in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

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It was Sunday afternoon, Racheal just came back from church and was a bit tired but that didn't stop her from cooking. Why won't she cook? When the man that swept her off her feet within some days promised to pay her a visit today. She walked to the mirror and admire her myself. She was indeed an epitome of beauty and she knew it. She didn't need anyone to tell her that for she to believe. She stares at her face as she touched it softly one thing that attracts the opposite gender to her was the beauty that emanates from her face anytime she smiles, her lips were a full fleshly lip with a uniquely sexy look that anytime she applies her lip gloss men can stop to wonder her kissing her is going to feel like. In addition to the killer curves and straight legs she had plus her glowing chocolate skin, she does know only a few men on earth can resist her if she chooses to seduce them. She looked at the wall clock and she realised she has been in the mirror for almost twenty minutes doing nothing but just staring at herself. She remembered she had something cooking on the cooker as she rushed into the kitchen she thanked her stars that the coconut rice she was preparing didn't get burn as she put off the cooker. She went into her room and pick the black sexiest dress she had and always don't love wearing for it reveals so much part of her body but today she decided to put it on all because of him.

She was applying her make up when she heard the doorbell ring she quickly applied her makeup and adjusted her dress thinking it was Peter at the door but her excitement was cut short when she opened the door and saw George smiling, as usual, she was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word. George spoke ''Won't you let me come in?" "Please pardon my manners" Racheal replied. George's eyes scam through Racheal's body and he was surprised because he hasn't seen Racheal dressed so elaborate before except for their graduation dinner party and her birthday but even at that the Racheal he knew wasn't a fan of makeup and only goes with light makeup's. The dress she put on was something that got him, He wondered how Racheal who frowned at indecent and slutty dressings was putting on one. Despite him be surprised by the sudden change. He couldn't help but admire that she is truly a beauty to behold.

Racheal broke the silence as she cleared her throat and spoke "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it to our date yesterday, I promised to make it up to you someday" George let out a sigh "You got me super worried yesterday at least you could have sent a text stating you won't be able to make it, I had to call Bella yesterday and she told me she saw you around 12 pm and she left you when you were with a friend of yours. Please, can I know what got you so busy that made you to missed our date ?" Racheal replied with a pleading look "George please like I said I'm sorry a lot of things happened yesterday wish I never planned for. I will explain to you later but not now, now isn't just the right time to". And may I know why now isn't the right time? George asked. "I'm expecting a friend George if you could please leave now, I will do appreciate it I promise to pay you a visit in the evening to explain myself better" Racheal spoke
Those words hit George so deeply in the heart Racheal just told him that she is expecting a friend, a friend more important than him. He needed to confirm his questions going on his head. "What friend? Is it a he or a she?" George asked Racheal kept mute. Racheal's muteness confirms George suspicion to be true. "So you are asking me to Leave your house because of some dude?"


"It's not like that, please don't make this hard as it's already is for me I..." Racheal was yet to complete her statement when she heard the doorbell rang. She stood up and opened the door and behold it was Peter holding a bouquet in his hands smiling. She accepted the bouquet with a faint smile and beckoned on Peter to come in. Peter came inside and saw George, he said a hi to George and George replied with a hi too. Racheal spoke "Peter meet with my friend and big brother George, George meet my new friend Peter'. "Nice meeting you George" Peter spoke stretching his hands for a handshake but George refused to bring his hands forth. Peter smiled "in case you don't know I'm Racheal's new boyfriend I guess she made a mistake by calling me a friend'. George replied "Good, I'm not Racheal's brother too". George stood up as he takes his leave. Racheal wanted to see George off but Peter stopped her.

"I can perceive an aroma of a meal, please get me some, my worms in my stomach can bet that it is super delicious" Peter spoke. Racheal walked to the kitchen as she served food for her and Peter. Racheal and Peter were eating and Peter kept flattering Racheal on her looks and meal. ''You know ladies out there are very rare that is so beautiful, independent and a great cook Peter complimented her''. She said a thank you as she blushes. Peter spoke sorry but I have been meaning to ask this question "who is George to you?" "He is just a friend of mine and nothing more" Racheal replied. "It seems to be more than that to me. With the way he looked at you it seems there is something more" Peter replied. Racheal spoke "yeah, he likes or should I say he is attracted to me. He was the one I told you that I want to see yesterday, he did ask me out for a date but I couldn't make it that was why he came here today". Peter replied "Hmmm... I don't feel comfortable with him around you. Can you cut off ties with him?" Racheal's facial expression changed immediately changed immediately "You are not asking me to quarrel with my friend right? I have known George for eight years now right from my fresher year at the university and he has been awesome to me, he is like the big brother I never had".

Peter spoke, "but he doesn't take you as his sister, I will always be here for you and I assure you, you don't need him any longer I'm more than enough for you". Racheal replied "Please let's not talk about George, what do you mean by you are my boyfriend? I thought we are just getting to know each other better". George spoke "don't you want to date me? Don't tell me that after yesterday's incident you still see me as a friend? Racheal when I said I love you I meant it with my whole. I'm not here because I just want to date you but because I want to make you my wife someday, the mother of my unborn children". Racheal was flattered by Peter's words but was also stunned with the way he was talking about marriage it seems so sudden to her she decided to make a little use of her brain this time around, "thanks Peter but I do think we should just stick with the lovers thing for a while before we talk about the future and marriage plans". Peter smiled at her as they continue their meal.


Marian bagged into the house and she saw George lying down on the couch with a bottle. of beer on his hands. She spoke "So you are here and I have been knocking on the door but it seems now was at home" George just kept mute
"What's wrong?" she asked George narrated his experience with Racheal and all He spoke "the most annoying part of it is that she referred me as a brother to him" Marian let a sigh don't let that to weigh you down, there are a lot of good ladies out there who truly loves you for who you are. You just have to move on and look deeply. To George Marian's words didn't make sense to him he told Marian to excuse him as he walked towards the bedroom.

Marian shake her head, it's just a pity that George never noticed her. She has been a friend of George for 6years and has known George and Rachael right from their days in school. And how he has loved and proved his love for Rachael but she does seem to shake a strand of hair for him.
She only wished that George will show her half of the love he had for Rachael but her case seems to be that of if wishes were horses beggars could have ridden. She took the bottle of beer from the floor as she walked towards the kitchen

To be continued...

I'm @prechyrukky and I say thanks for reading. Your resteems, upvotes and comments will be appreciated.


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