers had cost the Russian girl her life.

For links to previous chapters go to Chapter XV)


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Another great chapter, dear Rich! I know that I always wrote the same "great chapter", but this is the true :D

And I always say the same thing back... Thank you my very dear Silvia. I should have my books in a few days- they sent them off on the 27th. It never fails- the harder I work on a chapter, the less I make on it... Murphy's Law I guess!

As you wrote, it's the Murphy's Law, but don't worry, sometimes also Murphy is in wrong! :D

Tell that to the guy that wants his rent money!

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