in #fiction6 years ago

Please read these if you haven't before proceeding

It's been five minutes into the journey and it was still silent. None of them said a word until he broke the silence. "I'm Peter by name, what's yours?" ''I'm Racheal, I will be coming down here" she said. Okay, Peter responded as he stopped the car.
May I ... Peter was yet to complete his statement when Racheal cut him short. ''Don't ask for my contact for I'm not going to give it to you, thanks for the ride'' Peter was dumbfounded by those words of hers. She took her handbag and opened the car's door as walked out. Peter wondered what could be wrong with her, He just can't fathom what misdeed he has done against her that could have made her hate him, maybe his misdeed was giving her a ride or maybe she is still angry at him for the previous day occurrence, the later certainly lyes the answer to his question he thought.

Racheal got home staring at the mirror and smiling. A quick thought came to her mind, why was she smiling? It was like her senses just came back to her. She couldn't but admit the jerk dude as she referred him who helped her was indeed attractive. Could she be falling in love? Oh no, that can't be possible, falling in love was a never to her not after her last failed relationship.
She drifted from her thoughts and came back to reality when she heard her phone ringing. She looked at the caller and let out a sigh, it was George, one of her stubborn suitors and practically her if not best, good friend. She picked the call as she and George exchanged pleasantries, she told him about how her day was so strenuous and kept gisting him about the jerk dude until George broke the silence. ''Hope you are not falling for him he asked?'' "Never, he isn't my type" she responded." "Alright, I trust you," George said, " remember tomorrow is Saturday I just called you to check on how you are doing and also want to remind you of our date tomorrow". "I can't forget that 2 pm it is right?" Racheal asked, "Yes it's 2 pm, promise me to be on your best dress" George responded. "Sure I will, take care" she said "And you too," he ended the call from the other side.
George was a perfect gentleman, he was indeed what most women if not all desire in a man and Racheal knew of that but to her, George was best for a friend, not because he wasn't up to her standards but the feelings of attractions weren't there. She looks around her apartment as she rose up to get something to eat.

It was Saturday afternoon Racheal and her younger sister Bella was seen walking out of the cinema. They were both discussing the movie they just watched when Bella's phone rang she answered the call and spoke with the caller. "Sis thanks, it was a lovely time hanging out with you," "Mum just called she needs me in the store, I got to go now". Racheal was about bidding her sister farewell when she saw the jerk dude. Peter walked towards the sisters all smiling. "Hey Racheal good to see you again," he said and also said an hello to Bella, "Good afternoon Mr", Bella greeted. "I will be leaving you and your friend now Bella said to Racheal as she walked away."
"Is she your sister?" Peter asked Racheal. "That's none of your business" Racheal replied, she was not at ease with Peter's presence she had the urge of punching him on the face for being such a jerk and at the same felt like holding him so tightly. She just couldn't fathom the feelings she is having for Peter right now.
$If you may not mind I'll be leaving right now, I have an appointment at 2 pm." Peter held her by the arm "not so fast dear, today is Saturday and I guess it ought to be a free day for you, why don't we hang around for a while?" "It's like you are deaf or something I just said I have an appointment by 2 pm with someone" Racheal responded with an angry look. "I'm sorry my angel" the word angel hit Racheal softly in the heart and gave her a kind of feeling, a feeling she liked and also hates at the same time. Peter continued "it's 12:15 pm I promise I won't take more than one hour of your time, I just want us to discuss something. Can we go to the restaurant over there?" Racheal responded "there won't be any need for that, you are with your car right We can discuss whatever we want to discuss in your car." Alright, your majesty, Peter said as he held her hands as they walked towards where his car was parked. Racheal didn't know what made her say yes to Peter's request of them having a conversation but she did. She just hoped the conversation will be brief and nothing really serious not knowing it will bring about a new phase in her life.

Peter and Racheal were seen seated in Peter's car. Racheal broke the silence "Hope you brought me here for nothing? You better go ahead with whatever you want to tell me and please make it snappy". $I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way, I'm sorry for bumping into you the other day at your office it was reckless of me I admit Peter said". Racheal smiled "we practically bumped into each other, so no need for apologies I'm sorry for acting so mad that day I was in a hurry to submit some files to my boss". "Good to know" Peter smiled "I just want to ask you a question. Why do you always seem angry with me then?$ Racheal replied $I'm not angry with you I just don't want to get close to me". "Why?" Peter asked. "I'm going to be sincere with you Peter you seem like someone who is rude and arrogant I just don't know why I feel that way about you even if I haven't known much about you", she said. "That's funny and weird he replied, could it be that you are having feelings for me and you don't want to admit it?" Racheal let out a chuckle really? "You are indeed so full of yourself to think that, how can I be developing feelings for someone I barely know?$ Those words came so freely from her mouth but her heart kept saying the opposite.

Peter spoke "if you don't love me then look at me and say those words you just said". Racheal raised up her eyes to look at Peter and before she could say a word Peter kissed her. She wanted to yell the words ''you kissed me? '' at Peter with a slap at his right cheek but she found herself saying the words so slowly. Peter said "yeah I'm sorry if I took you by surprise you just got my attention and I don't know how this might sound but I have fallen for you, Racheal. Can I kiss you again$ he asked? She didn't give him a response but he still went ahead and this time around Racheal kissed him back
Peter smiled as he touches Rachel's hand were should we go to an amusement park or on a beach? Racheal replied I will go for the former not in the mood to swim right now

It was 7 pm when Peter drove Racheal to her resident. $Sorry, I can't come in it's already late and I have other things to do today. But tomorrow Sunday after church service I promise to pay you a visit". Racheal let out a smile "that will be awesome I will prepare a special delicacy for you". That will be nice Peter replied and gave her a peck as he bid her a fare ware goodbye. Racheal got into her apartment and fell on the couch feeling so tired She saw 25 missed calls and three messages 21 out of the 25 missed calls were from George and the three messages. It was then she came to the realisation that they ought to have a date by 2 pm. She wanted to send him a text apologising for missing the date but decided not to for she was in no mood for George and his long calls, for he will definitely phone her if he gets the message.
The other call was from her younger sister Bella she returned the call and Bella told her that their younger sister Tracy passed the SSCE exams she was so was happy and said a congratulating message to Tracy.
Racheal is the first child among her four siblings. Her Mum and her younger ones reside in a nearby town close to the city she resides in. She relocated from home because of her work. The distance of her family home to her workplace was a 2hours journey and most times may be up to or more than 3 hours journey with traffic and all. She tirelessly stands up and held to the bathroom. She needed to bath and get a good night rest.

To be continued...


This is an interesting story. I'm glad Curie turned up for this post because it actually deserves it. Thanks for this piece.


Thanks for the lovely comment
I appreciate

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