LOVE LIKE HIS: Chapter 4 - Tuesday - An Original Story by @papa-pepper

in #fiction8 years ago


After working a bit in the morning, Gary picks Ray up. Gary has brought some breakfast burritos, which Ray finishes in the car on the way to the supermarket. A pair of sunglasses follow at a distance, round trip. Once the two get back to the apartment, they unload and stock up Ray’s cupboards and fridge before heading to the secondhand store. Despite Ray’s protest, Gary convinces him to pick out some work outfits and a bit of leisurewear, along with an old dresser and a handful of hangers. The next stop is the DMV, which, of course, takes longer than it should have.

“That seemed like a lot of work just to be able to get my license back. I guess now it’ll be easier to get my fishing license though.”

“That’s not the only reason we stopped here,” Gary responds. “Your job will be clear across town, and there’s no way that I can get you there every day. I’ll try to drop you off Monday and pick you back up to show you the way, but you’ll have to drive after that. My buddy owns a dealership down the street and he said that he could cut me a deal.”

“Don’t even try to change my mind; the truth is, you’ll need it Ray.”

Ray almost tries to fight him, but he’s a quick enough learner to realize it’s wiser not to bother. After a half hour at the car lot, Gary tosses Ray the keys to his new car. It isn’t exactly pretty, but it’ll do.

“Gary, the last time I even drove…”

“I know, but that was a long time ago, and that’s all over with now. Follow me and I’ll buy you dinner.” Gary slides into his car and starts the engine before Ray even has a chance to continue the conversation.

Gary rubs his face with both hands and softly says, “Lord, help me.”

Ray follows Gary to the restaurant, and the sunglasses follow Ray. After dinner Ray hugs Gary outside. “Thanks again. Midweek ministries are at six tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, I’ll pick you up on my way. Enjoy your day tomorrow, and check out one of those DVDs.”

As Ray pulls away the sunglasses pull up. “Gregory Swier, right?”

“Yes Sir, that’s me, but you can call me Gary.”

“Well Gary, I’m Detective Timothy Cromwell. Would you mind coming with me and answering a few questions?”

“There’s nothing the matter, is there, Detective?”

“We hope not, but we’ll have a better idea of that once we figure out if you know anything.”

“No problem Detective. I’ll follow you.”

The End of Chapter 4





Thanks, @papa-pepper


Versão em português desse post:

LOVE LIKE HIS - Capítulo 4

Not sure were the story is heading, but I'm enjoying it. Please keep it coming.

Thanks, I only know where it is and some of what's ahead, but the end is unfinished. I'm enjoying re-reading this and working on it some more, and am glad that steemit gave me the chance.

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