The Night Gods III- The Triumph Of Evil- XXIII: I Have A Dream

in #fiction7 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

At the UN Headquarters in Geneva, Baraq U'Bamah had been invited to address the General Assembly. Along with President Oliveira, they put forth their own individual visions for the future of the world. Oliveira being the sitting President had the option of speaking first which he naturally chose to do- his speech typical of his Peace Through Strength doctrine and was met with polite applause when he finished. When U'Bamah took the podium, as if on cue, he was met with enthusiastic applause. He was becoming more comfortable in the political limelight and like a practiced actor, knew how to play to his audience...

"I have a dream," he began. "A dream of a world united in peace... peace through unity. I come here on my birthday to bring you this message... that I will bring the dream of the Founders of this magnificent institution to fruition." After the applause he went on. "I want to thank you for allowing me to address you on my birthday, September 23, the day several years ago, naysayers said the world would end. As the seasons change, so too do the ages of man. For millennia we have labored under the illusion of a loving god that doesn't exist... Some mythical figure with a flowing white beard sitting on a throne in the sky that loves us all... look at the world around you ladies and gentleman- does this look like the work of a loving god? We have worshipped this false god for too long... The true god lives within us all... We are all gods. You are God. I am God... I am God," he shouted, "sat it- I am God, I am God." The applause was thunderous and emboldened him. "I AM God and I will be your leader... Follow me and I promise you heaven on earth."

Like the serpent in the garden, U'Bamah, the father of lies, promised to make man God. Father Tony listened with great consternation as U'Bamah sold his bill of goods to a weary and desperate public. Whether consciously or not he had painted the resistance into a most untenable corner. Any act of violence now would be viewed as a direct attack on U'Bamah's peace initiative.

U'Bamah finished his speech with another promise... that if elected he would rebuild Jerusalem as a place of worship for all- with the exception of Christians whose vindictive God he held accountable for the chaos and destruction. The Dome on the Rock would be restored even grander than before. There would be temples to honor every deity- even one for Satanists and Occultists. Jerusalem in its new found splendor would once again become the spiritual center of the world- a sanctuary for all. What he failed to disclose was his plans for a grand temple in his own honor. It would begin as a benign innocuous shrine that would evolve as his power over the world increased.

With Alessandra and Gerolamo safely away in Avellino, Father Tony decided to call Przybysz to send him transportation to America... U'Bamah's evil plan must be averted. It was time to begin counter-broadcasts to convince the people of the world of U'Bamah's true nature... It was time to flush the wolf out from under his fleece.

The Move- I Have A Dream- so titled after U'Bamah's speech opened to rave reviews across the world despite what critics described as a lackluster performance by its star Damon Campbell. When interviewed Campbell defended himself as best as he could...

"You try playing a guy that's look upon almost as a living god," he said. "Religious figures of the past were easy to play- they were dead. There was nothing to compare them to. Do you have any idea how hard it is when people look at you and compare you to him?"

U'Bamah was profuse in his praise for Damon's performance... "He's right," U'Bamah said magnanimously. "It is incredibly difficult when you can compare people side by side. I think Mr. Campbell did a splendid job- I couldn't be happier."

U'Bamah's praises may have placated the media, but Lord Penrose remained unconvinced. He called Damon to express his displeasure... I don't know what you hoped to accomplish with that sad, sorry acting job," he began, "but if I ever see something like that again, you'll be back doing sex shows at my parties... and they won't be like the ones you were used to- if you get my meaning."

"I'm sorry Sir," Damon explained, "he's very difficult to play- he's almost a living god. I doubt anyone could have done better."

"I think ANYONE could have done better," Penrose shouted before hanging up. "Remember what I told you." Damon would remember alright.

Lord Penrose threw one of his gala events in honor of both the movie and U'Bamah's upcoming electoral victory which was all but assured. Conspicuous by his absence was the star, Damon Campbell who, after his conversation with His Lordship, had mysteriously disappeared. Gwendolyn, in hopes of gathering more information from the guest of honor, decided to attend. She arrived just after the sex show by Cheryl Layne and a newcomer to the New Hollywood a striking 15 year old Russian girl named Natalia Kisarova. U'Bamah disliked the decadence of the shows and was pleased to see Gwendolyn's arrival.

"Miss Penrose," he said with a relieved look, "I'm so happy to see you here... these exhibitions are so distasteful."

"Thank you," she replied, "and remember, it's Gwen."

They spent some time talking quietly before the more formal festivities began- the introduction of U'Bamah and the celebration of the movie. Lord Penrose made apologies for the absence of its star, saying that he had gone on a sabbatical of sorts for his health. Gwendolyn stayed by U'Bamah's side during the formalities although he disclosed nothing of substance. He was becoming adept at being furtively forthcoming as damon Campbell described it. When things quieted down, U'Bamah discretely suggested that Gwendolyn accompany him back to his own estate... which she politely declined saying she didn't know him well enough yet.

In lieu of Gwendolyn's company, U'Bamah decided on an attractive and willing Cheryl Layne for his companion. After a glass of champagne for Cheryl and some small talk, they repaired to Baraq's bedroom where he began undressing her. He remarked at how beautiful she looked with the moonlight bathing her nude body where it shone through the French doors. He undressed himself and began to caress her gently, kissing her neck and shoulders as he did.

They moved to the bed and began to make love, gently at first and then as their passion grew, more aggressive with Cheryl raking his back with her neils. Baraq felt his hands closing around her throat, squeezing more and more tightly. She began to struggle wildly, pummeling his chest with her fists, which only seemed to inflame his ardor. As her breathing became more difficult, her eyes opened wide in terror.

Baraq felt somehow detached from it all, as if he was standing outside himself watching. He disengaged his right hand allowing her to catch her breath, and reached to the night table where he kept a jambiya for protection. Something inside him, something foreign seemed to be driving him. It was reminiscent of one of his dreams- then the name came... Eddie- he had become his father at this moment. He plunged the knife into her abdomen and the mutilation began. He stabbed her again and again, bathing himself and the bed with her blood... then he had his release- it was the best of his entire life.

When it was over, panic began to set in- before he remembered who he was... The son of Eddie Phillips... The Chosen One.

For links to previous chapters go to Chapter XV)



good work @richq11

just 3 words: another great chapter! ^_^

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

Reading now and buying the book right after this weekend! I noted the link already.
Keep going!!!

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