The Night Gods III- The Triumph Of Evil- I: And Malice Toward All... 1

in #fiction7 years ago

Fantastic artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

[Auth. Note] Please bear with me, it's going to take 2-3 chapters to set this up and I'll try to keep the first few short so if they're easier to follow. If they seem to end abruptly, don't worry- they'll all tie together. It's a complex and difficult story to tell. The first two NG stories were based on things that have/could have happened. For example NG II took only 2-3 paragraphs to set up the story. In this one I'm trying to weave a 1984/Brave New World scenario together with the despotic regimes of the 20th Century, using a Council on Foreign Relations/ NWO motif. None of this has happened (yet) and I pray it never does... Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

A new dawn had arisen... A dark and despotic dawn. Beck, his presidency cut short, was arrested and executed. The Council was more than willing to sacrifice one of its own to maintain their invisibility- hiding in plain sight. Beck was sacrificed to maintain order as well as invisibility... Someone had to take the fall for the carnage. Although he was gone, the vision for the new order held by his wing of the Council- one clearly outlined on the Georgia Guidestones- lived on. The herd had been culled and a new political order implemented. Despised by the world, but hailed as a martyr for the order, Beck was laid to rest in an undisclosed location. His funeral attended by a chosen few. He was gone... or so people believed. Beck himself was alive and well in Geneva. A body double had faced a firing squad. The United States, such as it was, was under new leadership.

Beck had been replaced by E. Davis Patterson- the former CEO of a large pharmaceutical conglomerate. With the world still in turmoil some 3 years after the conflagration, the Councils had fairly dispensed with the pretense of any democratic process. The people still voted, the mainstream media still selected the pool of candidates, but the political class- career politicians- were a thing of the past.

Patterson was a part of the new political class- career corporatists or financiers. The Congress was comprised of middle management types... The political infrastructure was now a mirror image of a megacorporation. The Judicial system was overseen by the International Court of Justice in The Hague- directorates came directly from them, taking the onus away from local magistrates who dispensed justice at the local level. It epitomized the nameless, faceless justice system. The appeals process had been dispensed with as well... Verdicts were draconian and swift.

For those accused of crimes against the State (which included almost everything- the State was now supreme)- it was the death penalty. Lethal injections were done away with in favor of the more inexpensive and effective firing squad. In the new dystopia, benevolence took a back seat to efficiency. The creators of the Nazi death machine of the 1930's would have been proud indeed of what their post-apocalyptic counterparts had accomplished... they blended perfectly the brutality of Stalin and Beria with the efficiency of Maoist China. The result was a juggernaut of inhuman cruelty.

The United Nations Executive Headquarters was housed in the old League of Nations building in Geneva. The new President was a Brazilian named Arturo Oliveira, chosen by the globalists fro his corruptibility. He has amassed a fortune selling off exotic woods from the Amazon Basin. From there he had branched out into real estate and telecommunications... It was rumored that his fortune almost equalled that of Carlos Slim.

His Chancellor- the second in command so to speak, was a German, Reinhardt Behrmann, the former head of the East German Stasi. he had a reputation for extreme cruelty and oversaw the policing apparatus- allowing Oliveira to keep the appearance of having clean hands. The truth was both were equally brutal and ruthless.

The Minister of Defense was Robert "Duke" Wade, the former American Secretary of Defense under Denning and Beck. After the conflagration, as soon as the dust had settled, he made himself available to the new regime... Being a former general, he was instrumental in convincing many of his colleagues to switch sides. Hated in America now, he stayed in Europe now, where his survival although not guaranteed was greatly enhanced. When he travelled outside Geneva it was in a heavily armed convoy, a practice adopted by most of the upper echelons of the new global administration.

Geneva itself had turned into a compound, surrounded by a high wall topped with concertina wire. Very few were allowed in or out and those who were were searched thoroughly. It had become the safe haven for the global despots. The rationale given the general public was: "How can we keep you safe if we're not safe ourselves." It was far beyond ludicrous... No one was safe. The only safety lay in the rural areas far from the UN oppressors.

Similar precautions had been made in capitals around the world. Most didn't have the high walls, but all had checkpoints going in or out. Without proper credentials, none were admitted. Everyone was required to carry official UN sanctioned identification- at all times. Without them one risked imprisonment or getting shot. A black market in forged credentials soon developed and the World Council (the UN governing body) debated implanting microchips... first proposed in the late 20th Century. The news propaganda machine showed happy families expounding on how safe they now felt because of the improved technology... with the implants citizens could be tracked no matter where on the planet they were.

Celebrities- the entertainment industry boomed as it always does during difficult times. Those who had proved their loyalty to the regime were shown getting dummy implants. Being a part of the elite, they were, of course, allowed to continue their decadent lifestyles. The "New Hollywood" had sprung up near Boulder Colorado, which had been spared the devastation of Denver. They churned out a steady fare of government sanctioned pro-regime propaganda films and soft core porn.

The most popular films by far, however, were anti-government underground movies, independently produced and banned by the regime. They were sold on the black market... the Un oppressors had a special task force designed to route out the producers and anyone else involved. Many of the more patriotic actors and directors eschewed the New Hollywood and went underground. They were brave souls indeed, hunted by the oppressors and executed on sight when caught... Needless to say, they became instant heroes to the people.

GIF by @papa-pepper



Great as always my friend

Thank you my old friend!

The descriptive ablity matches that of the best, this is good friend

Wow! Thank you... I'll be glad when all this background material is out of the way- then I can start telling the story!

Even the world cant wait hahah friend


Thank you my friend!

Can't wait for this story's climax! Bet it'll be intense.

It's a long ways off my friend! I saw the pic of Snoop on your blog page... I like him!

Snoop is a god.

I loved him in Training Day... He was hilarious!

This is shaping up to be a great read.

Once I get all the background out of the way and start telling the story through the characters, it'll get better.

Better, it is already hard hitting great start. This is going to be one fine read I am sure.

Thanks, I appreciate that. It is shaping up to be a really good story... If I can just tell it right!

another great chapter! I have to say you that this "post- apocalyptic" scenario is very intrigued for me, well done dear friend ^_^

Thank you, dear friend. It's kind of hard because in most of the post-apocalyptic stories, the destruction is complete (and unrealistic) In them societies are living a near stone age existence. The first thing that would really happen is that creature comforts being restored... electricity, TV, internet, transportation.

The scenario that you're describing is more realistic than many others and so it help the reader to "immerse" himself in the story ^_ ^ Good choice!

Thanks my friend... I try to disguise truth as fiction- people don't want to read the truth, but if you write it as a story they eat it up!

Great read my friend!
I've waited sooooooo long! Well something like 8 days but that's 7 too long :D

I'm having a little trouble, confusion! Instead of not enough to write- I've got too much. Like I said, it's a complex story to tell and I want to make sure and get it right. I'm happy you enjoy it! Once I get all the background out of the way and start telling the story through the characters, it'll get better.

It's good now that's why I can't wait :)

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That image looks like a Grim Reaper's painting. v''''v

He's very talented... you should check his blog

@richq11 Thank you for your work, I invite you to evaluate my work.

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