The Night Gods III- The Triumph Of Evil- XII: China Moon

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

Lord Penrose's Halloween soiree may have been the highlight of the year's social calendar for the global elites, but Gao Delun's November uprising in China would make the history books. It was masterpiece worthy of Sun Tzu... While his primary force attacked in Guangzhou, smaller forces throughout the provinces fought skirmishes preventing the PLA from sending reinforcements. The UN troops destined for China had been sent to the US after Wade's assassination and unavailable to aid the Chinese government troops. Because of the assistance of the tongs, victory was imminent. Hong Kong was the final stronghold of the government, but when the provinces finally fell- which should be any day- they would have no choice but to acquiesce. Hong Kong was still a very dangerous place for Gao, but he needed to meet with Wu Feng.

In America, Oliveira's decision to send troops better utilized in China proved as useless as it was ill advised. American patriots used the time to regroup and organize as a national unit. Uwe's technology enables fluid and undetectable communications between groups. The Doctor's list provided Przybysz with names of other patriot leaders and the resistance was becoming an organization. The UN troops, on the other hand, had little to do and as any military man will attest, there's nothing more damaging to morale than boredom. Small sorties against the troops continued... Sniper teams across the country harassed the troops usually targeting officers. The troops themselves proved to be virtually useless.

In Hong Kong, Gao Delun in disguise, visited the Hollywood Road shop of Wu Feng, where Wu was waiting in his basement office.

"Come in, my honorable friend," Wu intoned with a bow. "I trust your journey was not too difficult."

No Venerable One," Gao returned bowing himself. "My humble disguise seems to have once more fooled our adversaries."

When tea was served, it was time to get down to business. "You must forgive my arrival after closing time, but the cover of darkness will benefit my departure," Gao said.

"How then may I be of service, my honorable friend?" Wu asked.

"Two things, Venerable One," Gao replied. "First, I have heard from our friend in Europe who tells me that the new American leader will be contacting us soon."

"What use have we for the Americans?" Wu inquired. He trusted them as little as the British.

"They have new communications software that will be useful to us," Gao told the tong leader. "It changes IP addresses every few seconds making our transmissions untraceable."

"And you need funds?" Wu asked.

"No honorable friend," Gao assured him. "There is no charge."

"Then what is importance of visit?" Wu asked with a puzzled look.

"I need to ask you a question, Venerable One and I need an honest answer," Gao looked deep into the old man's eyes.

"Of course my honorable friend," Wu returned, "there are no secrets among friends."

"Do you know of something known as the Council, and what do you know of them?"

Wu Feng looked unflinchingly at the younger man: "Yes, I know of this Council," he said, "they are a group of very powerful men... evil men that want the world. They are not honorable men my friend... they are gwai lo. Why do you ask this?"

"My contact in Europe warned me not to trust them," Gao said. "She said they are the ones behind the UN government."

"Yes, honorable Gao," Wu told him, "this we know. We in the tongs have dealt with them for many years... since the Colonial days. They controlled the British Empire and were behind the opium trade. They have always been evil people, driven only by their greed and lust for power and domination. We use them- they are easy to manipulate- inferior gwai lo." Wu laughed.

"My contact tells me Venerable One," Gao began, "that there has been a rift among them. That they have split into two factions... Perhaps this will be useful."

"How so, my friend?" Wu asked.

"The shift in power has moved toward the evil faction, honorable Wu," Gao replied. "The better, more moderate shall we say, faction needs friends... perhaps we may aid one another."

"Do not trust the white devils, honorable Gao," Wu said slyly, "any of them. They are useful only as far as we can exploit them and their appetites."

Wu Feng was steeped in the ways of the Old China, as was Gao himself, but to a lesser extent. Wu was in the tongs before Mao's Cultural Revolution and witnessed the changes first hand. mao's thugs would never have prevailed without the tongs... they were successful only with replacing one corrupt regime with another more corrupt.The tongs were apolitical- they prospered no matter who held political power. But the world had changed since the old days. To Gao and those like him, the ways of the tongs, although still necessary, were becoming obsolete- at least for the moment. The Chinese resistance, although near victory, needed all the help the Americans and their European allies could provide if their victory was to last.

"Our victory is nearly complete, Venerable One," Gao told the old man. "The technology of the whites will help us immensely."

"Perhaps the gwai lo my serve us in another way, honorable friend," Wu said eyes narrowing.

"How so?" Gao asked perplexed.

"Premier Zhao, is a stone in our shoe that represents the oppressive regime," Wu intoned. "He is the link to the oppressors... If he were to be removed..."

"And if it was someone other than a Chinese that did it..." Gao mused.

"Exactly my dear Gao," Wu said with a wink, "it takes the onus from us and places it squarely on the gwai lo."

Wu must be getting old, thought Gao... Such a plan would be transparent and likely alienate their new found allies- but Gao couldn't afford to offend the tong leader. Gao resolved to take care of Zhao without tong involvement, or the aid of his new allies... he would need them both after the victory was won.

"I have taken much of your time, Venerable One," Gao said, "but there is one more issue I must discuss. When Zhao is deposed we must have a new leader."

"The tongs will support you, should you choose that role, honorable Gao," Wu said seriously. "We can think of no one more qualified."

"I had hoped to go back to my family when this is over, honorable Wu," Gao said sadly. "I have been absent from them for too long."

"This will never be over, my honorable friend," Wu replied. "There will always be someone with a desire for power. The people know and trust you... I can think of no one better."

The message was clear, Gao thought. Wu and the tongs would try to force him into power... and with them behind him- Wu believed, that after Gao assumed the mantle of power, they would be able to control him.

"I must go now, Venerable One," Gao said bowing. "I will give what you said the utmost consideration."

They shook hands and bowed in the customary fashion... Gao left wondering how he would play both ends to the middle- it would be a perilous task indeed balancing the powerful tongs and the whites.

Wu Feng was not leader of the tongs for many years by mistake- he knew how to get and maintain power by whatever means necessary... usually by deception and cunning. He had risen through the ranks since childhood and was now likely the most powerful man in China.

Gao had purposely waited for darkness to slip away from his meeting with Wu. Disguised as a slightly drunken tourist from the New Territories enjoying the Hong Kong nightlife, he began down the dark alley behind the shop lit only by the full moon. He never saw his assassin slip up behind him, or hear the report of the gunshot that ended his life. He had outlived his usefulness to the tong leader.

Premier Zhao's personal cellphone rang and a voice said "it is done," before hanging up.

GIF by @papa-pepper



I guess Gao, won't need to worry about leading anything now.

The moral of the story being, never trust a man with tongs! (I can't believe I said that!)

Great Post!
Thanks for sharing this awesome post.
Steem on :)

Interestingly and competently written. Thank you, I enjoyed it.

What an amazing story,you can create your own movie or drama sir..

Your talent is perfect for me..

Wow wonderful post

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